
The huge advantage Harris has is dredging up the old play book that republicans are going to outlaw all abortions. I’m sorry “women’s reproductive rights”

A large portion of democrats are single issue voters. They don’t care about the border or the dozen other debacles caused by Biden and Harris. As long as they can use abortion as birth control. All good.

So Harris will beat the abortion dead horse for 3 months solid
Ideally, she would lean in to her experience as a prosecutor. Law and order at the border and around the world. Make this election a choice between a former prosecutor and a convicted felon. I think that would sell well with the public. However, my guess is that she sticks with the Biden platform.
Her record as the one who prosecuted the whistleblower in the case against clinics selling baby body parts, caught on tape? Her record for record numbers of black men arrested/prosecuted? WHAT record did you have in mind?....besides, we have seen her work on the border...
I wish more voters would take a look at their grocery bills.
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Manchin is saying he might rejoin the Dems and run. Would dems come out and vote or would they be reluctant and just stay home with everything that has happened? Is Trump potentially winning enough to get them out? He’d get every non committed voter/independent out there and a ton of republicans as well. I don’t know him good enough to say yay or nay but the little I do know, I could get behind him if he was the president, and I’m a big conservative. In this current political environment he would probably have a damn good chance of winning if he can get the democratic base to come out and vote. I believe Trump is going to have a ton of people voting for him again and that is going to be hard to beat.
Manchin is saying he might rejoin the Dems and run. ... I could get behind him if he was the president, and I’m a big conservative. In this current political environment he would probably have a damn good chance of winning if he can get the democratic base to come out and vote.
Kamala is already having an effect on the Democratic base. I doubt with all the endorsements she is getting Manchin has a chance.


The huge advantage Harris has is dredging up the old play book that republicans are going to outlaw all abortions. I’m sorry “women’s reproductive rights”

So Harris will beat the abortion dead horse for 3 months solid
It is a pretty good horse to beat for the suburbanites. I know women that used to vote for GOP candidates that will never vote for a GOP candidate due to the abortion issue. And most of them are not childbearing age, but take offense to GOP attacking “women’s reproductive rights” and forcing their religious views on them.

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