
I'm not quite as black and white with the enemy part but you nailed it with the last line.

Many of the trump derangement syndrome "republican" types are happy to bankrupt our country and destroy the future of next generations so we can fight to the last dead Ukranian and very likely turn our sons into hamburger in WW3.

But it's too (hold your pinky up for this part at the tea party lads!) "distasteful" to vote for Trump.
he doesn't have the blue blazer and other wot wot country club snobbery.
It's myopic, it's ironic, and it's pathetic. I believe the word shameful is quite appropriate.

They're too proud to see it and would rather we all lose "honorably" than take the practical approach. Meanwhile - listen to us on our practical approach in Ukraine and against isolationism!!!
And brother - they can wrap themselves in the flag faster than i can blink when challenged about it. "muh credentials and connections!!!!"

There's a lot of khaki and blue blazer country club republicans that over the course of my lifetime have said some very pretty things and brought their "honor" and "dignity" while the overall movement from 10k feet is a steady march to the left.

Bill Buckley, David French, John McCain, Paul Ryan, the Bushes, The turtle and the last dozen or so speakers of the house, Romney, Cheney, Pompeo, etc., it's a big list. None of them has actually been what I would call effective at the end of it.

Wow, talk about the pot and the kettle. I swear the Trump faithful would rather lose the election alienating independents than win with them. Many of us actually want to win the election, and our biggest problem with Trump is that he seems hell bent on losing it.
Apparently Biden is still adamant that he is staying in the race.. he sent a letter to democrats on the hill today saying he is staying in.. and also made a call into "Cup of Joe" on MSNBC this morning to state he is staying in...

Theres still almost 6 weeks until the DNC... but for now it doesnt look like he is dropping..

Hopefully this will continue to disenfranchise D voters and put the party back on its heels for a bit..

I suppose we shall see...
Pence was a pick due to him being beholden to the Christian right. He is under no obligation to any one group now and can go for someone that can actually bring him votes. That's the reason I think Rubio or Youngkin would be a positive pick. Heck, Biden won Virginia by 10 points and Youngkin could even deliver Virginia maybe.

While Richmond and NoVA largely hate Youngkin.. the rest of the state absolutely loves him.... between the far right that is already bought in on Trump and everyone else in Virginia that is bought in on Youngkin.. even with NoVA and Richmond playing on the other end of the spectrum, I'd be willing to put solid money that a Trump/Youngkin team would take VA handily..
Respectfully, that proves my point.
I don't care for him either. But the focus should be, IMO, on the effectiveness of the results.

I think there are rules of engagement that the right will and should always stay behind that the left openly flaunts. I'm not saying we should become like them, but that's not the issue.
The issue seems to me to be personal dislike and snobbery.
It isn't snobbery - it is genuine frustration with what many of us perceive as the simple willful ignorance of our candidate and too many of his followers. This neo-isolationist movement that has been interpreted as "America First" is essentially a withdrawal from our international leadership role. I genuinely believe, based upon a lot of experience and a decent education, that is an extremely dangerous course to follow. It is a siren call that we have turned to at great cost in treasure and blood more than once during the 20th century.

Now if you believe that opinion is one based upon a set of khakis and a blue blazer, then we clearly have no basis for discussion. But there are several members here with broad international business, military, and governmental experience. Virtually all of those in this dialogue have reservations with respect to Trump's grasp of those critical national interests. What I think is overlooked by the isolationists is that those interests are every bit as critical to the future of this country as any opposition to woke world or uncontrolled immigration.

An alliance between a resurgent Russia and China will present us with unimaginable challenges in the coming decades. Why else would Xi attempt to consummate that relationship with Putin at the '22 Olympics? I think only the most willfully ignorant or blindly obedient would not understand nipping those aspirations in the bud is in our absolute national interests and thus actually at the heart of making America First.

As I noted before, I pray for a republican House and Senate (along with a weakened Freedom Caucus to which Trump has contributed enormously). They would have the power to stop Biden (or whomever), mitigate Trump's dumber ideas, and confirm judges.
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Or anything with an R. Cuts both ways in a world where people only hear what they want to hear and totally discount anything that doesn't comfortably fit their confirmation bias. I pray for a republican House and Senate. If Biden or whomever, they can stop cold any new woke agenda. If Trump, they can moderate his more reckless initiatives.
Different dynamic. If the Republicans were as radical in political ideology, and destructive to the core of this country as what we see in the the Democrat party, I feel the average Republican simply would not vote for them.
I know I wouldn't.
While Richmond and NoVA largely hate Youngkin.. the rest of the state absolutely loves him.... between the far right that is already bought in on Trump and everyone else in Virginia that is bought in on Youngkin.. even with NoVA and Richmond playing on the other end of the spectrum, I'd be willing to put solid money that a Trump/Youngkin team would take VA handily..

Parts of Loudoun like Youngkin, he actually did pretty well, but that was on the heels of the whole parents controversy.
It really wasn't that long ago that SNL did some funny political satire. This was only about a year ago, and the second half would be hilarious today.

I suspect Biden might resign after the NATO summit
They have started to leak as well. More than a little unprecedented.
I suspect Biden might resign after the NATO summit

He allegedly is having a solo press conference after the meeting, without teleprompters and script. Getting a chance to clean up the mess he made. I don’t see him resigning, but I don’t see him on the ballot either.

Of course, if you hear he pardoned Hunter then he is.
This is an apples to oranges comparison...

Trump has character flaws which not only his base, but seemingly more and more every day, are willing to tolerate for his policies and performance which have proven to be effective... Trump is a flawed man but still quite capable of doing great things for this country... Brandon's flaws cover the entire spectrum from character to competence...

Aside from the fact that Brandon is likely one of the most corrupt politicians this country has ever known, he was an ineffectual politician and a man of deeply flawed character for the last 50 years. His current policies are 100% capitulation to the far left in exchange for the Presidency which he promised to give up as a transition candidate. I guess he forgot... Additionally, his mental cognition has deteriorated so drastically, he isn't even aware of his terrible policy failures and the toll that they have taken on this country... Any democrat standing behind this guy now is either completely stupid or just as delusional as he is...

Obviously, I disagree...

As I have said before, we have only one choice before us because the alternative is unthinkable, and that includes ANY democrat they might run at this point.. The entire democratic platform in this country is destructive and corrupt beyond conception... The very small handful of moderate dems that may be left would never garner the support of today's democratic party which has transformed into communism in every form but the actual name..

Trump is a necessary compromise to save the republic. He should also be an easy compromise at this point given what we know the democrats are capable of...
I agree 100% with BSO Dave......other than Trump's verbal stance against funding Ukraine, I read little about why his policies were/are so bad......they were not. I've always felt the loss of energy independence under Biden inexcusable, along with the purposeful opening of borders. Biden and his team are Marxists intent on destroying this country....what other explanation is there? How could you possibly open the borders as they are now and not realize the national security risk involved. All of us share the common interest and love for hunting....but I am on a different wavelength with some of you on the politics issue. Just not vote if you have to decide between Trump and Biden...really?....cannot understand this. Used to understand and respect democrat stances back in the JFK days....at least I thought both parties shared a love of country. How naive to think so today. I have little use for the RINOs and little tolerance for most of the other Republicans...but any Democrat and I have a huge gap in our beliefs..........a gap that could never be bridged. I understand disliking Trump for his character flaws....but damn, look at results and how they compare with the last 3 1/2 years.
Airplanes & Cruise ships. There has been a dramatic increase in violence on both.

What the hell is wrong with people?

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I hope your day is great!
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Happy Birthday from Grahamstown, South Africa! I hope you have a great day!
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I saw your post for the .500 NE cases. Are these all brass or are they nickel plated? Hard for me to tell... sorry.
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Boise, ID