Politico is a lefty propaganda outlet rather than a serious unbiased news source, so it's no surprise they are spinning this as if there is controversy among the republican voters.
The article cites the supposed opinions of U.S. Senators which are completely irrelevant anyway. They do not elect U.S. Presidents, the voters do, and the latest Quinnipiac Poll done on 10/22/22 reflects that 78% of republican voters want Trump to run again. That's up 14 points from an earlier poll done in 05/22. Point being Trump's support to run in 2024 is actually growing among republican voters. That being said, a LOT can happen in a 2-year span.. Just look at the disaster that America has experienced in the last 20 months..
Regardless, this is ALL irrelevant if the republicans do not retake both houses in these mid-terms. The damage done by the current Administration over the next 2 years will most likely be irrevocable by then regardless of who runs in 2024..