With regard to impeachment- it is equivalent to the grand Jury indicting someone. The grand jury sees evidence and concludes that there is probably cause that someone violated a law. It then goes to court where the jury determines beyond the shadow of a doubt that the person violated the law.
So there are three ways to look at President Trumps impeachment:
1. An unbiased House of Representatives reviewed the evidence and concluded that there was probable cause that President Trump had violated the law. The case went to the Senate where it was determined that there was insufficient evidence to convict. Generally only those that live under rocks believe this.
2. An unbiased House operated the same as in #1 but the Senate, made up of biased Republicans ignored all the evidence and acquitted the President. this is the line perpetrated by MSM, MSDNC, CNN, Rep Shif-fer-brains, Waters, Peloids, Swallow-well and the ideologues that continue to vote DemonRat.
3. A biased DemonRat House conjured up a witches brew and sold it as evidence, bullying the other Reps into voting for impeachment. It went to the Senate where people with some perspective and ability to tell a tall tale when they see one acquitted the President. Those people that have the ability to think equivalent to a kindergarten student are able to understand this.
So the effect of being impeached depends on whether you are considering the opinion of a person that believes the situation involved option 1,2 or 3. So the answer to the original question is yes the President was impeached, but to history it will be shown to be the early stages of a dying political parties attempt to grasp a lifeline to preserve their party just a few more years, however it wasn't to be in either case.