
In the Great American Experiment one of the issues we got right fairly quickly was how to change our government peacefully. When John Adams left the presidency and Thomas Jefferson became president, that was a major political change. This type of change in any other country at the time would have required considerable blood shed. We did fail in the 1860’s. Since the 1860’s we have managed to handle changes in our government peacefully on a consistent basis. Fortunately, many countries today have learned this lesson. There are a few more that still need to learn that changed in government and government leaders every 10 years or so is a good thing.
Proud statement - and what happened the last time??


You have said some interesting things here that have me scratching my head... Can you explain these comments in greater detail?

Are you saying Germany does not have the right to it's own national defense because of war-time atrocities that occurred over 80 years ago by a generation that is no longer in existence?

Furthermore, what nation of any consequence around the globe is still punishing Germany for WW2? And, why is this not the case with Japan or Italy?

When you don't have enough citizens volunteering for the adequate defense of the nation you can, and possibly should consider conscription through a national selective service system. Maybe you can start with the millions of middle-eastern immigrants Merkel embraced in 2015?

He already is, but not at the same profit margin or convenience... You are paying the most with the lowest shipping costs. Putin accomplishes two goals in selling oil to Germany. He gets top dollar and holds a significant part of your economy by the balls..
Yes, indeed, some peoples are very suspicious of German and Japanese militarism - no one has canceled historical memory. But of course, it is the sovereign right of every nation - what it will spend its national product on.
In the meantime, the Germans are being persuaded to abandon cheap and reliable energy sources, which, first of all, will lead to an increase in the cost of German products and a loss of competitiveness. Who benefits from it - let everyone decide for himself. How bad will it be for Putin? Perhaps more harmful than excommunication from Lego and pornhub, but, I think, not much
Proud statement - and what happened the last time??
If you are referring to the January 20, 2020 presidential inauguration, that day went smoothly. President Biden took the oath of office and President Trump went home. The legal protests filed by President Trump’s campaign after the election were properly done. January 6, 2020 was not properly done. However, it was not nearly as bad as when Lincoln came into office in 1861. Several states had left the union before he took office. Eventually, eleven states would leave the union. It would take almost 5 years of terrible fighting to restore the union.
Our form of government is an experiment. Until the writing of The US Constitution there had never been a government like that in the history of the world. We are figuring things out. Do remember, though, we are a rebellious people.
The phrase, “All men are created equal endowed by their creator with certain inalienable rights, those of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.” applies not just to US citizens but to all people of the world. It’s up to you to develop a system that works for you. Feel free to learn from our mistakes and don’t discount our successes.
If you are referring to the January 20, 2020 presidential inauguration, that day went smoothly. President Biden took the oath of office and President Trump went home. The legal protests filed by President Trump’s campaign after the election were properly done. January 6, 2020 was not properly done. However, it was not nearly as bad as when Lincoln came into office in 1861. Several states had left the union before he took office. Eventually, eleven states would leave the union. It would take almost 5 years of terrible fighting to restore the union.
Our form of government is an experiment. Until the writing of The US Constitution there had never been a government like that in the history of the world. We are figuring things out. Do remember, though, we are a rebellious people.
The phrase, “All men are created equal endowed by their creator with certain inalienable rights, those of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.” applies not just to US citizens but to all people of the world. It’s up to you to develop a system that works for you. Feel free to learn from our mistakes and don’t discount our successes.
In spite of our problems we still have the most successful form of government on the planet which, by the way, is also the most copied.
In spite of our problems we still have the most successful form of government on the planet which, by the way, is also the most copied.
Always appreciated what Winston Churchill had to say
Yes, indeed, some peoples are very suspicious of German and Japanese militarism

WTF? Who are these "peoples" you speak of and what exactly is the threat they perceive from Germany or Japan's military?

In the meantime, the Germans are being persuaded to abandon cheap and reliable energy sources,

Persuaded or forced? Either way, this is not exclusive to Germany. This is most of western Europe... Here in the USA we are currently being forcefully persuaded to abandon cheap and reliable energy.

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T/C wrote on Dewald's profile.
Hi Dewald,
I am looking for a copy of Wright's "Shooting the British Double Rifle" (3E).
Please PM me (T/C) if you still have one.
Thank you very much in advance!!!
I am game for a meat and eat. My attempt at humor.
rigby 416 wrote on rifletuner's profile.
Come from cz like that.
John A Flaws wrote on Horbs's profile.
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