Two terms that would seem to have relevance here, for me anyway.
Reputation: a widespread belief that someone or something has a particular habit or characteristic.
Integrity: the quality of being honest and having strong moral principles; moral uprightness.
From what I have read about John Kelly, he appears to have both of those in ample supply: a solid reputation and strong integrity. I am not sure I have ever thought Trump had either, even dating back to voting for him in 2016 and things such as “Grab’em by the pu$$y.” Well, I guess that’s not true: Trump did have a reputation, and I chose to hold my nose, even back then, something I repeated in 2020.
For those that support him and think the world is out to get him, it is his lack of integrity that makes it easy for me to believe that not all of what is said bad about him can be fictitious. Indeed it would be easier for me to believe it is all true than it is all false, because of his previously demonstrated reputation. Not everyone saying bad things about him can be lying. To believe that just defies common sense.
Listening to those comments attributed to General Kelly? That just reinforces – as though I need anything further – why I won’t hold my nose a third time, if he is the nominee.
And don’t turn this into what Joe Biden is or is not; Biden never had my vote. Trump is the one who should be fighting for my vote, a vote he has made clear he doesn’t feel he needs or wants. Frankly, I’m glad he’s making it easy for me this time.