
These are the "women" that Kamala wants campaigning with her. :ROFLMAO:

:A Vomit::A Vomit::A Vomit::A Vomit::A Vomit:
A lot of people, on both sides of the aisle, don't care for John Bolton. I happen to find him very interesting, smart and a true patriot.

The USA has labelled both Canada and the EU as threats to their "National Security" in order to justify new duties declared by their military Commander-in-Chief on the international trade of steel and aluminum. So I suggest that USA made products such as firearms and ammunition should be sold exclusively within the USA so Canada and Europe can help our esteemed neighbour defend themselves and improve their national security. Sadly, I have come to the conclusion that Canadians and Europeans should make do with their own products exclusively. For all our AfricaHunting friends in Canada, Europe, Africa and elsewhere, please don't buy any American made products. Lets's support the USA in their concern. One can never be too careful when there are evil guys to deal with, and it is our duty to help, as always.
I agree, stop buying our American made stuff, firearms and ammo have gone through the roof in cost. Less demand will actually help us evil Americans bring our cost down.

On another note us evil Americans should stop all foreign aid and refuse any military support next time Europe finds itself in a bind.
I agree, stop buying our American made stuff, firearms and ammo have gone through the roof in cost. Less demand will actually help us evil Americans bring our cost down.

On another note us evil Americans should stop all foreign aid and refuse any military support next time Europe finds itself in a bind.
Could you imagine the carnage and chaos if the USA pulled all military assets from Europe. Can you imagine the economic boom the USA would have if we stopped paying trillions of $ for the protection of Europe. Maybe it’s time to try out your idea of every country supports only itself.

Germans would freeze to death without Russian oil. Just saying

Semper Fi
Could you imagine the carnage and chaos if the USA pulled all military assets from Europe. Can you imagine the economic boom the USA would have if we stopped paying trillions of $ for the protection of Europe.
I think the carnage and chaos you mention would likely wipe out any economic boom the USA would realize and then some.

I fully support Europe living up to its obligations in providing for themselves as much of their defense as they can. But we've tried isolation of the U.S. before and it didn't work out so well. We pull out now, we're only emboldening and aiding the aspirations of Russia and China.
I love your quote “ providing for themselves as much of there defense as they can”

Your are proving my point, without USA military Europe doesn’t exist. It would rapidly be divided between Russian and China.

Europe has become like a welfare recipient of the very generous USA.

And we as USA citizens reap absolutely nothing in return except pompous attitude and the dreaded Oliver saying “sir, can I please have some more”

Let Europe live or die on its own merits, money, and military. No more us aid, no more us military youth getting killed for countries who refuse to take care of themselves. Gone this idea a try for maybe 4 years…..Europe citizens would be building boats to flee across the pond just saying. Not to many USA citizens fleeing to Europe geesh
And don’t me started in Canada….Vermont green mountain boys could invade and take it over in about a week . Your leader is gotta be the biggest dink ever and that’s says something with mush brains at the helm down here
I love your quote “ providing for themselves as much of there defense as they can”

Your are proving my point, without USA military Europe doesn’t exist. It would rapidly be divided between Russian and China.

I don't disagree with that at all. Where we disagree is whether or not that would be a good thing for the USA. I don't think it would be. A much more economically stronger Russia and China is not in our interest.

It's a question of return on investment. Your argument assumes the USA has not benefitted from its investment in the security of free nations. I would argue that is not true at all. We have. What certainly can be questioned is how much investment should be, particularly in comparison to that of our allies. You're arguing for zero investment, that's been tried before and it didn't work out so well.
Tried in a much older less techno world.
The return on our investment has been a complete and utter fail. We are broke, Europe is broke.

No way in unicornville can we pay our debt, the only way to balance the sheet is controlled bankruptcy.

Hunger games for the politicians and sanctioned unicorn hunts to us here on AH, with pay per view maybe??? L

Just post 1776 we were isolated, let’s get back to that imho
Isolationism has got to be one of the most idiotic and nonsensical geopolitical approaches one can have in this day and age. It is not impossible to take care of business at home and abroad.

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Kudu2025 wrote on stk's profile.
I will take that Sako .375 if it is still available
booker wrote on Wesley's profile.
Christensen MPP 308 w/o brace
CZ 1012 12 ga
Tokarev TBP 12ga Bull Pup
Stoeger M3000 12ga
Springfield Prodogy 9mm
booker wrote on Wesley's profile.
Hello Wesley, on your M70 .416 do you only want cash or are you interested in trades?
gunslinger1971 wrote on Gray Fox's profile.
Do you still have the Browning 1895 and do you want to sell it? I'm might be interested. If so please let me know and do you have any pictures?

Steve in Missouri
Redfishga1 wrote on gearguywb's profile.
I would be interested in the ruger if the other guy is not.