AH ambassador
Back to Haiti or be parachuted into Asscrackistan? His choice. LOLNews flash a hole you are going back.
Back to Haiti or be parachuted into Asscrackistan? His choice. LOLNews flash a hole you are going back.
Really makes the Marxists running Boston and Massachusetts for that matter, look incredibly incompetent, clueless and a threat to their own constituents by allowing these thugs to run amok. Those arrests were in one community, in one small part of Boston. I can only imagine how many more are forthcoming.This is a good start. Just think how dug in these gang bangers would be after another 4 years of lawlessness and open borders. Brought to you by Obama and Biden. Funded by the likes of Soros.
Your scenario would play out the same way. There have been 100s killed in horrific mass killings over the past couple decades, which are covered non-stop in the media, during the same time frame judicial outcomes and legislative outcomes have been overwhelming pro-gun. In the past 20 years the assault weapons ban has been allowed to expire, followed by ZERO anti-gun laws have been passed by Congress. I suppose you could count the Safer Communities Act, but it was mostly a funding bill to states and locals. But nothing even remotely approaching a ban on any firearm.
At the state level, the movement has been extraordinarily pro-gun. 29 states now are constitutional carry, many are now no state level background checks, stand your ground and castle doctrine are now the standard. Only 11 states now have a duty to retreat.
You mean the Facebook invited to inauguration ?I think Trump doesn't take up the machine gun issue because he knows damn well there are more important things to handle at present..... Like immigration, which was the #1 concern of the American voters, ergo why he won both the electoral AND popular vote.
Publicly traded companies being held accountable..... You mean like face book censuring factual data during Covid and Hunter's lap top, at the behest of the executive branch? - Yeah the justice department really got ahold of that one! LOLOL
Agreed but some here pick and choose according to their liking.The insurance industry has wisely decided not to do business in areas where they loose money. The government should not be allowed to interfere. Apparently BOA is no longer gun friendly, again the government should not interfere. Bring the BOA policies into the light and let people choose with their wallets on who to do business with.
Why not revise it in the congress then?I believe that the argument is over the interpretation, not the revision of the amendment. If the courts misinterpreted the amendment, it is within their peeve to correct the
Do you have any idea what would happen to US economy if you put BOA out of business who has 70 million customers and probably half of them republicans?Please do not equate Bank of America choosing to not liking firearms. With the fact that they were handing conservatives purchase history over to some bad actors inside the federal government.
The board members of BOA not liking firearms is a far cry from tracking your gun purchases and sending their customers information to the Democrat regime.
Trump was actually far too polite to the BOA CEO for the dangerous deeds performed at the request of Obama’s team.
I’m shocked gun owners and anyone concerned with personal freedoms and privacy are so complacent and allowing BOA to still be in business let alone hand them your money.
Can you swim? If so, probably swimming across the Rio Grande from Mexico to Texas would be best. The Canadian border is too cold this time of year. Brrrr. Better hurry though because the border crossings are closing soon. LOLI really need to move to the US at some point…
How’s the border crossing looking like this time of year?![]()
lol.Can you swim? If so, probably swimming across the Rio Grande from Mexico to Texas would be best. The Canadian border is too cold this time of year. Brrrr. Better hurry though because the border crossings are closing soon. LOL
These are all unsubstantiated charges denied by banks.Doubleplay, It wasn’t only BOA
'Alarming' surveillance: Feds asked banks to search private transactions for terms like ‘MAGA,’ ‘Trump’
EXCLUSIVE: Federal investigators asked banks to search and filter customer transactions by using terms like "MAGA" and "Trump" as part of an investigation
Unfortunately illegal crossings will never stop regardless who's the president.
Unfortunately Doubleplay is correct. Illegal border crossing will never get to zero. But 1000 per month would be much better than 10,000 per day.