
Does Musk's peace plan have any merit? The problem is, as I see it, there is nothing to prevent Moscow having another go at war in the future if they lose the supervised reforendum. The West can hold Ukraine to a deal, but who binds Russia?
I think the eventual outcome will likely look something like this, if for no other reason the Ukrainians do not and will not have the combat power to dictate peace in the Kremlin. However, and it is a big however, I expect the Ukrainians will not consider participating in any such negotiations until the conditions on the ground thoroughly reflect the ridiculousness of Russian annexation claims. As my Tennessee back woods great uncle would say, "they ain't talking when they got their teeth in their ass."

The plebiscites would require careful management. After all, huge numbers of pro Ukrainian residents of the region have fled the Dombas since 2014. They obviously should have a vote. The UN is the wrong agency to conduct the voting because of Russia's place on the Security Council. Obviously, it can't really be Ukraine. Enter the EU. They already have a fairly robust election monitoring capability, and could figure this one out.

It is worth noting all of these regions voted to go with Ukraine thirty years ago by large margins except Crimea. No one outside Russia seriously debates that the pro-Russian separatists were a clear minority in 2014.

Crimea is going to be much harder. Warm water access through the Black Sea has been a Russian goal for nearly three-hundred years. Sevastopol has been developed into a fairly extensive naval base. It also has the largest Russian ethnic population. It only voted 54% to become part of Ukraine in the original plebiscite. I suspect, assuming continued Ukrainian success in the Dombas and Kherson that Crimea would become an important bargaining chip.

The wild card is Russian stability. What happens in the wake of a complete collapse of the Russian army and perhaps the Putin government is anyone's guess.
One should be careful when making conclusions regarding other people. Your assumption of my feelings about Rush Limbaugh are unsupported and one might think that anyone reaching that conclusion based on the above text should really retake the sixth grade.

I am NOT wrong about Trump. One of his identifying traits is his application of nick-names to competitors. As I noted, most of the nick-names were supported in fact, however as with him calling Ben Carson a "so-so" physician he is clearly incorrect. I understand Pres Trump's advantages in making the visuals with various people and I don't have a problem with the tactic- it's just that on occasion he is incorrect and his credibility suffers a hit- as does Tuckers when he adds superfluous derogatory adjectives.
You're so vain you think my 6th grade class talked about you LOL.

Nobody came up with more politician nicknames than Rush Limbaugh. The left constantly makes evil/perverse nicknames for republicans. When we fight back, why do some on our side get weak at the knees? The only time democrats dislike what republicans say IS WHEN IT'S EFFECTIVE.

Barack Obama - "President Kardashian"
Barney Frank - "Banking Queen"
Chuck Schumer - "Chuck-u Schumer"
Harry Reid - "Dingy Harry"
Joe Biden - "Plugs"
Nancy Pelosi - "Queen Bee"
John Kerry - "Jean-François Kerry"
Robert Byrd - "Sheets"
Debbie Wasserman Schultz - "Debbie Blabbermouth Schultz"
Geraldo Rivera - "The Grim Reaper"
Adam Schiff - "Pencilneck"
Lindsey Graham - "Lindsey Grahamnesty"
Mary Landrieu - Mary Cute Little Baby Fat Landrieu
Patrick Leahy "Leaky Leahy a/k/a Senator Depends"
Michael Dukakis "The Loser"
Terry McAuliffe "The Punk"
Clinton Library and Massage Parlor

Rush came up with literally thousands more nicknames for democrats. Nobody was better at it. It's okay for us lesser minds to pile on, including Trump.
I wouldn’t doubt that if this were to happen, Beijing would be quick to reclaim the territories that were signed over to Stalin.
I bet they are already printing new maps.
I think the eventual outcome will likely look something like this, if for no other reason the Ukrainians do not and will not have the combat power to dictate peace in the Kremlin. However, and it is a big however, I expect the Ukrainians will not consider participating in any such negotiations until the conditions on the ground thoroughly reflect the ridiculousness of Russian annexation claims. As my Tennessee back woods great uncle would say, "they ain't talking when they got their teeth in their ass."

The plebiscites would require careful management. After all, huge numbers of pro Ukrainian residents of the region have fled the Dombas since 2014. They obviously should have a vote. The UN is the wrong agency to conduct the voting because of Russia's place on the Security Council. Obviously, it can't really be Ukraine. Enter the EU. They already have a fairly robust election monitoring capability, and could figure this one out.

It is worth noting all of these regions voted to go with Ukraine thirty years ago by large margins except Crimea. No one outside Russia seriously debates that the pro-Russian separatists were a clear minority in 2014.

Crimea is going to be much harder. Warm water access through the Black Sea has been a Russian goal for nearly three-hundred years. Sevastopol has been developed into a fairly extensive naval base. It also has the largest Russian ethnic population. It only voted 54% to become part of Ukraine in the original plebiscite. I suspect, assuming continued Ukrainian success in the Dombas and Kherson that Crimea would become an important bargaining chip.

The wild card is Russian stability. What happens in the wake of a complete collapse of the Russian army and perhaps the Putin government is anyone's guess.
If Russia isn't removed from the UN Security Council after the many hundreds, if not thousands, of documented WAR CRIMES committed in Ukraine alone, the UN will lose all credibility and I see no reason for it's further existence and definitely not for the US to be a member. I know that's a strong statement, but after replacing the "League of Nations" to prevent war, it's been more than not, a failure and the CONTINUING WAR CRIMES in Ukraine (and previously Syria) by Putin's Russia, demands their removal from the Security Council. ANY country that votes against their removal, should be heavily sanctioned by the other members of the UN. Ukraine IS the test for the UN's credibility. Just my 2 centavos.
I posted this back in May. Mikhail Khodarenok may be the last honest man left in Russia. He published an article prior to the invasion warning of a protracted war against a Ukraine united in its aspirations for inclusion in the European community of nations and aided by NATO. His assessment in May was equally unwelcome and prescient.

I actually think that Ukraine is on the verge of pushing Russian forces out of most of the occupied territories including Crimea. The possible exception being Donetsk Oblast. Even Donetsk may be abandoned by the Russians when it no longer serves as a purpose. The way Russia has used the Doenetsk forces as cannon fodder shows that they don't care about the Donetsk ethnic Russians in the slightest. They were never anything but an excuse for conquest and empire building.

Crimea was once almost invulnerable due to the ability to resupply via the Kerch Bridge in the SE, the E105 in the NE, the E97 in the NW and of course the Black Sea Fleet. The current push could easily end with E105 & E97 being cut, the Kerch Bridge is vulnerable to missile and other strikes. The Black Sea Fleet has effectively been neutralized and confined to port. Cut off from resupply, I doubt Crimea will remain in Russian hands.

Another question will be whether the Russian Federation itself continues to exist in the face of such monumental failures. Time will tell.
On the domestic front it appears, Tony The Fouch, aka the Weasel, added a few million to his bank account during the pandemic. Mr Science himself was apparently paid to run anti-Trump political interference. Isn't that just precious. Can I call them or what! I hope he is looking forward to November.

You can look at the 2020 election two ways, neither very good. If it was legitimate, we have a lot of brain damaged people voting. If it wasn't legitimate, we have one heckuva corrupt system. Talk about lose-lose! Heaven help us.
I note two schools of thought regarding support to the Ukrainian cause. The support school considers Russia to be a repeat of Germany 1939 annexing a portion of Czechoslovakia, which kept the door of opportunity open for conquest and led to millions dying. The non-support claims the war is a means of financial gain by the Ukrainian elite, is of no value to the West and is a risk of nuclear war, virtually ending life as it is known on Earth.

Are there other viewpoints to the issue?
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On the domestic front it appears, Tony The Fouch, aka the Weasel, added a few million to his bank account during the pandemic. Mr Science himself was apparently paid to run anti-Trump political interference. Isn't that just precious. Can I call them or what! I hope he is looking forward to November.

You can look at the 2020 election two ways, neither very good. If it was legitimate, we have a lot of brain damaged people voting. If it wasn't legitimate, we have one heckuva corrupt system. Talk about lose-lose! Heaven help us.
Well, Tony will have many questions to answer regarding the illegal funding provided to the Wuhan lab experimenting with Corona virus gain of function when the Republicans take over the House. And, the 7 million more or so who voted for Brandon over Trump are now reaping what their votes sowed. Inflation and soon interest rates we (Hell, I was there!) haven't seen since the early '80s and a MASSIVE and continuing Federal deficit that probably is beyond the point of no return. Welcome to Brandon's America! You work, maybe not much longer, we spend! Blame the brain dead morons who voted for him.
If it was legitimate, we have a lot of brain damaged people voting.
We have what we formerly considered friends- people that would send birthday and Christmas cards to us that when they learned that we supported Trump, no longer speak to us or note any events. These are otherwise quite smart people- but they seem to be infected by the MSM and are suffering from Trump Derangement Syndrome. It is really sad, but I fear not much can be done for them.

As for the election, I consider the results tainted due to three aspects:
1. Information purposely withheld prior to the election that surveys show would have changed millions of votes.
2. Vote "harvesting" where volunteers assisted voters in completing and submitting their ballots- generally supporting the DemonRat candidates
3. Actual fraud with ballots being submitted on behalf of people that had died, unentitled felons and multiple ballots for individuals.

The various secretary of states of the states considered their votes/election of electors valid so for legal purposes, the election was valid, but hardly represented the spirit of the law.
On another front:

I actually think that Ukraine is on the verge of pushing Russian forces out of most of the occupied territories including Crimea. The possible exception being Donetsk Oblast. Even Donetsk may be abandoned by the Russians when it no longer serves as a purpose. The way Russia has used the Doenetsk forces as cannon fodder shows that they don't care about the Donetsk ethnic Russians in the slightest. They were never anything but an excuse for conquest and empire building.

Crimea was once almost invulnerable due to the ability to resupply via the Kerch Bridge in the SE, the E105 in the NE, the E97 in the NW and of course the Black Sea Fleet. The current push could easily end with E105 & E97 being cut, the Kerch Bridge is vulnerable to missile and other strikes. The Black Sea Fleet has effectively been neutralized and confined to port. Cut off from resupply, I doubt Crimea will remain in Russian hands.

Another question will be whether the Russian Federation itself continues to exist in the face of such monumental failures. Time will tell.

Crimea and the Kerch bridge are a bridge too far. But I wish it would happen, as you suggest.
Well, Tony will have many questions to answer regarding the illegal funding provided to the Wuhan lab experimenting with Corona virus gain of function when the Republicans take over the House. And, the 7 million more or so who voted for Brandon over Trump are now reaping what their votes sowed. Inflation and soon interest rates we (Hell, I was there!) haven't seen since the early '80s and a MASSIVE and continuing Federal deficit that probably is beyond the point of no return. Welcome to Brandon's America! You work, maybe not much longer, we spend! Blame the brain dead morons who voted for him.
Fauci will answer to WHOM--the media won't ask questions or support investigations. The Dems think they can get away with anything. A travesty!
We have what we formerly considered friends- people that would send birthday and Christmas cards to us that when they learned that we supported Trump, no longer speak to us or note any events. These are otherwise quite smart people- but they seem to be infected by the MSM and are suffering from Trump Derangement Syndrome. It is really sad, but I fear not much can be done for them.

As for the election, I consider the results tainted due to three aspects:
1. Information purposely withheld prior to the election that surveys show would have changed millions of votes.
2. Vote "harvesting" where volunteers assisted voters in completing and submitting their ballots- generally supporting the DemonRat candidates
3. Actual fraud with ballots being submitted on behalf of people that had died, unentitled felons and multiple ballots for individuals.

The various secretary of states of the states considered their votes/election of electors valid so for legal purposes, the election was valid, but hardly represented the spirit of the law.
What about the computer filled out votes for president only, no down ballot votes whatsoever, and no handling marks--delivered in the dead of night and then mixed in with the other ballots to hide them? What about a SCOTUS that would not take the legitimate case of state legislatures being the only legal agents of change in election laws?/Chief Justice screaming that there would be riots if the case was taken up? What about Venezuela style voting machines tampered with in multiple states!? Dammit, it just makes you want to Lynch the rascals.
The world used to look upon the USA as the model for elections, it was an important standard. In 2020 Biden and the democrats tarnished that forever, everyone knows, there were just far too many examples as enumerated by Steve and even more. Several Democrats individuals have now been prosecuted for their electoral fraud, how many Republicans? It is argued that they were 'not consequential' in altering the outcome, but they were certainly consequential in altering the electoral landscape forever. Now the USA is seen to cheat at elections, who are they to call out African countries? You will hear that cry frequently from now on. The liberal left seems to have little moral compas, and they use a magnet to persuade the pointer when they do. They have done immeasurable damage to democracy, and what did they get for it? A senile buffoon president and a half wit vp. No point in us gloating though, it is doing the USA huge damage as I write, and the world too. These upcomming elections could not be more important, this mess must be reversed. Winning the House and the Senate is only the first step, putting in place every conceivable measure to prevent cheating ever again is the first priority. Let everyone have their voice, no more, no less.
Fauci will answer to WHOM--the media won't ask questions or support investigations. The Dems think they can get away with anything. A travesty!
When the Republicans take over the House in the upcoming midterms, they'll be in charge of committees who can investigate things that the leftwing media and the Brandon administration have quashed over the last two years. They'll have subpoena powers. In this case, individuals have come forward with information given to Senator Rand Paul and others about Fauci's knowledge of the unauthorized "gain of function" Corona Virus research conducted at the Wuhan lab and the illegal funding given to the lab by the NIH. Fauci has repeatedly denied knowing anything about either.
Now the USA is seen to cheat at elections, who are they to call out African countries? You will hear that cry frequently from now on. The liberal left seems to have little moral compass, and they use a magnet to persuade the pointer when they do. They have done immeasurable damage to democracy, and what did they get for it?

I'm not so sure that other countries will be badgering the US any time soon on these election irregularities or even fraud. It often has been the Democrats who were the biggest supporters of the wrong people in African states. Rather those leaders will look at what happened in the US and will think "if they can get away with it, so should I" and then hire a Democrat advisor to help organize elections.

Whatever happened, fraud or not, consequential or not, in such a tense and polar election every effort should be made by the apparent victor to investigate any and all accusations of irregularities or fraud. Not taking such matters seriously, too quickly trying to say "nothing to see here, move along" is hurting the process much more, than having a thorough review.

As is often said, those who have nothing to hide, will not impede an investigation. And for the most important election in the world, there had better be 100% transparency and validity. No nation can survive, when the trust by its people in their governing bodies is lost.

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