AH ambassador
Real Election Analysis
Aug 9
I've been asked many times for my opinion on political "polls." Here goes...
Why do Republicans keep talking about the 'main stream media' when Fox has clearly taken over. They should now be referred to as the 'second stream news' which will soon be altered to the second rate news.
Why do Republicans keep talking about the 'main stream media' when Fox has clearly taken over. They should now be referred to as the 'second stream news' which will soon be altered to the second rate news.
Yeah, I usually headed outside after Scooby Doo was over....lol.MSM reminds me as a kid when we only had three channels on TV. We’d watch cartoons on Saturday morning. If one wasn’t good, we’d flip to the other channel. If nothing good was on, we’d start our day outside early. I don’t even bother watching the bad cartoons they call news now days. I just immediately go outside.
I hope your theory is correct.Fox is selling a product. That product is knowledge, or at least the illusion of knowledge. Hannity is the worst. Unless there is a current event like a hurricane, I will generally never watch Fox, or any of the other MSM channels.
Let's look at Russiagate which was over when Mueller cleared Trump. Russiagate morphed into Obamagate. Trump has all the information on the coup plotters. He has all the information on corruption by Clinton, Biden, Obama, etc. He has had all this information since 2017. Trump can declassify this information at any time and roll it out to the American people. Why hasn't he done this?
1. There are investigations that are still ongoing. Unlike previous administrations that feel they have to give updates and details of what a great job they are doing, Sessions, Whitaker and Barr have kept a lid on the prosecutions until the right time. Remember, Barr, Haspel, Pompeo are all appointed by Trump and will do what he says and when he says. Hannity is a smart guy. He is also informed. He knows all of this, just like we all know this, if we think it through. Hannity will not tell the truth because he needs money which is created by ratings, which is created by angry people watching his show every night. So, Hannity promotes a narrative of how Rosenstein, Wray, Haspel, etc are in on the coup and need arrested and frog marched to Guantanamo Bay for the rest of their lives. Hannity knows what has happen in Obamagate, yet he sells a narrative to people who can't think for themselves, or don't have the time to think for themselves. Then he disparages hard working American's who have dedicated their lives to their country for his own financial gain. Federal employees like Rosenstein don't deserve this. It is despicable. It doesn't get any worse than that! IMO when this is over, Nunes, Rosenstein, Rogers, Barr and a few others will stand in the Pantheon of American Heroes.
2. The election is less than a month out. The release of declassified information is Trump's, Trump card! Trump has said, "we caught them, we caught them all". Doubt him at your peril. If you have read a Trump book, you know he is big on revenging wrongs done to himself or his family. Rest assured, enough information will be declassified between now and the election that will insure a victory. This is why I have been saying it will be a Trump landslide for two years. My guess is we start getting information the week of 10/19 - 10/27. If we don't then Trump knows the election is in the bag and he will let Barr prosecute in his own time frame.
Murdoch isn't running Fox anymore. The cool kids are, and they want to be accepted by the other cool kids at the cool kids parties. Look for Fox to transition further left over time.
Sorry, this probably isn't close to what you were looking for, but it fulfilled my need to rant today.
“If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it. The lie can be maintained only for such time as the State can shield the people from the political, economic and/or military consequences of the lie. It thus becomes vitally important for the State to use all of its powers to repress dissent, for the truth is the mortal enemy of the lie, and thus by extension, the truth is the greatest enemy of the State.”
Has anyone been watching CNN? What is going on in Michigan? Is this real or am I being punked?