
The huge advantage Harris has is dredging up the old play book that republicans are going to outlaw all abortions. I’m sorry “women’s reproductive rights”

A large portion of democrats are single issue voters. They don’t care about the border or the dozen other debacles caused by Biden and Harris. As long as they can use abortion as birth control. All good.

So Harris will beat the abortion dead horse for 3 months solid
Ideally, she would lean in to her experience as a prosecutor. Law and order at the border and around the world. Make this election a choice between a former prosecutor and a convicted felon. I think that would sell well with the public. However, my guess is that she sticks with the Biden platform.
Her record as the one who prosecuted the whistleblower in the case against clinics selling baby body parts, caught on tape? Her record for record numbers of black men arrested/prosecuted? WHAT record did you have in mind?....besides, we have seen her work on the border...
I wish more voters would take a look at their grocery bills.
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Manchin is saying he might rejoin the Dems and run. Would dems come out and vote or would they be reluctant and just stay home with everything that has happened? Is Trump potentially winning enough to get them out? He’d get every non committed voter/independent out there and a ton of republicans as well. I don’t know him good enough to say yay or nay but the little I do know, I could get behind him if he was the president, and I’m a big conservative. In this current political environment he would probably have a damn good chance of winning if he can get the democratic base to come out and vote. I believe Trump is going to have a ton of people voting for him again and that is going to be hard to beat.
Manchin is saying he might rejoin the Dems and run. ... I could get behind him if he was the president, and I’m a big conservative. In this current political environment he would probably have a damn good chance of winning if he can get the democratic base to come out and vote.
Kamala is already having an effect on the Democratic base. I doubt with all the endorsements she is getting Manchin has a chance.


The huge advantage Harris has is dredging up the old play book that republicans are going to outlaw all abortions. I’m sorry “women’s reproductive rights”

So Harris will beat the abortion dead horse for 3 months solid
It is a pretty good horse to beat for the suburbanites. I know women that used to vote for GOP candidates that will never vote for a GOP candidate due to the abortion issue. And most of them are not childbearing age, but take offense to GOP attacking “women’s reproductive rights” and forcing their religious views on them.
Ideally, she would lean in to her experience as a prosecutor. Law and order at the border and around the world. Make this election a choice between a former prosecutor and a convicted felon. I think that would sell well with the public. However, my guess is that she sticks with the Biden platform.
That only works for people who are unfamiliar with her abuses as a prosecutor. That describes almost all democrats. And to be fair, probably a lot of Trump supporters, but they aren't at play here.

I mean...I'm a former big city cop, and I look at what she did as a prosecutor and am absolutely horrified.
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It is a pretty good horse to beat for the suburbanites. I know women that used to vote for GOP candidates that will never vote for a GOP candidate due to the abortion issue. And most of them are not childbearing age, but take offense to GOP attacking “women’s reproductive rights” and forcing their religious views on them.
You make a good case for repealing the 19th amendment.

Male property owners and veterans.

REQUIRE women to register for selective service or give up the franchise, watch how many of them decide they aren't interested in voting anymore.

The women in my family (wife, mother, sisters, nieces, daughter) are all staunch republicans, and every one of them would give up their power to vote if they were required to register with selective service.
I don't think many are claiming there was a shooter on the water tower. Only that the water tower was a vantage point overlooked by the Secret Service team.
With the state of our choices, no matter who the democrats run. either way too far left or right. We should all be very concerned for our country.
For the life of me I can’t understand how if the polls say that roughly 80% of voters wanted someone else, how did Biden and Trump get so many votes.
Given the choices I’ll gravitate to the far right candidate even though I’m not a Trump fan. I just fear the country will not recover from the continuation of the democrats current policies which I fear will happen if Harris wins the he election. Or any of the other people they may run.
I’m most con concerned for my grandkids, they have grown up being forced by the government to wear a mask, stay home from school, don’t get within 6’ of another person and the list goes on. I don’t want them to think that that crap is normal in a free country.
It is important to have facts correct. We are not and have not provided monthly $60-90 billion dollar aid packages to Ukraine. Though had we the first year, the war might well be over and Putin would be back in his box. To date, the US has passed authorizations for $175 billion of which $107 billion actually directly supports Ukraine. The war has been going on 30 months. You can do the math. Spread over three years of four to six TRILLION dollar budgets, that isn't even round-off money.

Germany is reducing their direct allocation because of the Group of Seven loans to Ukraine funded through frozen Russian assets and EU financing. The net for Ukraine from EU sources thus remains about the same only more stable. The optics are confusing.

It is truly beyond my comprehension, other than through absolute ignorance, that even the most die hard Trump fan believes it is in our national interests to help Russia and China achieve their goals in destabilizing Europe. The Xi Putin handshake occured at the Olympics, because Xi saw the opportunity to enable a resurgent Russian military threat on the doorstep of Western Europe. The lessons of the Cold War are pretty clear that the US has difficulty focussing on the Pacific when the protection of our critical interests are divided between Asia and Europe. One could hardly find a national interest more critical to our well being than undermining that goal.

The notion that we can somehow hide behind the Atlantic was proven wrong at great cost in blood and treasure during the last century. Insuring we do not have to do so again could hardly be more obvious.
@Red Leg. Thank you for the historical context. It matters. I hope more Americans pay attention.
This is an unpopular opinion, but I believe this election isn't about appealing to the independents, but it is about turning out your base. Whether it is drop boxes or church buses, that is what will decide the election. What will the ground game be like in 5 or 6 states. That is all that matters, everything else is noise. Very few minds will be changed.

Kamala and Trump debating will be shitshow, Kamala is notoriously lazy and will try to talk to talk in punch lines to get 10 sec viral clips. Trump will talk in bombastic terms, "the greatest economy ever, like no one has ever seen, the best (insert whatever here)". There will be little facts and it is doubtful it will actually change any minds. The Trump/Biden debate, 33٪ thought Biden won....as a reminder, he had the worst debate performance in history.

Kamala's record as a prosecutor isn't great, it is pretty much how Tulsi was able to end her campaign. On paper Kamala should have ran away with it last time, she on paper is a great candidate this time, however when she talks it isn't great. Example: Reporter says, you haven't been to the border. Her reply, I haven't been to Europe either, followed by cackles. Project 2025 line isn't sticking and they will abandon that line of attack. In fact Kamala actually said can you believe they wrote their plans down, followed by cackle. The abortion line is interesting, but I think Trump has played that perfectly, state rights...everything they say abortion he says state rights. I'm not sure they have an angle there.

The border isn't where she needs to pivot, as I think she has too baggage there. Let's see her Hamas/Israel policies, let's she her economic plan for inflation, and how that is different. Biden wasn't just unpopular because he was old, his policies were unpopular.

I think her VP pick is Whitmer, Whitmer wants it bad and Michigan. Beshear maybe, and would be an interesting pick. I doubt Shapiro would take it, his time is coming and there is no need to have this shit show drag you down.

But this is also going to be very interesting. There is obviously a lot of positioning and checking the temperature of the room.
It is a pretty good horse to beat for the suburbanites. I know women that used to vote for GOP candidates that will never vote for a GOP candidate due to the abortion issue. And most of them are not childbearing age, but take offense to GOP attacking “women’s reproductive rights” and forcing their religious views on them.
As for my lifetime, hasn’t the GOP always been anti abortion? Why would they vote GOP then and dems now. ( I don’t remember when R vs W was approved by the USSC ) Im 60 now.
UPDATED 8:11 PM EDT July 21, 2024: Sources tell RedState that Gavin Newsom has cancelled all appointments for the next 2-3 days in addition to cancelling Monday's speech at the Ninth Circuit judicial conference. According to these sources, Newsom will be working with Bill and Hillary Clinton on a plan for Hillary win the nomination during the open convention.
@Red Leg. Thank you for the historical context. It matters. I hope more Americans pay attention.
I agree. Isolationist and protectional trade policies of the 1920s got us a stock market crash a depression and world War 2. I hear a lot of people today say they don't care about Europe. History may be repeating itself.
One last thing about the republicans forcing religious beliefs on the abortion issue. Have people forgotten how the Biden administration forced people to get the Covid shot? If you wanted to function in 2021 or 2022 society, keep your job or travel you had damned best get the shot or you will be ostracized from society. And no one has had to answer for the damage all of the restrictions did to society as a whole. I know some started under Trump but the vast majority was a Biden thing.
UPDATED 8:11 PM EDT July 21, 2024: Sources tell RedState that Gavin Newsom has cancelled all appointments for the next 2-3 days in addition to cancelling Monday's speech at the Ninth Circuit judicial conference. According to these sources, Newsom will be working with Bill and Hillary Clinton on a plan for Hillary win the nomination during the open convention.
Clinton's have come out in the support of Harris. Obama Pelosi and Schumer have not.
I would caution my fellow Republicans not to dismiss Harris or anyone else who emerges the Democrat nomination process. In spite the assassination attempt, Biden's debate performance and cognitive issues, and the love fest that was the Republican National Convention, Trump seems to be remaining at the 47-50 % support level nationally. Even while 75% of the country was thinking Biden was unfit to run, Trump was not gaining support.

The Republican advantage with Biden in the race was that a lot of democrats would likely stay home or not visit the local drop box. That is almost guaranteed to change with whomever is the eventual standard bearer. And if they weren't turning to Trump a week ago, they certainly won't now. The Dems need to simply not have a bitter nomination battle and reignite some enthusiasm and this will again be on a razor's edge.
Nah. They still won’t get out and vote for Kamala.

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idjeffp wrote on Jon R15's profile.
Hi Jon,
I saw your post for the .500 NE cases. Are these all brass or are they nickel plated? Hard for me to tell... sorry.
Jeff [redacted]
Boise, ID
African Scenic Safaris is a Sustainable Tour Operator based in Moshi, Tanzania. Established in 2009 as a family business, the company is owned and operated entirely by locals who share the same passion for showing people the amazing country of Tanzania and providing a fantastic personalized service.
FDP wrote on dailordasailor's profile.
1200 for the 375 barrel and accessories?