Something is not computing...
Sure, Putin may be the only person in Russia who does not know that frozen ground melts in the spring ?????
Sure, the Russian Army professional ineptitude may be an offense to Western professional soldiers ?????
Sure, the Russian air force strong of 1,500+ fighters and attack aircrafts supported by 500+ attack helicopters may have failed to achieve air superiority over the ~100 Ukrainian fighters and attack aircrafts and ~30 attack helicopters ?????
Sure, sustained combat devours spare parts and maintenance hours, and maybe the Russian military exhausted its supplies of spare parts in Syria or during its month-long maneuvers prior to the conflict, and moronically engaged in war operations in Ukraine with so little combat maintenance capability that it was exhausted in 2 or 3 days ?????
Sure, Russian officers may not be educated enough to have a graduate level understanding of the application of combat power, and the inexperience of the Russian army in projecting combat power may be so poor that the 40 mile convoy may have simply run out of gas, 150 miles from its starting point at the Belarus border ?????
Sure, the Russian army may have fought themselves to a standstill in 3 or 4 days against a Ukrainian army - pick a number: 3, 4, 5 times less numerous, less equipped, and less trained ?????
Etc. Etc.
I don't know folks, I don't know, something is not computing......
Do we REALLY think that they are THAT stupid?
Certainly, we are not alone in not understanding what is happening (see The Mysterious Case of the Missing Russian Air Force paper by the Royal United Services Institute; or the Foreign Policy Research Institute: “There’s a lot of stuff they’re doing that’s perplexing”; etc.) but while most everyone agrees that we do not know what exactly Putin wants to accomplish, and why the Russian military conduct operations in Ukraine the way they do, few seem to dismiss the questions so easily, and be satisfied by answers as simplistic as something along the line of the ineptitude of Russian forces...
What is it in there that we are not understanding? And that we better start to understand quick before we get completely rolled in this maskirovka (Russian military deception doctrine), if it is one indeed.
I do not know folks, I do not know, but I do not think - in all respect to the Ukrainians resistance efforts and spirit - that 75 years old Babushkas brandishing AK 47; or civilians turned into resistance fighters overnight by being issued a uniform, a weapon and one magazine; or “The Ghost of Kyiv” MIG-29 ace combat sequences that a Reuters Fact Check debunked as being a clip from the videogame Digital Combat Simulator; or the few hundreds of Javelins and Stingers that may (?) have already reached Ukraine and may (?) have already been dispersed to ground units; etc. etc., I do not think that those explain, for example, why the Russian air force is using just over 75 aircrafts in its Ukraine invasion, per US intelligence reports; or why after having conducted extensive operations in geographically expansive areas such as Afghanistan, the Russian army would have all of a sudden forgotten that engines need fuel, and soldiers food; or why after being engaged daily for months in Syria, the Russian air force would have suddenly forgotten that Su-24 or 35 require spare parts...
Full-scale ethnic cleansing ?
I have no pretense of knowing, but watching the news tonight I was noticing that already close to 1 million Ukrainians have left the country, and that the UN were organizing for the arrival of as many as 5 million Ukrainians in bordering nations over the coming weeks.
Could it be that Putin is as crazy as a fox and is applying just enough deliberate or indiscriminate bombardment of civilian areas, while progressing on the ground just slowly enough, to essentially herd out of Ukraine the population he does not want in it (assumedly Western leaning Ukrainophones), essentially performing full-scale ethnic cleansing in the face of the world, while laughing at the epithets, and stacking the deck for an upcoming popular referendum in some months?
I don't know folks, I do not know, but what I know is that it is not as simple as they are just bumbling idiots...