
This is to simplistic. If we go by this logic America is an ally of Russia. Because the wars in the middle east created by the US created the immigration problem for Europe. Syria, Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya. Millions of immigrants that destabilized Europe. One of the strategic goals of Russia achieved.

This whole if you not with us you are against us mentality is not helping. Maybe Hungary has other strategic goals that do not align with the strategic goals of the US. That does not necessarily mean you are a puppet of Russia.

Lots of European conservatives have different opinions on this subject and others. Doesn't mean they are my enemies.
Victor Orban and his party was working actively against Sweden and Finlands NATO membership..the fact is that his party is right wing bordering facist..

He recently met Putin in Moscow..without seeking any consent for the visit within EU..

So it is hard to see that he is not running Putins errand in Europe..
All NATO members agreed the membership of Sweden and Finland. Including Hungary.

Also his party is a left wing oriented one.

He is elected in a democratic election by the people. The word fascist is thrown around too easily these days.

He clearly has a different opinion about the war. No reasons to deny that. But since he also visited Ukraine and his reason is to achieve peace. It seems logical to go to Moscow since they are the other party in the war.
No..his part is right wing.. Fidesz was originally founded as an anti-Marxist-Leninist movement..

Orban struggeled for a long time to ratify Swedens NATO membership..so its hard to see that he is not running Putins errand in Europe these days..

No..his part is right wing.. Fidesz was originally founded as an anti-Marxist-Leninist movement..

Orban struggeled for a long time to ratify Swedens NATO membership..so its hard to see that he is not running Putins errand in Europe these days..

You are correct. It is indeed a centre right party. They aligned previously with the Christian democrats in the EU in think. Has a mix of policies you can deem left or right. I stand corrected.

I think is not helpful to call anyone who has a different opinion a puppet of Putin. He is a contributing NATO member. Had a good meeting with our former Prime Minister Rutte who will be the security general of NATO.
Is anti communist and works for his people.

Yes, he has a different opinion about how to settle the war. Is that enough to call someone a fascist or puppet of Putin?

But the media did a good job. Like they did with former president Trump from across the pond. We know the media only tells the whole truth and nothing but the truth.
View attachment 622090

Evidently this guy was hanging out at the opening ceremonies. :ROFLMAO:

Victor Orban is trying to ride two horses at the same time..it is about getting benefits from both sides..

Notice that this gas deal with Russia was secured after Putin invaded Ukraine..

But perhaps it is not an invasion to you..more like "a special military operation"..?

This is to simplistic. If we go by this logic America is an ally of Russia. Because the wars in the middle east created by the US created the immigration problem for Europe. Syria, Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya. Millions of immigrants that destabilized Europe. One of the strategic goals of Russia achieved.

This whole if you not with us you are against us mentality is not helping. Maybe Hungary has other strategic goals that do not align with the strategic goals of the US. That does not necessarily mean you are a puppet of Russia.

Lots of European conservatives have different opinions on this subject and others. Doesn't mean they are my enemies.
But assuming that is true, it also means they then certainly are not an ally - particularly if those nonaligned goals are in conflict with US national interests and those of its other allies in NATO.

I never used the word enemy or fascist with respect to Hungary or Orban. But they are also not an ally in the same way that the UK, Poland, and Germany are at the moment. Doing anything to delay Swedish membership to NATO was clearly not the action of a trusted ally - whatever Orban thought he could get for his intransigence. Delaying support to Ukraine is equally at odds with his nation's membership in the Atlantic alliance and directly, not indirectly, aids the Russian war effort. I am fairly certain the patriots of 1956 would be appalled.
I can see that perspective. I think sometimes nations are at odds with eachother by different interests and goals they try to achieve. Hungary is literally in the middle of Europe so as small country they do not want to make enemies.

Like any other group also the patriots of 56 would have different opinions amongst themselves regarding this subject.
If Trump would just talk less and think a little more, he could win this thing. But good Lord - "You won't have to vote again in four years ........" That is Bidenesque. Might as well give the DNC and the press incendiary ammunition.

If Trump would just talk less and think a little more, he could win this thing. But good Lord - "You won't have to vote again in four years ........" That is Bidenesque. Might as well give the DNC and the press incendiary ammunition.

Do you really think it will come to that..that Trump will talk less and think more.. :Cigar: ??
If Trump would just talk less and think a little more, he could win this thing. But good Lord - "You won't have to vote again in four years ........" That is Bidenesque. Might as well give the DNC and the press incendiary ammunition.

If it were Biden or Harris to say that, we would have had seventeen pages about it already
Democrats, the neo Nazi’s.
They are! They are taking the playbook from Joseph Geobbels. Lie through your teeth. Accuse your opponent of all the bad things you are doing. Just listen to Biden's recent speech. Insinuating that Trump is a threat to Democracy!? The democrats just elevated a candidate for president without her getting a single vote! Sound much like Hitler taking power?

Did you catch how Biden is calling for Supreme Court reform? What is that? How do we have Separation of Powers if the Administrative Branch can mess with the Judicial Branch?

I'm not only worried about the 2nd Ammendment, I'm worried about our whole Constitution..

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Redfishga1 wrote on gearguywb's profile.
I would be interested in the ruger if the other guy is not.
Bartbux wrote on franzfmdavis's profile.
Btw…this was Kuche….had a great time.
Sorry to see your troubles on pricing.

Happy to call you and talk about experience…I’m also a Minnesota guy.
Ready for the next hunt