
Manafort was indicted by Mueller in October, 2017. Manafort/Gates have since been found guilty of breaking FARA rules. ie: Not registering as a foreign agent.

Tony Podesta shut down his lobbying and consulting firm immediately after the Manafort indictment. Manafort and Podesta have worked together with Ukraine, representing Ukrainian interests in America. John and Tony Podesta have both gone to ground in the last year and a half. Occam's Razor would suggest that the Podesta's have issues with FARA regulations as would every organization within the "Deep State" that has taken money from foreign interests to lobby and effect change within America without registering.

If the Podesta's are big fish. Greg Craig is an untouchable within the deep state. Guess what? Craig has been indicted for lying about FARA. Craig served as Obama's in house counsel in the early years. His law firm, of which he served as a partner, Skadden Arps, looks to have flipped on Craig by paying a $4.6M fine and agreeing to cooperate.

It has been known along K Street for years that foreign interests have paid publishing and news organizations along with reporters to write articles favorable to various causes. Middle East countries and China being the main culprits. ie: 1)Qatar paying Khashoggi/ Washington Post to write articles favorable to the Muslim Brotherhood and Iran. 2) How a horrible massacre against Muslim's in Christchurch gets national media for days and horrible massacre's against Christian's (or if you prefer, Easter worshipers) in Sri Lanka gets a passing mention and is over within 24 hours.

For a few months I have wondered if FARA regulations could/would be used against the MSM. Brian Cates is certainly more in-tune than me. This is an excellent read on what may be facing the MSM over the next few years.

Remember how Al Capone was taken down for income tax evasion? Will FARA be the MSM's kryptonite?

(Reading unrolled twitter feeds isn't always the easiest thing to do, but this read is worth a little effort)


Brian Cates

2 days ago, 41 tweets, 8 min read Read on Twitter
Thread by somebody who knows what he's talking about.

Walks the reader thru [with some links] how Ted Kennedy & Greg Craig were key players in kickstarting what has become the modern day DC foreign bribery industry:

1) #GregoryCraig was Obama's White House Counsel. He was recently indicted for crimes relating to his Ukraine work with #PaulManafort. Now is a good time to look at Craig's career after he helped would-be Reagan assassin John Hinckley get off on an insanity plea.

Here's my column from just 2 weeks ago about that modern day foreign bribery industry in DC, which puts American foreign and even domestic policy up for sale to the highest bidder:

You Can't Put America First Until Washington's Foreign Bribery Industry Has Been Shut DownCommentary Many people are wondering where things go from here, now that special counsel Robert Mueller's investigation has ...https://www.theepochtimes.com/you-cant-put-america-first-until-washingtons-foreign-bribery-industry-has-been-shut-down_2866597.html

In case you want to see an example of foreign cash being used to publish propaganda in our 'news' media disguised as editorial opinion, here's one for you from just yesterday:

Washington Post: Breaking News, World, US, DC News & AnalysisBreaking news and analysis on politics, business, world national news, entertainment more. In-depth DC, Virginia, Maryland news coverage including traffic, weather, crime, education, restaurant revie…https://www.washingtonpost.com/business/we-should-let-china-spy-on-us/2019/04/20/985dc970-63d1-11e9-bf24-db4b9fb62aa2_story.html?noredirect=on&utm_term=.42aa031ada4e

These foreign governments/factions don't just pay bribes to our politicians for favorable policy; they give money to media outlets like the Wall Street Journal, New York Times, Washington Post - and those are only the print media. Also networks take this $.
Here's why President Trump is so confidently predicting most of the Fake News media is going to be out of business in just six years:

When ad revenues dropped and subscriptions dropped back in the mid 2000's, they discovered a lucrative new revenue stream.
Many top Fake News outlets are now very, very dependent on the cash they get paid to publish stories from paying clients.

Here's my column from a few months ago about that:

"The Paid-Propaganda-As-News Scam"

The Paid-Propaganda-as-News ScamCommentary One of the biggest dirty secrets of the DNC Media Complex is that, for some time now, ...https://www.theepochtimes.com/the-paid-propaganda-as-news-scam_2802974.html

Many of these Fake News outlets would not survive if they suddenly lost access to the paying clients who have been shelling out big $ to publish propaganda in their outlet disguised as news coverage.

I'm about to drop a huge bomb.

Are you ready?
FARA isn't just about *politicians* doing illegal lobbying. Anybody can do illegal lobbying for a foreign country.

Greg Craig is a LAWYER.
Manafort was never elected to any public office.
Neither was Gates or Van Der Zwaan.
Natalia Veselnitskaya and Rinat Akhmetshin, the two Russian Fusion GPS operatives at the June 2016 Trump Tower meeting were both doing illegal lobbying against the Magnitsky Act because neither had ever registered as a foreign agent.

NV is a lawyer. RA is a 'consultant'.
Let me tell you now the dirty secret that has *smart* Fake News reporters all over the DNC Media freaking out right now.

They took MONEY from foreign governments/factions to publish their propaganda disguised as 'news coverage' to sway public opinion & affect US foreign policy.
Many in the DNC Media Complex didn't just become paid political hacks for one certain US political party; they became FOREIGN AGENTS working for foreign clients and using their influence to publish stories and LOBBYING on behalf of their foreign clients.
Bob Mueller and his Merry Crew just spent 2 years proving what A Very Bad Thing it is to become a foreign agent without publicly disclosing this and filing as a foreign agent under FARA.
What's that hand I see there?

"But Brian, doesn't the FIRST AMENDMENT give them cover for doing this kind of thing? Doesn't free speech & the freedom of the press allow them to take this foreign money and..."

Why no.

It doesn't.
There's no press exception clause in the FARA act.

"You can totally collude with foreign clients & publish their propaganda from your news outlet to try to influence American policy without disclosing you are now a foreign agent because you are a news media outlet."
So it's not just the smart lawyers and the lobbyists and the consultants in DC who have figured out where this is all now going.

Editors & 'journalists' at many news outlets who became paid foreign agents long ago are suddenly waking up to the danger.
And it's too late. Sessions had Horowitz & Huber & others collect all that evidence long ago. They already know which DNC Media outlets took how much money from which foreign source to publish what propaganda story.
So two things are about to happen:

Many DNC Media outlet's relationships with foreign governments/factions are about to be exposed & charges for not filing as foreign agents are going to be made against top media people.

When that happens, the flow of foreign $ ends.
This exposure of what these Fake News outlets were doing, taking $ from foreign sources to publish propaganda and then fooling their audience by disguising it as news coverage, will cause many of their audience to abandon them at last.
That subscription drop/ratings drop from losing most of the audience they had left plus the spigot of foreign cash being turned off will cause many of these outlets to crater and go bust.
This is what Trump means when says in six years the Fake News Media will be gone.

Donald J. Trump

The New York Times Sanctuary Cities/Immigration story today was knowingly wrong on almost every fact. They never call to check for truth. Their sources often don’t even exist, a fraud. They will lie & cheat anyway possible to make me look bad. In 6 years they will be gone........

If Qatar *openly paid* some popular media figure to put a propaganda newspaper/network show out there shilling for their interests above American interests to try to sway public opinion, there would be nothing wrong with that.
Everybody would know 'that newspaper/tv show represents Qatar, they are supposed to be giving the Qatarian point of view on stuff and trying to lobby/convince people to give Qatar's gov't what it wants.'
But what WOULD be wrong & illegal is if Qatar under the table pays a supposedly neutral truth-tellin' media outlet to publish/air their Qatarian propaganda *without* disclosing they are now paid agents working on behalf of Qatar.
There are a whole host of countries out there who have discovered it's an effective way to get the American policy they want if they adopt a two pronged approach:

1) illegally lobby the politicians who write the laws thru people like Podesta, Manafort, Craig, etc.

2) illegally influence the American public who vote for the politicians by paying media outlets under the table to pimp their positions disguised as news coverage.
There is an entire vast middleman industry that's sprung into existence since the days Kennedy/Craig got the illegal foreign lobbying game going back in the 1980's.

Firms like Fusion GPS & many, many others who put media outlets in contact with foreign clients.
Imagine you are someone like General Flynn or former NSA head Mike Rogers.

You know what the vulnerabilities are to our American system, what steps need to be taken to put American interests and security first.

You spend years watching corruption take hold & grow.
You keep making recommendations to fix the problems, but you soon come to learn many of the politicians who drive American foreign policy don't listen to you because foreign powers using illegal bribery are PAYING them not to listen to you.
So as the problems and dangers and vulnerabilities mount and continue to get worse, you spend years watching the elite political class both in DC and in the Fake News media gorge themselves on the big $ they are taking in from their *real* bosses.
Would that not piss you off? Wouldn't it make you exceedingly angry to watch this?

And if your expertise is counter intelligence, where you entrap and expose/capture foreign spies, what kind of plan might you put in place to fix this terrible situation?
Might you not, say, come up with a way to demonstrate just how bad illegal foreign lobbying is and set up a massive crackdown on it that spans not just the elite class in politics in DC, but also the Fake News media that works hand in glove with them?
As I've said several times, and will continue to say:

Whatever THEY thought they were doing or were going to accomplish, Mueller and his team were LED and GUIDED and DIRECTED into doing something else:

Willingly or not, wittingly or not they proved violating FARA = a big deal
Here's something I still believe that I haven't talked about much recently:

I believe Flynn *deliberately* made himself a target for certain hypocrites. He knew they'd come after him anyway, but he made SURE they came after him on something specific.

He created a door.
And then he tricked them into walking through it.

Have you not wondered in a 2 year long investigation that was supposed to stick to Russian election collusion & then obstruction of the investigation of collusion, all this 'dumb' stupid ILLEGAL LOBBYING stuff keeps cropping up?
"What the hell is this? ANOTHER illegal lobbying case springing out of the Mueller investigation?!" they cried!
It's *almost* as if somebody guided the investigation into....

Nah, couldn't be.

That's just my overactive imagination leading me into a wild conspiracy theory.....
Trump knows what he's doing.
He's always known what he's doing.

Over the next few months 2 years of careful preparation will begin paying off.

And the Fake News media is only JUST NOW awakening to how much trouble it's really in.


Many of the same Fake News media outlets that spent over TWO YEARS pimping a Trump/Russia collusion hoax they knew was FAKE all along have been taking MONEY from foreign governments to publish propaganda to influence American foreign policy.
All these Fake News outlets helped the SpyGate plotters launch a coup against a sitting President based on something they knew was a hoax.

They helped accuse Trump of fake foreign collusion while THEY THEMSELVES were making bank being foreign agents taking illegal bribes.
Try to grasp the full hypocrisy of this, if you can.

Fake News outlets taking big $ from Saudi Arabia, Qatar, China, Russia and other countries & *colluding* with them to affect our elections & our foreign policy accused an innocent President of doing WHAT THEY DO ALL THE TIME
Trump will expose all these people with absolute glee.



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During the Obama administration, Joe Biden, and his son, flew to China aboard Airforce 2. Ten days later, Bidens son inked a $1.5 billion deal with the Chinese tech/Bank.

The deep state protects its own. Otherwise, prisons would be full of these crooks.

Now this ex V.P scumbag, is running for President.
During the Obama administration, Joe Biden, and his son, flew to China aboard Airforce 2. Ten days later, Bidens son inked a $1.5 billion deal with the Chinese tech/Bank.

The deep state protects its own. Otherwise, prisons would be full of these crooks.

Now this ex V.P scumbag, is running for President.

The Biden presidency bid is stillborn.

Amazing how Biden visits China. Hunter Biden and John Kerry's son in law ink a billion dollar deal with China, then China starts building islands along coral atolls within the nine dash line. Almost like they had received assurance that America would do nothing about it.

Ukraine presents Biden with similar problems. He has massive problems.

It is exciting watching the swamp start to drain. And NO. I'm not tired of winning yet.:sneaky:
Rod Rosenstein set to resign May 11.


Rosenstein in two years has faced the most difficult job ever asked of a DAG. Especially since he was acting AG regarding special council Mueller. Rosenstein has served virtually his entire career in the DOJ. Why would he quit now?

Rosenstein is about to become a primary witness for the USA, in a case that features the most subversive act against America since the civil war. The IG report is coming out in May or June. Rosenstein can not serve as a prosecutor and be a witness to an attempted coup, and all the other illegal acts that went on from 2015-2017.

When the history is written of the corruption that has taken place, many will be due their accolades. But none more than Admiral Mike Rogers and DAG Rod Rosenstein.

Ordinary American's, doing their jobs in an extraordinary way!!!
Didn't Rosenstein say that he would resign after Barr was appointed as AG?
Trump needs to pardon Flynn. Bring him back as an advisor. You would really see the Dem's, and the MSM, flip out.
Didn't Rosenstein say that he would resign after Barr was appointed as AG?


Yes he did. Barr asked Rosenstein to stay on, and Rosenstein agreed to help in the transition.

Rosenstein has known that he would have to be a witness since McCabe tried to open an investigation into Trump, based on the dossier that Clinton and the DNC paid for through Perkins Coie and Fusion GPS. Rosenstein appointed Mueller to take the investigation out of McCabe's hands. McCabe has been compromised/had a conflict of interest ever since Clinton ally, Terry McAuliffe gave McCabe's wife $500,000+ to run for state senate.
Trump needs to pardon Flynn. Bring him back as an advisor. You would really see the Dem's, and the MSM, flip out.

It will be interesting to see what Ellis does with Flynn's guilty plea.

If we are lucky, we may even find out more regarding Pence/Prebius/Spicer vs. Flynn and the conversation with Kisylak.

We are living in interesting times.;)
It will be interesting to see what Ellis does with Flynn's guilty plea.

If we are lucky, we may even find out more regarding Pence/Prebius/Spicer vs. Flynn and the conversation with Kisylak.

We are living in interesting times.;)
I think that is why the Dem's are constantly beating the Trump impeachment war drums. They are trying to distract everyone from Trumps winning, as well as Trump's administration,that is starting to shine a light on the deep state cockroaches.
I think that is why the Dem's are constantly beating the Trump impeachment war drums. They are trying to distract everyone from Trumps winning, as well as Trump's administration,that is starting to shine a light on the deep state cockroaches.


We have a winner folks!
Good and easy to understand read on what American's have had to deal with over the past 25-30 years from their politicians/uniparty.


5 hours ago, 18 tweets, 3 min read Read on Twitter
1. I've seen some people questioning why the Dems/uniparty are picking the 20% issues. Issues that only 20% of the people support.

2. This shouldn't be a surprise. This is how the uniparty has worked for decades.
3. The difference this time is Trump has taken the center of the 80% issues. These are issues the uniparty do not want to discuss as a whole.

4. In other words, these issues are ignored by the uniparty. Issues like trade, immigration, wage growth, abortion and regulations.
5. The powers that be do not want to discuss these issues by themselves. If they are forced to debate them they divide them up into 50/50 issues so that no matter which side wins the issues are never resolved. In other words they are supporting the 20% side but not openly.
6. For instance, trade and immigration. The uniparty splits it in two. With the Dems uniparty being for "fair trade + open borders" while the GOP uniparty is for "free trade + secure border"
7. If you really think about it, you can't have open borders and fair trade and you can't have a secure border and free trade. They are opposite of each other. Trump screwed their strategy up by being for fair trade plus secure borders.
8. Because of this the uniparty is forced to admit they want the 20% issue "free trade + open borders" (i.e. no country.) Once you admit that position you are forced to admit other unpopular positions like disbaning ICE, supporting China, Canada, Mexico, EU openly over USA.
9. Another example: Imported prescription drugs. With free trade u can support importing drugs. However, the GOP doesn't want imported prescription drugs because it will lower prices. So the GOP uses the secure border defense against it. Saying they can't control quality
10. The Dems uniparty also doesn't want imported prescription drugs so takes the position of fair trade but with open borders. They play into the GOP arguments about lack of quality, thus no imported drugs & the uniparty collects the money from drug industry for their campaigns.
11. The uniparty once again took an 80% issue almost everyone agrees with, import the same drugs to lower prices, and changed it into 20% issues. Drug research, quality, open borders etc so it can never be fixed. Trump comes in and takes the 80% issue and runs with it fair trade+
12......secure borders. He does this issue after issue. He takes the position that 60-80% of the people agree with. This leaves the uniparty unable to turn the issue into a 50/50 issue and instead it's just the 20% issue that it's always been.
13. So it's not that the Dems/uniparty are out there actively deciding to pick the 20% issue all of a sudden. They have always been for the 20% issues. The difference this time is they can't turn the 20% issue into a 50/50% issue because of Trump.
14. One final example: 80% of the people are for higher wages while 20% aren't. Workers like higher wages, owners don't. Owners pay a lot of money to keep wages down. You keep wages down by increasing labor pool, either by reducing the amount labor needed or increasing laborers
15. Uniparty needs those big campaign donations from people like Koch brothers, Buffett, Bloomberg so to keep wages down they have to split the 80/20 issue again. "Free trade" reduces labor needed, open borders increases laborers. Now instead of 80/20 you have 50/50
16. ....the workers fight against themselves while the 20% wins and keeps wages down. If you want higher wages for entire pop. you need secure borders and fair trade. Nothing else will do it. If you allow unfair trade and a secure border the companies will just leave faster.
17. If you have fair trade and open borders you will just have massive caravans coming up to keep wages down in the country.
18. We really don't have a 50/50 country on most of the major issues. It's more like 70-30% or 80-20%. The problem is that the 20% controls the media and most of the politicians so it's easy to create an illusion that's it's 50/50.
19. So how does the uniparty defend against this? Well they make people hate the man that supports the 80% issue. They call him a racist, a traitor. They spy on him and automatically take the opposite of every issue to make it appear he is wrong, evil or a dunce.
20. I like the fact Trump fights but I love his positions on the issues. The 20%ters know that if 10-30% more people wake the hell up their entire world will change. There are $$trillions at stake.
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I am going to offer some opinions that a lot of you may disagree with, so this is a trigger warning for you snowflakes :)

I am a social liberal. I support abortion, gay marriage, criminal justice reform, and drug legalization just to name a few issues. I think that the biggest threat to our planet is global warming. I think that Trump is a liar and an adulterer and a cheat. I think his campaign colluded with Russia and that he obstructed justice. His administration has lost just about every credible, qualified person (Tillerson, Mattis). We are losing ground internationally with our allies and failing to help Americans at home Worst of all, Trump is aggressively targeting environmental regulation and abortion. This country is descending to a point I did not think was possible. I am seeing the level of divisiveness and racism continue to rise, and I blame Trump for helping to give the alt-right a voice.

The recent synagogue shooting is just another sign of the times and the danger that this country is facing. As a Jewish man, I find any resurgence of antisemitism to be incredibly frightening. However, antisemitism is not just a Republican problem. I am seeing the Democrats continue to support antisemitic comments and policies. It is times like these that I find gun rights to be more important than ever. Since the founding of this nation, gun rights have been denied to those deemed a threat to those in power. I could go on and on about how gun restrictions have always targeted minorities. If other social liberals truly cared about the plight of those being oppressed and threatened in society today, they would educate themselves on the importance of gun rights and vote accordingly.

If you have any liberal friends who do not understand why gun rights are so damn important, especially today, please show them this video.


We probably agree on more things than we disagree on. But of course, we have our differences.

I will just say this...all politics are relative.

The things you say about Trump are mostly, if not almost entirely, true.

BUT...however bad he is, I believe his opponent in the last election was exponentially worse. So I am very glad he won, given the choices. And no, I don't think Johnson was a choice...he was so far from being viable it was only a two horse race.

It will be interesting to see how the democrats sort out their collection of 39 year-olds vs 75 year olds, as they try to find a formula to beat Trump.

@Saul, In reference to your description of Trump, you forgot to add that 90% of Congress, state and local politicians pretty much fit the same description and personal protocol. They're opportunistic, egotistical, sociopathic, quasi criminals who've found their niche in life and are willing to do anything to get reelected. If you want to pick on Trump, let's just say he's the tip of the iceberg.
@Saul, In reference to your description of Trump, you forgot to add that 90% of Congress, state and local politicians pretty much fit the same description and personal protocol. They're opportunistic, egotistical, sociopathic, quasi criminals who've found their niche in life and are willing to do anything to get reelected. If you want to pick on Trump, let's just say he's the tip of the iceberg.
You have to say one thing at least the man has balls more than the last nit wit we had .this man like him or not is trying to save this country the liberals are so blind they can't see the writing on the wall from the Democratic party .

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