I hope your theory is correct.
However, I am not at all sure it matters. I think you could have a tape of Biden and Obama planning to offer the American people a provisional government prior to the 2016 inauguration assuming a fabricated Russian conspiracy caused the Trump administration to collapse.
The MSM would cover it, to the extent they would cover it at all, as a selfless action to preserve the republic from the predations of Putin and the Trump cabal.
Whatever might be forthcoming by mid to late October, simply will not be heard by 51% of our fellow travelers. And three quarters of them won't understand it even if they did hear something about it.
The "Big Lie" of the Bad Orange Man is a far simpler propaganda message. The Democrat Party, the MSM, the tech managers of social media and search engines, and the never Trump capitalists are repeating that message relentlessly. Goebbels, regrettably understood the power of the Big Lie. His comments or worth repeating.
I am very worried it will be enough.
I am human and can obviously be wrong.
The neat thing is that 51% of Americans don't have to hear it and believe it. Perhaps only 5% in less than 10 states will make all the difference.
The other key is how hard core are the candidates constituents. If 45% of the population likes Trump and 50% of them vote, they defeat 50% of the population that may want Biden but where only 40% care enough to vote. The people voting for Trump are hard core and should turn out in higher numbers than for a lethargic Biden.
To me, the following is the key:
If you give Trump his core states of Arizona, Florida and North Carolina which he should have, then Trump only needs to win one of Minnesota, Wisconsin, Michigan or Pennsylvania to cross 270 electoral votes. This is without Nevada and New Hampshire which are both in play and can swing to Trump.
To put it another way, with my logic

, Biden must win Minnesota, Wisconsin, Michigan and Pennsylvania to win the election. This seems like an impossibility to me at this time.
Another key is the courts. In no way does SCOTUS want another Bush v Gore. IMHO, they will rule against all of these last minute Federal District Courts and State Supreme Courts that are making rules that change the laws passed by the State Legislatures.
I, like you, am worried. Never in my lifetime would I have thought the institutions we put faith in would lie and be so partisan. Trump has made them expose themselves for what they are. Hopefully enough everyday American's sees it for what it is and is as disgusted as we.