
Democrats and ABC agency officials know that if Trump is victorious, some of them could end up in jail.
Never underestimate desperate and evil people, to do evil and desperate things.
In countries like the Philippines, political rivals do heinous things, and often have each other killed.

Just sayin......
This craziness exists on both sides. Let's not forget Steve Bannon suggesting Fauci and Ray deserved to be beheaded and have their heads put on stakes in front of the capitol, or the calls among the loony right to have VP Pence arrested and hung for treason for the crime of refusing to break his oath.
I wish I shared your confidence, but there are two things here to consider...

First thing is never underestimate the capability and determination of the democrats to do whatever is necessary to get a candidate elected... They have demonstrated time and again that they are masters at taking advantage of early voting and exploiting voting loopholes... They are split right now as a party, and I'm quite certain that at least half of them are considering every option to remove Brandon from the ticket. However, if they cannot, they will rally together like they did in 2020 and resort to anything within their grasp to get this idiot re-elected... You can bet your ass that they will double, and triple down on the abortion issue which was key to them in killing the red wave in 2020...

Secondly, never underestimate the stupidity of the voters in this country... With all we have seen so far, Brandon still maintains an approval rating of 37%... It makes you wonder who these people are that actually believe that Brandon is doing a good job? It's literally laughable yet terrifying at the same time that Brandon still has this level of support now that he has demonstrated to the world that he has officially lost most of his marbles... Anything can happen in the next several months which is an eternity in an election cycle... If they can manage to hide Brandon back in the basement from now until then, and hammer away at the abortion thing, and the convicted felon crap, it could still make it much closer than it should ever be... I hope I'm wrong..!
I believe you are correct in that the Democrats will use every angle to prevent Trump from winning because I truly see him as an existential threat against the USA. I also think they would have a good chance of pulling it off if Rona MacDaniel was still heading the RNC. But I can guarantee that it will be very different with Lara Trump at the helm. I doubt she will miss a single trick.
This craziness exists on both sides. Let's not forget Steve Bannon suggesting Fauci and Ray deserved to be beheaded and have their heads put on stakes in front of the capitol, or the calls among the loony right to have VP Pence arrested and hung for treason for the crime of refusing to break his oath.
Bluster & rhetoric from some of the lunatic fringe has nothing to do with my point.
Democrats have become lawless and power drunk. If their tactics fail to keep Trump out of prison, or becoming president #47, will they be desperate enough to go JFK on Donald Trump.?

This country has reached a political breaking point, and there are a lot of bad actors in the deep state arena. Just ask the 2 dead Boeing whistleblowers.
How far are they willing to go to retain control?

Is this conspiracy? No ...it is simple fact.
As I stated in my post, don't ever underestimate the intentions of evil and corrupt people.

Stating that someone deserves to be beheaded, is a far cry from actually doing it.
I wish I shared your confidence, but there are two things here to consider...

First thing is never underestimate the capability and determination of the democrats to do whatever is necessary to get a candidate elected... They have demonstrated time and again that they are masters at taking advantage of early voting and exploiting voting loopholes... They are split right now as a party, and I'm quite certain that at least half of them are considering every option to remove Brandon from the ticket. However, if they cannot, they will rally together like they did in 2020 and resort to anything within their grasp to get this idiot re-elected... You can bet your ass that they will double, and triple down on the abortion issue which was key to them in killing the red wave in 2020...

Secondly, never underestimate the stupidity of the voters in this country... With all we have seen so far, Brandon still maintains an approval rating of 37%... It makes you wonder who these people are that actually believe that Brandon is doing a good job? It's literally laughable yet terrifying at the same time that Brandon still has this level of support now that he has demonstrated to the world that he has officially lost most of his marbles... Anything can happen in the next several months which is an eternity in an election cycle... If they can manage to hide Brandon back in the basement from now until then, and hammer away at the abortion thing, and the convicted felon crap, it could still make it much closer than it should ever be... I hope I'm wrong..!
Not to mention shipping illegal aliens to swing states, and having them get a drivers license and voter registry
I don't think you're overstating it Brent

I think it's north of 50% chance they'll try to kill Trump before they let him win.

God willing we'll get through this with ballots instead of bullets.

A highly worthwhile listen/read if you want to gain some insight into the liberal thought process on replacing Biden.
I wonder if some of the more experienced heads among the Democrats will decide its better to lose the 2024 election and identify suitable talent for 2028. Apart from the zealots who can't bear the thought of losing power everyone else knows that elections go in cycles.

If the Democrats ditch Biden the resultant internal bun fight could potentially cause that much damage as to render the party unviable. None of the potential replacement candidates have much to offer.

Much easier to let either Biden/Harris go to the election and lose. That at least would allow a fresh start.
One thing that is certain is that if elected in 2024, it will be Trump's final term. That means 2028 will be battle between two fresh candidates and maybe that's just what both parties, and the country, needs.
I wonder if some of the more experienced heads among the Democrats will decide its better to lose the 2024 election and identify suitable talent for 2028. Apart from the zealots who can't bear the thought of losing power everyone else knows that elections go in cycles.

If the Democrats ditch Biden the resultant internal bun fight could potentially cause that much damage as to render the party unviable. None of the potential replacement candidates have much to offer.

Much easier to let either Biden/Harris go to the election and lose. That at least would allow a fresh start.
One thing that is certain is that if elected in 2024, it will be Trump's final term. That means 2028 will be battle between two fresh candidates and maybe that's just what both parties, and the country, needs.
I know the opinion on here is that Biden is now done for, but on a general population level I think it's probably still a close enough race that they'll let Biden continue shuffling along.

538 collated polling data shows Trump +1.3% on the national level right now, which is ahead, but is also the same lead as he had at the start of this month before his own legal drama.

270towin polling data puts that margin at 1.8%, again, not that different to where it sat at the start of the month.

Either way, Biden vs Trump remains little more than a coin flip, with the winner likely to be decided by voter engagement and the peculiarities of the electoral system. These leads are well within the margin of error for polls (especially with how unreliable they've been in the last couple cycles). It's by no means a landslide.

The same commentary applies here as it did with the impact of Trump's legal battle really. It's only a factor for the true swing voters in true swing states, and there simply aren't many of those in play in today's political climate, nor is the transition from Biden to Trump or vice versa an easy shift.

I agree 100% that some fresh candidates on both sides with fresh policies and more appeal are in this countries best interest. Overall, I can't help but feel that this situation is a pretty comprehensive condemnation of the appeal of both candidates really. Based on Biden's performance, this shouldn't even be close, yet (IMHO) it remains to be seen if Trump can pull it off.

For what it's worth, I suspect he can, but probably by less than 30 electoral college votes and possibly by a literal handful. The popular vote ultimately doesn't matter, but it could go either way. I also expect voter turn out to be depressed versus the last couple of cycles.

Of course, my crystal ball is just as murky and susceptible to personal bias as everyone else's, so make of that what you will...

A highly worthwhile listen/read if you want to gain some insight into the liberal thought process on replacing Biden.

Well worth the read. The underlying message seemed to be that the situation is untenable but the alternatives are equally challenging. I sense a party deadlocked on the horns of indecision.
Well worth the read. The underlying message seemed to be that the situation is untenable but the alternatives are equally challenging. I sense a party deadlocked on the horns of indecision.
Agreed. These were decisions that should have been made last year and now it is most likely too late. Any way it goes, I see it as increasingly unlikely that Democrats will pull this together.
At this point, Russia is acting as an extension of China. Failing to defeat Russia will only embolden China to act even more aggressively.

I have to agree with this. China is able to learn modern warfare at the expense of Russia. Not to mention the economic benefits of being who Russia has to bank/trade with.

However, I do wonder, if Russia becomes so weak does China take its forces and reclaim some of its traditional terrority and the natural resources. Would anyone on the world stage really condemn China, would Russia really nuke another nuclear power? Just things I ponder.
Agreed. These were decisions that should have been made last year and now it is most likely too late. Any way it goes, I see it as increasingly unlikely that Democrats will pull this together.

We are plagued by radicals in both parties. This is driving divisiveness and exclusion. What both parties seem blind to is that elections are won by the votes of independents. The party that casts the biggest net wins the election. It’s fairly basic math that seems completely lost on both the far right and left.
Meanwhile back at the front, more and more clips like the one below are beginning to surface on the Telegram channel. Wounded soldiers are being forced back to the front lines to participate in ever more fruitless efforts to advance. As usual, the appeal is directed back to higher military and civilian authority. Other clips show horrible medical treatment of the wounded. Perhaps Russian soldiers will continue to apathetically obey and die. But I can't help but wonder if we aren't also perhaps watching the curtains of 1917 slowly being drawn open. To paraphrase Yeats, at some point the center can no longer hold.

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Chevron Deference… what a name for unelected deep state power base and incestual bureaucrat corruption. Finally, SCOTUS knocked the legs out from under this monster. Unfortunately not necessarily retroactive if I understand the decision correctly??
And took another wack at it this morning with Corner Post.

Still waiting on the big one.

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