
Thank you. If it weren't for veterans like me (30 years, 6 months, 8 days) there wouldn't be a United States of America.
To all you "schmucks": What have you done for your country??
Thank you and God bless you.
When you piss off your customers.......

Larry Schweikart


BTW, in damage control mode, Faux today
a) hired a PR firm;
b) boosted ads for the Tuckster, Laura, and Hannity;
c) brought Judge Jeannie back.

Afraid of losing viewers much? Shareholder meeting tomorrow.
Are you supposed to salute if not in uniform.
Saluting Protocol: (brevity)

The President, Vice President, and all other civilians in the proverbial chain of command ( ie. Secretaries of the: Defense, Army, Navy, etc.) uniformed military, who are saluted are suppose to return the salute.

The ONLY time and/or place uniform personnel Are Not required to salute or return a salute is when that soldier Is Considered Under Arms or in a Tactical or Combat situation.
Or if the soldier's/officer's hands are carrying bulky items rendering a salute/return salute not required.
Or in a hazardous work area that may cause undo injury(ies): ie. Refueling, dining facilities, handling munitions, etc.

Since the President, Vice President, and previously mentioned civilians At No Time are or should be considered under arms or armed.

Congressmen/women and Senators are politicians; even though some of these politicians may serve on committees relating to the military, they are not part of the military chain of command and are neither required to return a salute nor be saluted.

When in civilian clothing: should an enlisted soldier or officer recognize an officer or senior officer (such identifies themselves as such and is confirmed by military ID card and verified) the enlisted soldier or officer is required to salute the officer. HOWEVER, there are certain exemptions and circumstances to this regulation.
Every blazing star gets brighter and brighter until it burns out. FOX is there now. We have watched for years but are done now. Might return once in a while to watch Judge J but otherwise OAN and NewsMax are our sources for no bullshit info.
Saluting Protocol: (brevity)

The President, Vice President, and all other civilians in the proverbial chain of command ( ie. Secretaries of the: Defense, Army, Navy, etc.) uniformed military, who are saluted are suppose to return the salute.

The ONLY time and/or place uniform personnel Are Not required to salute or return a salute is when that soldier Is Considered Under Arms or in a Tactical or Combat situation.
Or if the soldier's/officer's hands are carrying bulky items rendering a salute/return salute not required.
Or in a hazardous work area that may cause undo injury(ies): ie. Refueling, dining facilities, handling munitions, etc.

Since the President, Vice President, and previously mentioned civilians At No Time are or should be considered under arms or armed.

Congressmen/women and Senators are politicians; even though some of these politicians may serve on committees relating to the military, they are not part of the military chain of command and are neither required to return a salute nor be saluted.

When in civilian clothing: should an enlisted soldier or officer recognize an officer or senior officer (such identifies themselves as such and is confirmed by military ID card and verified) the enlisted soldier or officer is required to salute the officer. HOWEVER, there are certain exemptions and circumstances to this regulation.
In the Navy we never saluted when uncovered. I think the Army is different. But the Navy was pretty easy going.
Here's a real tutorial on the art and science of fraud: www.everylegalvote.com They have one track for fraud 101, and one for a Phd in fraud. Eye opening, and deja vu all over again!
I guess trump saying John McCain wasn't a war hero and he likes people who don't get caught is a liberal lie too. Must have been a pretty good lie since Cindy McCain supported Biden...who is going to win Arizona...

I'm not sure what your point is? You are not making the argument that you think you are.. As Steve White pointed out, Trump's remark in regard to McCain's POW status was true. This remark was actually first made by Trump during a "60 Minutes" interview in 1999. Trump again made a similar reference during the campaign for the 2016 election, and McCain returned the barb in kind referring to the Vietnam War when he stated “we drafted the lowest income level of America and the highest income level found a doctor that would say that they had a bone spur."

Political rivals exchanging nasty personal barbs is nothing new in politics, especially in an election cycle. It's no different than the most recent example when Harris made numerous implications during the democratic debates in regard to Biden being a racist and sexual predator. My, how things have changed in just a few months... Either Harris doesn't really believe that Biden is a racist and molester, or she is the world's most shameless hypocrite that will do and say anything for personal gain.. I will let you decide which...

Point being that the difference is night and day between political rivals exchanging personal barbs versus 99% of the MSM and an entire political party that has proven they are willing and able to do and say anything to destroy a duly elected POTUS. If you don't recognize the difference than you are part of the problem. The irony here is that there are some who side with the mob think it will never happen to them.. Why do you think the moderate dems are so fearful of speaking out against the radical left within their party? Probably for the same reasons others were afraid to speak out against Mao, Stalin, or Hitler at the time. Be careful or you will end up on AOC's list...
Cindy McCain, is being hired onto the Biden transition team advisory board.

Let that sink in.
If you want to see what a P.O.S McCain is, do some research on what he did to his first wife after she was crippled in a car accident. He dumped her, to marry a prominent woman in order to advance his political career. Political swamp scum.
Every blazing star gets brighter and brighter until it burns out. FOX is there now. We have watched for years but are done now. Might return once in a while to watch Judge J but otherwise OAN and NewsMax are our sources for no bullshit info.
Yep, I noticed Fox starting to flip a year or two ago. Quit them when that started. I haven't watched a second of any of the alphabets, (nor CNN... the worst), since the Bush-Gore election. I too watch NEWSMAX and even NHK out of Japan now when it airs. I hate to say it, but before and continuing into BHO's terms, I actually watched Al Jazeera some- then the powers that be pulled the plug on them for general over the air broadcast. They seemed to provide much better, more unbiased international news than our absolutely corrupt sycophantic MSM psychos. Heck I even watched Newfoundland News out of St Johns when they were available. Right now the only local general broadcast "news" I watch is for about 5 minutes in the morning while they cover the forecast weather. Even that is a BS "show". The local weather will spend half their broadcast time covering the current temps around every neighborhood and suburb of a city that doesn't vary by more than 3 degrees at any one time! Good grief, no matter where I live I can stick my head outside and determine my own current weather and temperature.
Have a feeling we will be seeing a lot more meme's

I'm not so sure. I remember watching Thomas at Trumps State of the Union address. He had a disgusted look on his face, and was the first one to hightail it out of the chamber when it was over.
It goes back to Thomas's confirmation hearing. Joe Biden basically tried to destroy him.

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idjeffp wrote on Jon R15's profile.
Hi Jon,
I saw your post for the .500 NE cases. Are these all brass or are they nickel plated? Hard for me to tell... sorry.
Jeff [redacted]
Boise, ID
African Scenic Safaris is a Sustainable Tour Operator based in Moshi, Tanzania. Established in 2009 as a family business, the company is owned and operated entirely by locals who share the same passion for showing people the amazing country of Tanzania and providing a fantastic personalized service.
FDP wrote on dailordasailor's profile.
1200 for the 375 barrel and accessories?