
Seriously? There’s so much BS, misinformation and lies spewed from this guy that it’s laughable. What a whacko.


He wagered on Vance a long time ago; Made the most money betting on Trump's first election of anyone in the world. Everyone is 100% after the fact. Didn't see a lot of correct calls here beforehand.
Let’s see, he is skeptical about Trump’s claim he will end the war in 24 hours - who with an education level above 6th grade isn’t? The only other ”issue” the Post tries to create is Zelensky’s failure to understand how aiding Russia by denying Ukraine arms or ceding Ukrainian territory to Russia is somehow in the interests of the US. I and a whole lot of other people would agree. I am not sure those statements are somehow anti-Trump.

Just like he would not involve himself in US domestic politics, he will try his best to make the case to Trump that stopping Russian strategic ambitions is clearly in the national interests of the US. You know, that whole America first thing’s larger meaning. Trump clearly needs some help with foreign policy.

He was fortunate to have a Pompeo last time. Hopefully he will choose someone equally competent this time.

You don’t mean to imply that our interests could extend beyond our borders do you Joe???
Let’s see, he is skeptical about Trump’s claim he will end the war in 24 hours - who with an education level above 6th grade isn’t? The only other ”issue” the Post tries to create is Zelensky’s failure to understand how aiding Russia by denying Ukraine arms or ceding Ukrainian territory to Russia is somehow in the interests of the US. I and a whole lot of other people would agree. I am not sure those statements are somehow anti-Trump.

Just like he would not involve himself in US domestic politics, he will try his best to make the case to Trump that stopping Russian strategic ambitions is clearly in the national interests of the US. You know, that whole America first thing’s larger meaning. Trump clearly needs some help with foreign policy.

He was fortunate to have a Pompeo last time. Hopefully he will choose someone equally competent this time.

There’s more in there than the 24 hours, which I’ll agree is lofty exaggeration, even for Trump. Z goes on to complain that he wants input in the U.S. policy on Ukraine, which I guess is understandable but it’s really not his decision.
Ukraine policy has spun out of control in the US because the Biden administration is incapable or unwilling to communicate what their strategy and expectations are. Trump, who again is prone to lofty rhetoric (everything is explained in extremes, either “big and beautiful” or “total disaster”) has been vague on details about his plan, other than to suggest that the monthly $60-90 billion aid packages are on the chopping block.
For context, Germany is reducing their Ukrainian aid by half in their upcoming budget ($4 billion down from $8 billion, I don’t remember if that’s USD or EU), and nobody is complaining about them being “pro Russia” as Zelenskyy alludes. This in spite of the fact that Germany and other European countries continue to buy significant amounts of LNG (roughly half of Russia’s exported LNG goes to the EU).
My guess is that sometime before Christmas when Trump is assembling his next cabinet, Zelenskyy puts on his best commando sweater and flies over to resume his praise of Trump and beg for more money.
There’s more in there than the 24 hours, which I’ll agree is lofty exaggeration, even for Trump. Z goes on to complain that he wants input in the U.S. policy on Ukraine, which I guess is understandable but it’s really not his decision.
Ukraine policy has spun out of control in the US because the Biden administration is incapable or unwilling to communicate what their strategy and expectations are. Trump, who again is prone to lofty rhetoric (everything is explained in extremes, either “big and beautiful” or “total disaster”) has been vague on details about his plan, other than to suggest that the monthly $60-90 billion aid packages are on the chopping block.
For context, Germany is reducing their Ukrainian aid by half in their upcoming budget ($4 billion down from $8 billion, I don’t remember if that’s USD or EU), and nobody is complaining about them being “pro Russia” as Zelenskyy alludes. This in spite of the fact that Germany and other European countries continue to buy significant amounts of LNG (roughly half of Russia’s exported LNG goes to the EU).
My guess is that sometime before Christmas when Trump is assembling his next cabinet, Zelenskyy puts on his best commando sweater and flies over to resume his praise of Trump and beg for more money.
It is important to have facts correct. We are not and have not provided monthly $60-90 billion dollar aid packages to Ukraine. Though had we the first year, the war might well be over and Putin would be back in his box. To date, the US has passed authorizations for $175 billion of which $107 billion actually directly supports Ukraine. The war has been going on 30 months. You can do the math. Spread over three years of four to six TRILLION dollar budgets, that isn't even round-off money.

Germany is reducing their direct allocation because of the Group of Seven loans to Ukraine funded through frozen Russian assets and EU financing. The net for Ukraine from EU sources thus remains about the same only more stable. The optics are confusing.

It is truly beyond my comprehension, other than through absolute ignorance, that even the most die hard Trump fan believes it is in our national interests to help Russia and China achieve their goals in destabilizing Europe. The Xi Putin handshake occured at the Olympics, because Xi saw the opportunity to enable a resurgent Russian military threat on the doorstep of Western Europe. The lessons of the Cold War are pretty clear that the US has difficulty focussing on the Pacific when the protection of our critical interests are divided between Asia and Europe. One could hardly find a national interest more critical to our well being than undermining that goal.

The notion that we can somehow hide behind the Atlantic was proven wrong at great cost in blood and treasure during the last century. Insuring we do not have to do so again could hardly be more obvious.
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Interesting how elections havent even started yet, and everybody discussing what will Trump do after winning? (thats a joke)

Anyway, MSM narrative is changing, and public is being prepared for possible changes in politics (and strategy).
This article would be impossible to see only 6 months ago.

My guess, we will soon see some form of peace negotiations, after election is done by the end of the year
Trump's full tweet on Truth with respect to the Zelensky call.

I particularly liked this line.

"I appreciate President Zelenskyy for reaching out because I, as your next President of the United States, will bring peace to the world and end the war that has cost so many lives and devastated countless innocent families."

"I .... will bring peace to the world...." I thought we were looking at the potential second coming of the Donald Trump administration - I had not fully appreciated it would the second coming of Christ.
Ukraine policy has spun out of control in the US because the Biden administration is incapable or unwilling to communicate what their strategy and expectations are. Trump, who again is prone to lofty rhetoric (everything is explained in extremes, either “big and beautiful” or “total disaster”) has been vague on details about his plan, other than to suggest that the monthly $60-90 billion aid packages are on the chopping block.
Monthly $60 to $90 billion is bigger than the US defense budget and a gross exaggeration. Here is a link that drills down to Ukraine aid to date and also compares to our other spending and spending of allies on Ukraine (which is heck of a lot more than us compared to % of GDP)

Interesting how elections havent even started yet, and everybody discussing what will Trump do after winning? (thats a joke)

Anyway, MSM narrative is changing, and public is being prepared for possible changes in politics (and strategy).
This article would be impossible to see only 6 months ago.

My guess, we will soon see some form of peace negotiations, after election is done by the end of the year
This war will indeed end in negotiations. Neither side is capable of dictating peace on the steps of the other's capitol. To date, Putin has been unwilling to even enter into a ceasefire unless NATO and Ukraine recognize Russia's annexation of Donetsk, Luhansk, Zaporizhzhia and Kherson. Russia does not even hold the capitals of Kherson and Zaporizhzhia, and does not have complete control of any of the four. That would not be entering negotiations, that would be forcing a Ukrainian surrender. They have fought the Russian army to a standstill and the correlation of forces, particularly with the arrival of modern combat aircraft and renewed US aid is again swinging Ukraine's way. Putin's only realistic hope for a victory is that a Trump administration will force a negotiated solution in Russia's favor.
Your defense gets ridiculous at times. My assessment is spot on. Decent speech but could have been better in the middle. God forbid you would ever offer Trump any constructive criticism.

Ridiculous? That's amusing because I feel the same way about your characterizations of Trump...

Spot on assessment? An opinion you are entitled to have for sure... However, you miss the point... My comment on your post was not about that particular RNC speech per se'... It was about the feelings anti-Trumpers have in general whereby they are unable to acknowledge without exception anything good that Trump may have accomplished regardless of the circumstances...

Furthermore, if you care to go back into my history of posts in this thread and others you will clearly discover that I have had no problem acknowledging Trump's mistakes and shortcomings, just as I have no problem giving him credit where it is due... God forbid you and some others on here did the same.... LOL...
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“Monthly aid” is an exaggeration. My point is that it’s unfair to criticize Trump without taking into consideration the current model, which as I said has never been articulated by our national leaders and lacks clear vision.
What is Biden and the Blinken brain trust doing to isolate Xi and Putin? The answer is nothing, they’re tighter than they’ve ever been. It’s true we can’t hide from these problems forever but if we’re going to get serious about controlling this situation then the governments of these European countries need to drastically change their behavior. Who is going to do that? Biden and his DEI hires in State and the Pentagon?
I have never understood Kid Rock. Saw him on a Super Bowl back when my now 39 year old daughter still lived at home.
Little white guy in a funky hat rapping badly, I said "So that's his schtick?"
"Pretty much" she said.
"And people listen to that?"
"Some do" she said.

You have to have followed his entire career to fully appreciate his talent, and yes, he is extremely talented.... He actually has a good voice when he is not rapping, and he plays about 10 different instruments.

He started out as a white rapper out of Detroit which established him, but he has deep roots and a love for country and blues. As far as his talent as a rapper, he is apparently held in high esteem in that genre. I personally despise pretty much all rap and hip-hop, but his version of rap is supercharged with heavy metal which comes across much more favorably in a live show.

For the last 20 years or so, he has pretty much made his living writing and performing rock, country, and blues. He only "raps" and small handful of his early signature songs in live shows which, by the way, is the best live concert I have ever been to... I have seen him live several times and I can honestly say he is one of the most energetic, electrifying live performers I have ever seen. My wife and I also got to meet him once backstage at the Hardrock in Hollywood, Florida and he is one of the nicest, most sincere guys you would ever meet. He is also very patriotic and has no issue about injecting that patriotism and his populist views in his live shows... He's a good American who is completely cancel-proof. I wish we had more Kid Rocks in the entertainment business...
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