Russia might not be losing this war (yet), but it certainly isn’t winning it
they have suffered huge loses - somewhere between 20,000 and 50,000 with possibly 2 to 3 times that in battle field injuries
Russia is not good at repatriating it’s dead and injured so it is difficult to make an accurate assessment
Also many of these troupes are drawn from the poorer areas of Russia so angry and grieving families are not yet having the political impact that they might
Russia is having to turn to N Korea for munitions - that is an eye opener
Putin has had to postpone his fake referenda in the east yet again as he just doesn’t have adequate control of those areas
I suspect Putin will dig in for the long haul and use grain and gas to sow disharmony in the EU and elsewhere
The energy problems for the EU are real, and will be exploited fully by Putin
Without doubt the EUs problems are self inflicted- too much rainbow thinking with its geopolitical and energy policies for many years
the UK, now free of Brussels think, could be in a better position if it drops its greenie lefty crap and turns to shale and N Sea gas in the short to middle term, and nuclear in the longer term
Will EU resolve crumble? Probably
Brussels doesn’t have much of a backbone and there are predictions of civil unrest in Europe this winter
Would Putin turn the gas back on if the EU go cap in hand?
Possibly, but he would exact such an economic and political cost that EU will be owned by Putin for some time to come
Meanwhile China watches and learns
they have suffered huge loses - somewhere between 20,000 and 50,000 with possibly 2 to 3 times that in battle field injuries
Russia is not good at repatriating it’s dead and injured so it is difficult to make an accurate assessment
Also many of these troupes are drawn from the poorer areas of Russia so angry and grieving families are not yet having the political impact that they might
Russia is having to turn to N Korea for munitions - that is an eye opener
Putin has had to postpone his fake referenda in the east yet again as he just doesn’t have adequate control of those areas
I suspect Putin will dig in for the long haul and use grain and gas to sow disharmony in the EU and elsewhere
The energy problems for the EU are real, and will be exploited fully by Putin
Without doubt the EUs problems are self inflicted- too much rainbow thinking with its geopolitical and energy policies for many years
the UK, now free of Brussels think, could be in a better position if it drops its greenie lefty crap and turns to shale and N Sea gas in the short to middle term, and nuclear in the longer term
Will EU resolve crumble? Probably
Brussels doesn’t have much of a backbone and there are predictions of civil unrest in Europe this winter
Would Putin turn the gas back on if the EU go cap in hand?
Possibly, but he would exact such an economic and political cost that EU will be owned by Putin for some time to come
Meanwhile China watches and learns
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