AH veteran
Yes, some assistance towards employee wages, where proven business/hours lost.. so as business picks up, it stops.
Due to finish soon.
Due to finish soon.
There is only one perfect CV cure atm PREVENTION. Australian Govt acted fast and hard. Here in the state of Western Australia we've had no community spread cases for 9 months, so life has been normal. But alas we just finishing a 5 day Lock down as one hotel quarantine security guy got CV and wandered a bit on his days off, until he felt sick..
So our State Premier, Police and Health ministers did a firm lock down of Perth city and south west for 1 case. The contact tracers did 40,000 tests in 5 days. Luckily there appears no community spread so far.. so off the hard lockdown last night, but still compulsory masks (fines), distancing, sanitising... casino (we have 1), pubs, nightclubs closed for another 14 days. Shops and resturants open again, with tracing registers remaining in place long term to all shops.
4 of our lower populated states have done very well, life normal for 8or9 months, 3 states with huge populations in main cities have had a few such lock downs. Prevention (and if needed Isolation and tracing) has been the form of attack on CV19 for Aus and NZ, with closed state borders as required, and closed International borders.
99% of our CV cases have been some amongst the 300,000 Australians returning home from EU, Asia, USA, Africa etc and all going into quarantine, mostly quarantine has been managed very well. This last 1 case could have been a massive community outbreak, if 1 gave it to 20, who gave it to 400, to 8000 within days. Luckily handshakes, hugs and sharing potato chips have been out for a while.
I have no doubt that an island country can indeed lock itself down to avoid a plague - probably indefinitely. But how do you ever reopen? The rest of the world will move on from this over the next year or so. Population immunity will be broadly in place just about everywhere - except NZ and Australia.Yes, 5 days of not normal has been annoying, and effective... and we will very happily put up with the next 14 days of lesser requirements... to ensure zero community transmission in our state.
I have no doubt that an island country can indeed lock itself down to avoid a plague - probably indefinitely. But how do you ever reopen? The rest of the world will move on from this over the next year or so. Population immunity will be broadly in place just about everywhere - except NZ and Australia.
I wonder if being a Christian is considered extremism?