
I think Trump will be mad at Fox News, he is on there tonight, wonder if he will say anything.

IMHO. It’s more than theatrical. It’s going to minimize the court and endanger the justices lives.

He should go back and read his oath to the constitution
I think Trump will be mad at Fox News, he is on there tonight, wonder if he will say anything.

View attachment 622662
If this holds, the race is likely over. She will get additional lift after the convention, and many states will start voting almost immediately - including, I believe, all of these.
IMHO. It’s more than theatrical. It’s going to minimize the court and endanger the justices lives.

He should go back and read his oath to the constitution
Because it won't happen, it is purely theatrical.
I’ll get behind term limits for the USSC when it’s paired with 12 year term limits for Senators and Representatives.
Because it won't happen, it is purely theatrical.
Please listen to how he villainized the justices in Austin today. It wasn’t harmless politics

It doesn’t have to actually be enacted to damage the legitimacy of court. This is paving the way for them to ignore the USSC rulings.
I’ll get behind term limits for the USSC when it’s paired with 12 year term limits for Senators and Representatives.

I could live with 12… but would prefer 8…

And that’s total time in congress… they don’t get 8 in the house and then 8 more in the senate…
Joe Biden is not behind the changes they want on the supreme court. Kamala Harris is. It is dead on arrival anyway.
They are just trying to create campaign narrative that can be tied directly to abortion, and appeal to the lunatic fringe of the voter base.
At what point would the right take up arms on a wide scale against a perceived tyrannical government?

I contend it would never happen.

‘Good times make soft men.’ :cool:
Sitting around campfire back during the Clinton Regime, a buddy of mine said then he was ready to take up arms, I said Joe I'll believe that as soon as you start voting, the next season he was registered voter. But everyone talks a big game, if you're the leader taking up arms, before you get very close to the enemy you better look back and see how many of your friends are still there
Oregon Legislature used to meet every other year, 100+ legislators. My Dad had a great idea maybe have 2 legislators meet every 100 years. Oregon would still be great if the people would've listened to the logic. LOL!!!
I think Trump will be mad at Fox News, he is on there tonight, wonder if he will say anything.

View attachment 622662

Thats favorably rating though a positive, is actually better than I expected.

James Carville, who I disagree with on pretty much every position, but is a genius political mind, said the democrats need to calm down this is the best her ratings are going to be. I tend to agree with that.

Right now everyone is excited she isn't Joe, but eventually that will wear off. I thought she was going to walk away with the nomination in 2020, but she didn't, she faded. She is not a likeable person and eventually that shows. I will be more concerned depending on what the numbers are like on Oct 30th.
I have a question, and please forgive my little bit of sarcasm.

Some of you here seem to have a lot of great ideas, and those on here seem to know more than those who are advising or running this campaign and even our party. Is there a way some of you guys who are well versed and know a thing or two about politics to notify these advisors and give them your $0.02 cents worth of opinion? Instead of spending all this energy on here and arguing over the same thing over and over, and saying that we should do this, or they should do that, why not tell them. They are supposed to be representing us, so why say something. Otherwise, we are just blowing hot air and not going anywhere. My $0.02 cents worth.

Brother, do you know how hard it is to get the vote out for Mitt Romney.
New disturbing text messages show that the shooter was spotted with a backpack and using a range finder 90 minutes before the campaign began.
The lead SS agents need to be fired as well.
Every day a new failure emerges about the SS or FBI, it's ridiculous.
I hope Trump wins and cleans the swamp out!
Can't stand listening to Kackala Harris or Brandon.
If anyone was able to clean out all the alphabet agencies there would be maybe three people in said agencies that are actually above board. They are liars and cheats and it’s ingrained in their dna.
If anyone was able to clean out all the alphabet agencies there would be maybe three people in said agencies that are actually above board. They are liars and cheats and it’s ingrained in their dna.
I think there are plenty of people in the lower ranks who are sincere and dedicated. It's when you get to the upper echelons that you get to the people who have sold their souls for the power rush, the large retirement and the post-career consulting gigs.
Think it isn't going to be how people are hoping her election lead up is going to go.....seems her momentum is building.....


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Longfeather1 wrote on Cmwkwarrwn's profile.
Hello Clark
Thanks for the interest in my rifle. If you want to discuss it further you can email me direct at [redacted] or call my cell number [redacted].
Look forward to talking with you.
Jack Kramer
quacker attacker wrote on JMV375's profile.
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Raskolnikov743 wrote on skydiver386's profile.

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