Sorry but the more I look at that picture, the more I can't unsee a Simpsons character.
He was a drama teacher, he should be good at acting! His best role to date is playing the Prime Minister Canada!
A trucker in Ottawa today was asked how long he planned on staying. He replied “just 2 weeks to flatten the curve”
Uh, the last one "Failure/Implosion"? There must be another one because that is when President Sleepy/Creepy/China/Covid Brandon took over?
Many of those are incompetent. Esprit de Corps won't overcome incompetence, so we've got that going for us.I question whether WaDC and the USA will follow that diagram. I am being repeatedly shocked by the camaraderie shown by those that willingly support justification of any means to prevent any shift in the march toward totalitarian government. I suspect that those in charge know that the end won't be good, but they hope that they can push the end farther down the road so that they aren't around when the end comes.