Could have been worse- what if he only had quarters and dimes?Here's one for you. A guy I worked with went to the same elk camp for many years and they had a "permanent" shitter (elevated toilet seat over a hole dug into the ground). One year, they were going to "rehab" the hole prior to the season. When they lifted the toilet lid, there were a handful of $20 bills in the hole. Some guy had wiped his arse with those bills at one time before the current season. Unbelievable!
OOOh. All the flat shooters.The other thing in that scenario would be if you tried to trade ammo for food? The bastards don't want your .338 WM ammo, they WANT CREEDMOORS! or maybe .243? LOL
If Trump was in the Whitehouse right now, I would bet the farm that Russia wouldn't be in the Ukraine.@Brent in Az
What do you think Trump will do about Ukraine if he wins?
Do you think he'll do anything different?
Understood however not agreed.If Trump was in the Whitehouse right now, I would bet the farm that Russia wouldn't be in the Ukraine.
The minute that Commie Joe was announced as the winner of the Presidential election, world dictators began salivating.
Who better to have in the Whitehouse, then a corrupt buffoon who can be bought?
What will Trump do? He's a wildcard, so it's hard to tell. It will all hinge on having control of the House & Senate. Can we flip the Senate red, snd retain the house?I won't hold my breath.
The first thing I would do is determine what type of support I have in the Senate
My next move would be to call the European allies, and determine who would be willing to make a showing of military strength against the Russians in the Ukraine.
My next move would be to call the Kremlin, and demand Putin to pull out of the Ukraine, or deal with a giant can of thunder.
Let Putin rattle his Sabre with nuclear threats.
If there is such a serious vested interest in the outcome of this war, the Ukraine is going to need help with boots on the ground, and serious hardware. The USA and it's allies are going to have to put military soldiers in harms way.
Tax dollars wont win this war in the end, and it will be all for naught. The Ukrainians will become canon fodder. How many more of them have to die because of the ambitions of a ruthless tyrant?
Personally, I am much more concerned about the middle east, terrorism, and oil. Not to mention the economic issues, and invasion of my homeland.
I am not a military strategist, or expert on these issues. It is solely based upon my opinion.
Trump needs to put away his inflated ego. Nobody can stop this war in a day except Putin.Understood however not agreed.
IIMHO if he wins, regardless of flipping the senate or retaining the house Trump won't be able to stop the war in a day as he says.
It'll be status quo or he might try to stop funding and let Russia advance because of his grudge with Zelinsky.
But we'll see... if he wins and that's a big if..
They do not want our boots on the ground. They simply want the means to defend their country. In spite of our flawed strategy of providing just enough military aid, they had been doing remarkably well. It is the Russian army largely providing the canon fodder.If there is such a serious vested interest in the outcome of this war, the Ukraine is going to need help with boots on the ground, and serious hardware. The USA and it's allies are going to have to put military soldiers in harms way.
Tax dollars wont win this war in the end, and it will be all for naught. The Ukrainians will become canon fodder. How many more of them have to die because of the ambitions of a ruthless tyrant?
You are absolutely correct. We are left to believe Kelley or Trump. I would simply say for me, that isn't even a contest.If that were true and they had proof of it the MSM and dems would be looping that 24/7365 to make people believe it.
You are absolutely correct that this war will end in a negotiated settlement of some sort. If for no other reason, neither side has the power to dictate peace on the steps of the other's capitol. That negotiation, however, can result in all sorts of terms.The State department should have Stephen Kotkin advising them in most matters.
I like his idea of an armistice between Ukraine and Russia like north and South Korea. draw the line and move on