In 1994 before the ANC took over, South Africa had a very strong economy.
Everything was functional.
No loadshedding. Eskom was crowned as the best electricity provider in the world. There were more than 500,000 jobs created.
Following the ANC's ascension to power in South Africa, the country witnessed a drop in investors and a drop in job creation.
The current job creation stands at a mere 50,000, signaling a drastic decline in investor confidence and job creation.
The primary cause of this downturn is the BBEEE policies, which have led to a significant withdrawal of investors from the country..
[A system where ANY small or big business created by a white owner, MUST, by law, have a [sleeping/on paper/unproductive] black partner with 51% of ownership.....
ZERO tenders to any white person/company [construction/road building etc] without a BEE
[In the context of South Africa, "BEE" refers to Broad-Based Black Economic Empowerment, a policy aimed at promoting broader participation in the economy by black people, particularly to address inequalities from apartheid---MISUSED FOR CORRUPTION AND THEFT!
The small elite black crime cartels benefit while 90% of poor black suffer!
40% of population on state [tax] grands--for votes!
34% unemployment--huge crime problem!
As a result, South Africa's reputation has been severely tarnished (the skunk of Africa & the world with the country being viewed as 'uninventable' due to rampant corruption, money laundering & support of terrorist activities, as highlighted by the Rasool 'ambassador' incident.
The South African economy has effectively collapsed, with President Ramaphosa trapped in a beehive hive by his alliances, rendering him unable to make decisions that contravene the interests of his allies.
This situation is a consequence of the ANC's deliberate destruction, which has precluded constructive decision-making.
Additionally, the Zondo commission's efforts and proven facts of 'state capturing' stolen money ['tenders' ect] have been in vain, as the ANC members implicated in the commission's findings remain in power, with none being held accountable for their actions.
As they had absolute and unopposed power from 1994, they think they are TRUELY 'untouchable' by the outside world as well [eg USA] ETC
141 RACE baseD laws against whites that harm EVERYBODY ----think logically--why...?
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