
However, that has never been the case both sides of the aisle. We do not have a laissez faire capitalist system. Each party, when in power, picks their own winners and losers.
It was mostly the case through the Coolidge administration. Not perfect, but probably as good as we could hope for get given that men aren't angels.
This is good too, Kamala speak

He need to buy ads on CBS, NBC, ABC, CNN, MSNBC and play that and over and over. Although, the MSNBC crowd it might be wasted. They are all commies on MSNBC.
I THINK I read it in one of Boddingtons book that his unit was on a tarmac with live ammunition issued and orders to go to Angola in support of the South Africans. Carter pulled the plug on it as they were loading the aircraft.

I worked in Angola for 5-1/2 years. The official government was leaning towards communism and being supported by Russia and Cuba. If fact, our rather large oil operation (650,000 bopd) was being protected by Cuban troops (and land mines, barb wire, etc). The rebel forces opposing the government, were supported by South Africa, Namibia (Southwest Africa) and the US CIA.
I worked in Angola for 5-1/2 years. The official government was leaning towards communism and being supported by Russia and Cuba. If fact, our rather large oil operation (650,000 bopd) was being protected by Cuban troops (and land mines, barb wire, etc). The rebel forces opposing the government, were supported by South Africa, Namibia (Southwest Africa) and the US CIA.
Yes, and thank God for Savimbi, without whose opposition, the communists might have stayed around. He IMO was the biggest player because he made up his mind to fight back no matter how long it took or who did what on the international stage. It is unfortunate that no one cleared all those land mines. Not only does the occasional elephant get blown away, but one large industry post war was making prosthetic limbs for victims of land mines.
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It was mostly the case through the Coolidge administration. Not perfect, but probably as good as we could hope for get given that men aren't angels.
If there was one conclusion that the founding fathers (VERY thoughtful men) came to, it was that men were naturally sinful and corrupted and that power corrupted. Their solution? "Bind them down with the chains of the Constitution." Now, corrupt men do their best to subvert it and work around it, EVEN THOUGH the pledge of every soldier, enforcement agent, and leader is to "defend the Constitution against all enemies, both foreign and domestic." They should all have to write an essay proving they understand what that means, and have their employment depend on getting it right IMO.

August 16, 2024
Just as Peter predicted on Wednesday after the monthly inflation report came out, Joe Biden and Kamala Harris almost immediately went into self-congratulatory mode to brag about how great they are at managing the economy.

As President Biden told a gathering of reporters on Wednesday, “I said we’re gonna have a soft landing. We’re gonna have a soft landing. My policies are working.” He then commanded them to “start writing that way”, and we have no doubt their lackeys in the media will dutifully comply.

Not that it matters. It’s clear that neither the people making the decisions, nor the “experts” advising them, nor the journalists covering them, seem to have any real fundamental grasp of the economy.
Peter wrote on Wednesday that, while the monthly inflation report was cheered for posting a 2.9% annualized rate, the details of the report showed a much different picture.

On a monthly basis, inflation is accelerating. Plus, if you strip out the temporary phenomenon of falling used car prices, the actual rate of inflation is closer to 5%.

Then yesterday, the retail sales report came out… and once again the experts cheered: the consumer is still strong! The soft landing is in sight!

Of course, this euphoria was equally misguided. The retail sales report showed that consumer spending is up 2.7% over the past twelve months. Sound fine… except the report explicitly states that they do not adjust the numbers for inflation.

So, wait a minute-- if consumers are spending 2.7% more over the past twelve months, but inflation is up 2.9% over the same period, then, after adjusting for inflation, consumers are actually spending LESS.
This is not a sign of a healthy consumer economy. And data from corporate earnings back this up: everyone from McDonalds to Mercedes-Benz to Deere and even Apple have reported trouble… either slowing growth, or even outright sales declines.

Walmart reported strong growth… and the experts viewed this as yet more proof that the consumer is strong. But they’re missing the obvious: Walmart is the bottom of the retail ladder. So, the fact that more people are shopping at Walmart is a sign that consumers are struggling, i.e. willing to trade down to lower quality products to save money.

But, still, the headlines are all positive… and incredibly supportive of both Joe Biden and Kamala Harris.

This is nothing new, of course. Especially for Kamala. Ever since she stole the nomination, the fawning press coverage at both the national and local level has been nauseating.

Upon visiting the swing state of Arizona, a local paper ran a story entitled “Kamala Harris went to this Mexican restaurant. Where else should she have dined?”

Wow. Such hard-hitting journalism.

Not to be outdone, CNN ran its own Pulitzer-worthy piece, “Kamala Harris joined TikTok. See her first post”.

I’m reminded of Joe Biden’s basement campaign in 2020 in which the toughest question he ever faced was “what flavor of ice cream” did he like best.

The media is perfectly happy to go the rest of the campaign without asking Kamala a single tough question. And they’re now trying to build her up as some kind of economic savant.
Case in point, today she plans on taking this newly conjured reputation for a test drive when she unveils a bunch of idiotic ideas that are supposed to pass for an economic platform.
Her signature piece is to “call for 3 million new housing units” targeted at low income and first-time home buyers. And the media is already orgasmic in its coverage.

These people seem to think Kamala has the ability to conjure new houses out of thin air, or to order them into existence, as if she’s ordering a pizza. It’s ludicrous.

Just look at Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg’s track record. This guy was given $7.5 billion to build 500,000 electric charging stations across the country. He built eight. I think my cat could have done a better job than that, and probably still had plenty of money left over at the end.

Or just look at how much money the City of San Francisco, or the State of California, spend on the homeless: $24 billion over five years, which works out to $28,000 per homeless person per year. And they haven’t even come close to solving the problem.

So, I can only imagine how much money will be spent per house that Kamala dials up. The US government’s low-income starter homes will probably end up being the most expensive real estate in the world on a per square foot basis.

Not to completely ignore the private sector, Kamala also wants to create new tax incentives which will make it more attractive for real estate developers to build new low-income homes.
This is extraordinary. It’s almost as if she finally realized that lower taxes stimulate economic activity… and higher taxes reduce economic activity!

Yet bizarrely, a second major focus of Kamala’s economic platform is to raise taxes on businesses and successful individuals.

Hello, irony? This is Kamala. Seriously, lady, if low taxes are a good idea to boost production in the real estate sector, then why the hell aren’t low taxes a good idea for, you know, the rest of the economy?!?!

But the lunacy doesn’t stop there… because the other signature piece of her new economic policy is to tackle the true root cause of inflation.

And if you’re thinking “outrageous government spending” or “Fed money printing”, then you’re wrong. The true root cause of inflation, according to these people, is corporate greed.
So, Kamala plans on… I don’t even know… banning greed? She’s going to “monitor” corporations and somehow prevent price increases. No one understands what this possibly means, least of all Kamala. But again, the press is already running with it, and experts are acclaiming that it will bring down the debt, end inflation, create jobs, and pretty much every rosy scenario imaginable.
I used to think it would be really hard for someone to be more idiotic and destructive than Joe Biden. Based on details now emerging, it’s clear I was wrong.
To your freedom,

James Hickman
Co-Founder, Schiff Sovereign LLC
If there was one conclusion that the founding fathers (VERY thoughtful men) came to, it was that men were naturally sinful and corrupted and that power corrupted. Their solution? "Bind them down with the chains of the Constitution." Now, corrupt men do their best to subvert it and work around it, EVEN THOUGH the pledge of every soldier, enforcement agent, and leader is to "defend the Constitution against all enemies, both foreign and domestic." They should all have to write an essay proving they understand what that means, and have their employment depend on getting it right IMO.

Unfortunately, it's "we the people" that must bind them with the chains of the constitution via voting for people who will maintain fidelity to those principles of limited government.

We haven't, and it makes Franklin's admonition of "if you can keep it" really hit home.
Interesting paragraph from Congressman Higgin's Report dealing with the assassination attempt on Trump. Sounds like the shot from the local SWAT snipper may have disabled the snipers rifle and saved more lives,

• The 9th shot fired on J13 was from a Butler SWAT operator from the ground about 100 yards awayfrom the AGR building. Shot 9 hit Crooks’ rifle stock and fragged his face/neck/right shoulder areafrom the stock breaking up. The SWAT operator who took this shot was a total badass; when he hadsighted the shooter Crooks as a mostly obscured by foliage moving target on the AGR rooftop, heimmediately left his assigned post and ran towards the threat, running to a clear shot position directlyinto the line of fire while Crooks was firing 8 rounds. On his own, this ESU SWAT operator took avery hard shot, one shot. He stopped Crooks and importantly, I believe the shot damaged the buffertube on Crooks’AR. I won’t be certain of this until I can examine Crooks’ rifle, but I’m 99% sure,based upon reliable eye-witness ESU tactical officers who observed Crooks’ rifle before the FBIharvested it as evidence. This means that if his AR buffer tube was damaged, Crooks’ rifle wouldn’tfire after his 8th shot.

I might have been overly generous with praise of Savimbi--I was recalling things said in the Reagan era 20+ years ago. He was an imperfect man. But it was useful that he turned against the commies who once trained him.
Not such a "young" turk anymores...
TYT is an homage to the muslim Turks who slaughtered about a million Armenian Christians early in the 20th century.
I worked in Angola for 5-1/2 years. The official government was leaning towards communism and being supported by Russia and Cuba. If fact, our rather large oil operation (650,000 bopd) was being protected by Cuban troops (and land mines, barb wire, etc). The rebel forces opposing the government, were supported by South Africa, Namibia (Southwest Africa) and the US CIA.
I go to church with a man that worked in the oil industry in Angola. He said it was interesting times. I believe he was there in the early 2000’s and retired a year or two ago. His name is Randy Hardin just in case you know him.
I go to church with a man that worked in the oil industry in Angola. He said it was interesting times. I believe he was there in the early 2000’s and retired a year or two ago. His name is Randy Hardin just in case you know him.
I was there 2003-2009. That name doesn't ring a bell.
You emphasize articles like this in ads.

I agree with you, to a certain extent. However you would likely only be able to run those ads on FOX which is primarily viewed by Boomers who will already be voting for Trump.

However the X interview has reached over 900mil people of all demographics that both love and hate Trump; having said that I believe you will see more ads/interviews closer to election time as I believe the emphasis now is on keeping the large swaths of Black/Latino voters engaged that have walked away from the Democrat part.
Trump does not need to convince Biden/Harris voters, but the independents and undecided GOP Haley voters. He has been playing to his base who would vote for him even if he paraded naked on main street.

I'm going on record that I'd like to avoid that last bit please.
The Harris plan to punish big business for price gouging.

Once again, those who broke it have the solution to fix it.

It’s mind-boggling how people don’t tie these things together

They created the housing bubble and the market collapse.

They create the Covid inflation and where we’re at now, and their answer is to punish the victims who are dealing with high prices of materials.

This could be the most damaging example of government incompetence and meddling that I’ve seen yet in my life. if they’re able to pull this off, it will wreck the economy for decades. Or forever.

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