
In my opinion chanting "death to America" is not considered freedom of speech, that my friends is a threat! I remember the comparison in school that if you yelled "fire" in a crowded theater was not consider or protected under the 1st Amendment. I believe the same applies to "Death to America". Maybe I'm wrong.

Also, if we don't believe that we are being measured with a different yard stick, well you need to come out more. The 6 Jan is an unfortunate event, and whomever we want to blame it happened, and those who participated are being punished. However, the riots that happened throughout the US, the buildings burned, the monuments destroyed, the cops who got hurt or killed. Where are those rioters now? We don't hear about them, because that is ok, and they are probably getting ready for next riots.

For the sake of argument, Trump is to blame for the Jan 6 events. Ok, fine, I will not argue that. How about all those other politicians from the left who instigated the riots, why they are not being prosecuted? Maxine Waters calling "we need to get more confrontational". Those supporting Black Lives Matter. Why are they running around freely?

The double standards are in front of our noses, and we fail to see them.
The FBI has a department called SOMEX. The Social Media exploitation team. It was originally established to track people on social media who make death threats, pose an imminent danger, etc. Some of the J6 protesters were found by SOMEX thru social media.
There is also a team of FBI field agents who will knock on your door if you happened to be flagged
I read a story recently of a pro palestine woman who made social media comments stating that the Israelis should be exterminated or some such. She was paid a visit by the FBI. They had no warrant, but wanted to speak with her.

Its a job they do all day, every day.

Big brother is watching

Since 2016, I have lost all respect for the FBI. They are now a federal gang of thugs controlled by a corrupt headmaster in the DOJ.

I'll wait for the knock on my door......lol
The FBI has a department called SOMEX. The Social Media exploitation team. It was originally established to track people on social media who make death threats, pose an imminent danger, etc. Some of the J6 protesters were found by SOMEX thru social media.
There is also a team of FBI field agents who will knock on your door if you happened to be flagged
I read a story recently of a pro palestine woman who made social media comments stating that the Israelis should be exterminated or some such. She was paid a visit by the FBI. They had no warrant, but wanted to speak with her.

Its a job they do all day, every day.

Big brother is watching

Since 2016, I have lost all respect for the FBI. They are now a federal gang of thugs controlled by a corrupt headmaster in the DOJ.

I'll wait for the knock on my door......lol

I'll play devil's advocate here for a moment. If you were to make public threats against the POTUS, you would receive a visit from the gov't, this has been true for a long time. In the case of this pro-Palestine woman, they paid a visit with no warrant. Did they force themselves into her home? Did they do anything that would require a warrant? Or did they just talk to her to assess the situation?

What if the threats were let's say be something about bombing and taking down for a 2nd time skyscrapers in NYC? Would you not want the FBI or someone checking into this?
In my opinion chanting "death to America" is not considered freedom of speech, that my friends is a threat! I remember the comparison in school that if you yelled "fire" in a crowded theater was not consider or protected under the 1st Amendment. I believe the same applies to "Death to America". Maybe I'm wrong.

Also, if we don't believe that we are being measured with a different yard stick, well you need to come out more. The 6 Jan is an unfortunate event, and whomever we want to blame it happened, and those who participated are being punished. However, the riots that happened throughout the US, the buildings burned, the monuments destroyed, the cops who got hurt or killed. Where are those rioters now? We don't hear about them, because that is ok, and they are probably getting ready for next riots.

For the sake of argument, Trump is to blame for the Jan 6 events. Ok, fine, I will not argue that. How about all those other politicians from the left who instigated the riots, why they are not being prosecuted? Maxine Waters calling "we need to get more confrontational". Those supporting Black Lives Matter. Why are they running around freely?

The double standards are in front of our noses, and we fail to see them.
Agreed. When Iranian leaders chant “death to America”, it’s understood to be a threat.

People in the US chanting “death to America” are plainly advocating terrorism. Does anyone really think that the death they are hoping for us is a natural one?
I'll play devil's advocate here for a moment. If you were to make public threats against the POTUS, you would receive a visit from the gov't, this has been true for a long time. In the case of this pro-Palestine woman, they paid a visit with no warrant. Did they force themselves into her home? Did they do anything that would require a warrant? Or did they just talk to her to assess the situation?

What if the threats were let's say be something about bombing and taking down for a 2nd time skyscrapers in NYC? Would you not want the FBI or someone checking into this?
They had no warrant, and just wanted to talk to her. I don't condone what she said, but she broke a golden rule by stepping outside her door, to become surrounded and intimidated. From what I read, she did not threaten anyone in this country. Maybe she has a history of violent rhetoric? I dont know.
If law enforcement shows up without a warrant. Don't ever step outside, or allow them in. They are not your friend.

Dont twist my post into something it's not.
The FBI needs to do the job for which it is intended, and not become politically weaponized. They simply need to stay the course.
Obtaining a FISA warrant, against a president elect, that never should have been approved.?
Early morning raids on Trump associates.?
Raiding Mar a Lago while the president was in New York?
Spying on us right wingers because we might say things they dont like?

The FBI needs to focus on national security, and dealing with thebad apples.
They shouldn't be turned into an agency of strong arm thugs for the deep state.
I suspect that there are a lot of worried people in the FBI now. Worried that Pres Trump will be re-elected and clean out their SH. That alone would be worth all the accompanying theater. Give them something else to focus on other than Jan 6th protests. Maybe even start to work FOR the American people again.................FWB
I suspect that there are a lot of worried people in the FBI now. Worried that Pres Trump will be re-elected and clean out their SH. That alone would be worth all the accompanying theater. Give them something else to focus on other than Jan 6th protests. Maybe even start to work FOR the American people again.................FWB
The only thing the President can do is replace the director. Rest of them are protected Federal employees and can only be dismissed with good cause. I don't think there are patronage jobs within the FBI.
The only thing the President can do is replace the director. Rest of them are protected Federal employees and can only be dismissed with good cause. I don't think there are patronage jobs within the FBI.
POTUS has the ability to mass fire government employees under the control of the office. POTUS can’t fire individuals without cause. Really stupid law if you ask me. POTUS should be able to fire anyone he is in charge of at any time for any reason. No differently than private industry business owners.
Well those that are “civil service” have a property interest in their jobs, next to impossible to get rid of. Others may be “at will” employees, they can be easily replaced.
Ed Calderon is a good source of info for anyone interested in following the cartels in Mexico, he posted this video from the CJNG Cartel.

Same Cartel puts out videos pretty often, one of their more famous ones a couple years ago showed them in convoy of armored trucks and fully equipped personnel.

They had no warrant, and just wanted to talk to her. I don't condone what she said, but she broke a golden rule by stepping outside her door, to become surrounded and intimidated. From what I read, she did not threaten anyone in this country. Maybe she has a history of violent rhetoric? I dont know.
If law enforcement shows up without a warrant. Don't ever step outside, or allow them in. They are not your friend.

Dont twist my post into something it's not.
The FBI needs to do the job for which it is intended, and not become politically weaponized. They simply need to stay the course.
Obtaining a FISA warrant, against a president elect, that never should have been approved.?
Early morning raids on Trump associates.?
Raiding Mar a Lago while the president was in New York?
Spying on us right wingers because we might say things they dont like?

The FBI needs to focus on national security, and dealing with thebad apples.
They shouldn't be turned into an agency of strong arm thugs for the deep state.

I wasn't twisting anything, but perhaps it wasn't clear what your intent was in the previous post. If your intent was to warn us not to step outside when agents appear without a warrant, okay so be it. But I was taking your posting this about the pro-Palestine woman and what the FBI did as a slap against them. As far as I'm concerned, if they didn't do anything that would've required a warrant and acted within the law, then it's a so what? They were doing their job and following up to determine if there was something credible. It wasn't clear to me if you were simply passing along advice versus criticizing the FBI in that case.

I agree totally with you that the FBI should not be used as a political weapon. I agree that our law enforcement agencies do cross the line at times. I do not care for or agree with how the incidents at Ruby Ridge, ID and Waco, TX were handled for instance.

And without question regarding FISA, a wrong was done to Trump. At the time that GWB made changes, it was challenged by some in both parties as being dangerous. That it could be used for purposes it wasn't intended since it was behind the curtain. There is no doubt that this is what happened to Trump. And there is also no doubt that no one was truly held accountable for that wrong. As far as I'm concerned the FISA laws are in need of significant review and overhaul.
I wasn't twisting anything, but perhaps it wasn't clear what your intent was in the previous post. If your intent was to warn us not to step outside when agents appear without a warrant, okay so be it. But I was taking your posting this about the pro-Palestine woman and what the FBI did as a slap against them. As far as I'm concerned, if they didn't do anything that would've required a warrant and acted within the law, then it's a so what? They were doing their job and following up to determine if there was something credible. It wasn't clear to me if you were simply passing along advice versus criticizing the FBI in that case.

I agree totally with you that the FBI should not be used as a political weapon. I agree that our law enforcement agencies do cross the line at times. I do not care for or agree with how the incidents at Ruby Ridge, ID and Waco, TX were handled for instance.

And without question regarding FISA, a wrong was done to Trump. At the time that GWB made changes, it was challenged by some in both parties as being dangerous. That it could be used for purposes it wasn't intended since it was behind the curtain. There is no doubt that this is what happened to Trump. And there is also no doubt that no one was truly held accountable for that wrong. As far as I'm concerned the FISA laws are in need of significant review and overhaul.
Fair enough

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