@ foxi: no the NATO has not advanced to the Russian borders-nearly all of the Warsaw Pact Countries
have simply fled from the Russian Threat, which they knew well from the last decades, into the relative safety of NATO.
And even a mislead former KGB-Officer perfectly knows, that NATO is no military threat at all. The fear that runs down his spine is, that the Ukrainean people, beeing very close to the Russian people, were on the way to a western orientation, including the most horrible circumstances like freedom of press, of speech and some sort of fight against corruption-which of course is needed. So how could Putin explain to his people that they may not have the same rights as the people in " the core region of Russia" , as he said in his recent speech.
So he can only follow the script of our former Fuehrer, whose heirs should be paid a licence fee for illegally violating his copyright
Therefore the comparison between some small NATO forces stationed in Democracies on these countries' demand -for long asking for more - and Russian troops in Mexico is simply misleading, wrong and forgetful about Hungary,Tchechoslowakia, Syria asf- just Russian propaganda.
One last remark to the question of the power of the Bundeswehr in the 70ies and eighties. I have been a
volunteer in the Bundeswehr 1963. The threat szenario with the Volksarmee and some 3 Million Russian troops just in striking distance of the Federal Republic was just overwhelming. We could have done not very much.
Today the saying goes: what is the task of the German army? To create some confusion until real soldiers arrive. Responsible for this tragedy are all governments of the last 20 years, not listening to Winston Churchill(?) about Diplomacy: speak softly and carry a big stick.
I think die USA should in time ask themselves: are we prepared to go to war for Estonia? If Putin feels the answer is no, nobody will stop him.