
Proposed terms of negotiated peace agreement between Russia and Ukraine:
Russia agrees to:
1. Remove all of its forces from Ukraine
2. Remove all military & intelligence gathering equipment from Ukraine
3. Pay reparations to Ukraine for costs involved in the defense of Ukraine
4. Pay reparations to the survivors and estates of deceased in amounts to be determined

Ukraine agrees to:
1. Make no retaliatory attacks against Russia
2. Decline membership in NATO but is authorized to seek economic agreements with other nations

These are not the officially proposed terms, they are just my musings.
Proposed terms of negotiated peace agreement between Russia and Ukraine:
Russia agrees to:
1. Remove all of its forces from Ukraine
2. Remove all military & intelligence gathering equipment from Ukraine
3. Pay reparations to Ukraine for costs involved in the defense of Ukraine
4. Pay reparations to the survivors and estates of deceased in amounts to be determined

Ukraine agrees to:
1. Make no retaliatory attacks against Russia
2. Decline membership in NATO but is authorized to seek economic agreements with other nations

These are not the officially proposed terms, they are just my musings.
Yeah well, regardless of any eventual "official" peace agreement, I wouldn't trust Putin as far as I could piss on him!
Putin will never be able to accept a humiliating defeat and it is worrying how close that will push him to the button. He will probably choose his bunker moment and this mess will be left to others to resolve. The question is, how far do you push the terms in order to ensure a quick acceptance by Russia whilst also undoing any future silly ambitions?
One point is hugely clear for the US - show weakness and there will be creep. Elect a doddery old fool who says "you can invade, but just a bit", and the inch becomes a mile overnight.
'The ANC’s Massive Lie to South Africans’

For years, ANC top leadership have been skimming income from the Department of Mineral Rights & Energy Affairs - this ill-gotten money has steadily lined the pockets of the ANC Elite Class, and fueled their indiscretions.

The now-fattened ANC elite laugh about their 'reliable' source of income while they launder the funds to keep them off the books.

The ANC continue to spread misinformation about private mining operations controlling mineral rights - we encourage everyone interested to take time to actually read the deeds, and review the details of these contracts. It is quickly evident that the State is deceiving us, and taking large amounts of profit, more than we ever imagined.

South Africans again need to understand that the State controls mineral rights for every square centimeter of South Africa’s land. This means all mineral resources are controlled by the ANC.

Don’t forget all the land ‘owned’ be the state as well - the metropole's, municipalities (both urban and rural), rural tribal chiefs land, nature reserves and parks, waterworks, dams, roads, industrial land, SOE land, public health, public services, universities and schools. The State receives and processes all income from leases, levies, rates and tax monies received on these properties.

How else is a national fiscus income possible? It is impossible for personal and company income taxes to cover it all.

The ANC deceit must stop. Our public coffers have been pillaged to a point where our citizens have had enough. An investigative committee must be formed, and a major investigation must be initiated right away!

The majority of South African people are awakening to the reality that the African National Congress is hiding significant amounts of income gained through fixing the balance sheets in the Department of Mineral Rights & Energy Affairs, and spreading falsities about who is really signing the dotted line on authorizing mining operations, and how these backhanded deals are made.

The ANC have over-extended their boundaries, and the pending investigation will expose them as a lurking monolith that has been sucking our futures dry, all this while they stupidly point their fingers at capitalism and mining conglomerates as abusing our natural resources. What an insult to our people!

The very ANC leaders we elected to protect us, the ones who preach respect for ourselves, are actually miserable pick-pockets who steal funds that should be going towards rejuvenating our education system, police service, hospitals and numerous other failing institutions in our ailing country.

The irony in this - in the same way our hollow government has abandoned morality with their pilfering of State income, they have also abandoned the dream of a better life for our people.

This betrayal by the ANC will echo deeply through the minds of millions of working poor in our country, for decades to come.

ANC - your time as ruling party is over.

“We! Klibhi! Ngiyakwazi ukuthi ungubani;
ngaphansi kwalezosingubo zikanokusho
kuncencetha inhliziyo yesela.”

“Ha! Ha! I know who you are;
beneath those fine clothes
ticks the heart of a thief.”

WhatsApp Image 2022-05-10 at 7.44.09 AM.jpeg
Proposed terms of negotiated peace agreement between Russia and Ukraine:
Russia agrees to:
1. Remove all of its forces from Ukraine
2. Remove all military & intelligence gathering equipment from Ukraine
3. Pay reparations to Ukraine for costs involved in the defense of Ukraine
4. Pay reparations to the survivors and estates of deceased in amounts to be determined

Ukraine agrees to:
1. Make no retaliatory attacks against Russia
2. Decline membership in NATO but is authorized to seek economic agreements with other nations

These are not the officially proposed terms, they are just my musings.
I don't see Russia agreeing to those terms at all.

However, I do see them using a tactical nuke as an option on Kyiv if things get really bad and Ukraine does not capitulate. I doubt if the rest of the nuclear nations would retaliate on behalf of Ukraine as they would fear an all out nuclear war.
We watched an interview with Dennis Davies and Andre du Ruyter last night, frightening. In a nutshell
Big criminal syndicates operating within Eskom. Plug one source of fraud and theft and another appears.
Eskom stopped the diesel theft and then discovered R1.1BN theft of stock at one power station etc. Coal deliveries having metal and rocks added to the loads to dilute the good coal as they are paid by weight, that damages the power stations.
They employed a top forensic guy to start sorting this out. His house was shot at and he resigned. Their hands are tied, cops release those arrested the next day on orders from senior cops.
De Ruyter said he cannot fix Eskom alone. Unless the authorities and NPA actually take this on we are going nowhere.
No individual would want to put their families at risk by taking on syndicates.
Load shedding here to stay for a long time to come.
At least it makes sense what’s happening now.
Especially these 1000's of [illegal /informal] small electronic and mobile phone 'shops'!
Each mall even now have a couple of these small shops selling cheap crap, without the client turnover to even justify the expensive rent in a big mall, but their books show a huge profit at the end of each month!
Money laundering at a massive scale!!
I see where the drooling moron taking up space behind the Resolute Desk is trying to scare his moronic followers by telling them Republicans want to raise their taxes and lower their incomes.

I refuse to say that asshat's name anymore.
I don't see Russia agreeing to those terms at all.

However, I do see them using a tactical nuke as an option on Kyiv if things get really bad and Ukraine does not capitulate. I doubt if the rest of the nuclear nations would retaliate on behalf of Ukraine as they would fear an all out nuclear war.
I hope you are wrong, and I do not think they will. I am confident that the National Security Council, in conjunction with the Pentagon, has developed a set of kinetic and non-kinetic courses of action for the President (or whomever is actually making the call) to respond to such a strike. My assumption is that it would be forceful.

It would be intolerable for the US or NATO to allow Putin to use such a weapon and then get away with forcing a decision in Russia's favor after doing so. The West would be subject to such blackmail forever into the future - not only by Russia, but also by China. If not absolutely confident, then I am at least very hopeful, the nature of that response has been conveyed with absolute clarity to the Kremlin.

I take it as a good sign that Putin did not avail himself of nuclear saber rattling during the May 9th celebration that would have logically been an opportunity to do so.

A factor he must be forced to consider is that we did away with nearly all our true tactical nuclear weapons during the eighties. One of the messages that then conveyed to the Soviets was that any first use would escalate quickly to a strategic exchange. I have little doubt that he has been reminded of that quite clearly.

I suspect he is indeed becoming somewhat desperate to get out of this fiasco. His Chief of the General Staff, the architect of the reorganized Russian military which is being cut to pieces by Western weapons and combat organization, and the "genius" behind the invasion plan, General Valery Gerasimov, has vanished (not present at the May 9th ceremonies). He was either wounded in Ukraine a week ago or has been "disappeared."

Putin is, I assume, hoping that something positive will come out of the attempt to generate an offensive in the Southeast. His only option when that fails, and I think that is occurring as we discuss this, is to dig in and hope for a stalemate. That could happen. The danger he runs with that strategy is a potential precipitous collapse of a battered and demoralized field army. Particularly, if his shattered formations are struck with a multi-brigade counter attack.

Someone in the Ministry of Defense fully understands all this. We'll see how long it takes the realization to sink in with the collective political leadership that a major effort needs to be initiated to talk their way out of this mess.
That is simply not true. It is typical revisionist history written by the same sort of people who condemn Washington and Jefferson for being slave owners. It was unregulated private enterprise run amok that drove the bison to the brink of extinction. The same thing was happening with commercial waterfowl hunting, the extermination of most whitetail east of the Mississippi, etc, etc. Fortunately, for all of us today, a farsighted man by the name of Theodore Roosevelt was just about to arrive on the scene.

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idjeffp wrote on Jon R15's profile.
Hi Jon,
I saw your post for the .500 NE cases. Are these all brass or are they nickel plated? Hard for me to tell... sorry.
Jeff [redacted]
Boise, ID
African Scenic Safaris is a Sustainable Tour Operator based in Moshi, Tanzania. Established in 2009 as a family business, the company is owned and operated entirely by locals who share the same passion for showing people the amazing country of Tanzania and providing a fantastic personalized service.
FDP wrote on dailordasailor's profile.
1200 for the 375 barrel and accessories?