
Have I understood it correctly, that Elon Musk's 45 mil/month is to be used to set up, and operate ballot harvesting boxes, as well as police the Democrats on theirs, as well as lawyer up in advance to oppose Democrat abuses? In other words, to counter any Democrat cheating, and equal their ground game and the playing field. If so, about time!!!! Hope they do a good job of it. All we really want is fair elections, but if that means doing it down and dirty to match the leftists, so be it. The country is that important.

On another note, I will be amazed if I hear Jesus Christ mentioned once in any context at the Democratic Convention coming up, especially since the 2012 convention had to take three consecutive voice votes to leave mention of God in the platform. There has been much of it from the Republicans this convention--and most importantly not the perfunctory, disingenuous type of mention associated with kissing babies and waving the flag, but the real, God honoring deal.
On another note, I will be amazed if I hear Jesus Christ mentioned once in any context at the Democratic Convention coming up, especially since the 2012 convention had to take three consecutive voice votes to leave mention of God in the platform. There has been much of it from the Republicans this convention--and most importantly not the perfunctory, disingenuous type of mention associated with kissing babies and waving the flag, but the real, God honoring deal.
I am a little less fond of that part of the RNC ;)

Edit: I realize that this comment might have come across as offensive or dismissive of Christians, and I want to unequivocally state that this was not my intent. I respect everyone’s right to believe what they please as long as doing so does not infringe on my right to believe what I please. I also want to say that I have never been treated poorly by anyone who is a faithful Christian.
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If the DNC goes ahead with their plan to nominate Biden early, consider that my full and complete resignation from the party.

At least the RNC held a primary and is promoting a generally positive vision for the country if you ignore Trump’s antics.
If the DNC goes ahead with their plan to nominate Biden early, consider that my full and complete resignation from the party.

At least the RNC held a primary and is promoting a generally positive vision for the country if you ignore Trump’s antics.
The DNC has not conducted a proper Primary the last 3 Presidential Election cycles.

In 2016, Bernie Sanders should have been the Democrat Candidate, but instead "Super Delegates" put Hillary over the top to become the Presidential Candidate. In Wilding, et. al. v. DNC Services, d/b/a DNC and Deborah “Debbie” Wasserman Schultz, leaked Emails and other documents revealed that the DNC was biased against Sanders and other candidates.

Attorneys for the DNC and Debbie Wasserman Schultz both stated "It's our Party, we can do what we want". If anyone doesn't believe this, look at the Legal arguments used by DNC Lawyers in the case I mentioned above.

DNC lawyers have argued and continue to argue that the Democratic Party doesn't owe anyone a fair process. It has every right to disregard its own rules or interpret its rules how it wants because it is a private organization, and therefore the plaintiffs in Wilding V DNC have no standing.

The Democrat Party doesn't care what it's own voters want. Do you really think they care what the rest of the Country wants?

Change my mind.
The DNC has not conducted a proper Primary the last 3 Presidential Election cycles.

In 2016, Bernie Sanders should have been the Democrat Candidate, but instead "Super Delegates" put Hillary over the top to become the Presidential Candidate. In Wilding, et. al. v. DNC Services, d/b/a DNC and Deborah “Debbie” Wasserman Schultz, leaked Emails and other documents revealed that the DNC was biased against Sanders and other candidates.

Attorneys for the DNC and Debbie Wasserman Schultz both stated "It's our Party, we can do what we want". If anyone doesn't believe this, look at the Legal arguments used by DNC Lawyers in the case I mentioned above.

DNC lawyers have argued and continue to argue that the Democratic Party doesn't owe anyone a fair process. It has every right to disregard its own rules or interpret its rules how it wants because it is a private organization, and therefore the plaintiffs in Wilding V DNC have no standing.

The Democrat Party doesn't care what it's own voters want. Do you really think they care what the rest of the Country wants?

Change my mind.
I am not complaining though. Sanders and his supporters have done irreparable harm to the Democratic Party
I am not complaining though. Sanders and his supporters have done irreparable harm to the Democratic Party
I beg to differ. The Democrat Party shot itself in the foot. All Bernie Sanders did was expose the rot and corruption in the Party for everyone to see.

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