
This is just one of the first links I saw when I searched but gets the point across of one particular reason why some are not sold on IVF. Like I said earlier. We're playing God now.

With all due respect, you really don't understand what this process entails. It is not "playing god", it is act of God's love to give some couples the ability to have a child and experience that love. I am more than happy to have a private conversation with you about it, if you are open to it.
With all due respect, you really don't understand what this process entails. It is not "playing god", it is act of God's love to give some couples the ability to have a child and experience that love. I am more than happy to have a private conversation with you about it, if you are open to it.

That article didn't say in plain terms what happens to the embryos not chosen. These embryos are discarded. Again I made my point clear that some view an embryo as a life and some don't. I go back to the cake metaphor.

I would also point to paragraph 3 of the article below as to what often happens if more than the desired number of embryos develop into a fetus.

This is yet another example of why some are opposed to IVF which was my main point to @VertigoBE .

If you can enlighten me as to how choosing a desired, screened embryo, discarding the rest and possibly aborting extra fetuses when too many take isn't at least borderline playing God then I'm all ears. Maybe playing God is a term some don't like but you can't discount others moral and ethical concerns.

Yes I understand giving people the ability to be parents through IVF. It's everything that goes along with the process that people question and/or flat out disagree with.

Let's also not forget the complete lack of responsibility on all sides with the world famous "Octomom" IVF saga.

If there is something you don't wish to air publicly and would rather do in a private conversation I'm all ears and open to it. If it's something you can say publicly I would encourage it for the benefit of all. My views are pretty clear.
Back to a less divisive topic. Politics

Kamala has gotten enough delegates to gain the nomination. She’s also gotten 80 million in 24 hours.

I still believe after the initial buzz and high is over. people will be reminded of her policies and three-year track record of destruction.
It’s definitely a horse race now.
Trump needs to quickly, and divisively state, loud and often. That Roe v. Wade was never constitutional
And he returned it to the states where it should be. And that he has no further plans to make abortion illegal nationwide.

The federalist’ designed our system this way. So you have the freedom to move to a state where you are more aligned with the laws.

If Trump doesn’t make a definitive statement that he is not going to go further on abortion. Harris can definitely win.

Then we are back to holding the house and maybe gaining the Senate to limit the damage she can cause.

her incompetence will almost certainly get us into a major war eventually.
Watching the left now fawn over her after 3+ years of rightfully not wanting to acknowledge her existence is astonishing. There is no bottom for them.
Isn't this all a little too ironic? Biden essentially started his presidency in the basement. Now he's ending it in the basement. Are democrats actually okay with this?

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