
According to the majority of Americans and the rest of the world:
View attachment 364443
It is what it is.

This thread has been allowed to be the closest thing to a "free for all" street fight that AH has. Please show some mutual respect, no matter how strongly you may feel.

This thread has been allowed to be the closest thing to a "free for all" street fight that AH has. Please show some mutual respect, no matter how strongly you may feel.


Now that's slightly impossible for the bushpig..... :E Doh:
It is hard to know where to begin, but it is so predictable.

Whether it is the collective mind of "we" that can tolerate no other opinion than the approved group think, or the smug self-righteous assumptions of superior intellect, the left inevitably resorts to name calling. Must be awful that we aren't on twitter where the virtual mob can descend on those who seem so offensive to you. I find particularly amusing your assumptions about "gullible, ignorant, simpletons." I am also a little surprised that Jerome tolerates such name calling, but I am not surprised that someone who thinks so highly of himself to be a "Scholar" would resort to it.

I am confident many here are every bit as smart as you believe you are; many others are, I am sure, far more successful; still others have greater experience; and others yet have just as good academic credentials. I, like many of those others, find your sort of bullying both infantile and rather pathetic. But it and you are symptomatic of the current time.

As I look around, the only thing that "We" have given us has been urban mayhem; the erosion of free speech; disavowal of our national, religious, historical, and economic culture; and the fragmentation of our society along grievance-based racial and ethnic lines. The "We" you seem to embrace have managed to drag us back three generations of collective social progress. I assure you that I shall do everything in my power to resist "We" and their acolytes.

Right now, the best form of resistance is to make sure that I and every other still free-thinking citizen shows up on election day. I shall.

Totally agree. I think many on the left are going to be surprised at how many constitutionalists are in line when the polls open in November. I WILL BE THERE!
Totally agree. I think many on the left are going to be surprised at how many constitutionalists are in line when the polls open in November. I WILL BE THERE!

Im got a strong suspicion that Nov 2020 is going to look a whole lot like Nov 2016...

Dems behaving smugly, thinking they have things in the bag... after all, look at the polls! and that trump guy, he's just a loud mouthed new yorker television celebrity.. he cant run a country.. .

Then about 9PM, after the east coast results get them even more fired up... the bottom drops out as everything south and west of virginia turns red... and that continues all the way to the west coast, with a few exceptions in Colorado and NM..

By 11PM MSM has reporters crying on TV.. and video continually runs of Millenials throwing temper tantrums and ANTIFA setting far left cities like NYC, Chicago, Oakland, and Seattle on fire (but not doing much in Dallas, Miami, Phoenix, etc..)..

I could be wrong.. maybe the Dems are threatened enough this time around that they get out in larger numbers and take back a few swing states that they lost last time...

but... I doubt it..

The right is still pissed off.. no different than 2016... In fact they might be even more pissed off now than they were then... I have a feeling the right shows up en masse in November.. while the left sips latte and counts on a dwindling minority vote taking the day, that never happens..
Smart Dog.
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forest II.jpg


  • BlaringHarmfulBeardeddragon-max-1mb.gif
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Poor Little Trumplings ... scared out of their wits ... scouring the internet for any stupid meme ... anything to get their minds of the inevitable ...

... that Joe Biden will kick the living shit out of Donald Trump on November 3rd ...

PS: Just out of curiosity, back when I first came across this thread ... I did a search for the F-Word and S-Word (above) ... and found plenty ... not that I ever use the F-Word ... and only rarely the S-Word ... (which isn't really all that vulgar anyway) ... :) ...
Quite frankly if I had a bitch dog I wouldn't want a litter out of either on of them.
I appreciate the humor, but only hope it is that easy. For all of you not paying attention, the “security guards” in Seattle guarding CHAZ or what ever they were calling that abortion were wearing body armor and armed with AR-15s. If it happens it will be bloody.
Poor Little Trumplings ... scared out of their wits ... scouring the internet for any stupid meme ... anything to get their minds of the inevitable ...

... that Joe Biden will kick the living shit out of Donald Trump on November 3rd ...

PS: Just out of curiosity, back when I first came across this thread ... I did a search for the F-Word and S-Word (above) ... and found plenty ... not that I ever use the F-Word ... and only rarely the S-Word ... (which isn't really all that vulgar anyway) ... :) ...

“Of the inevitable”? I think you mean “off the inevitable”. [edited by @AfricaHunting.com]
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“Of the inevitable”? I think you mean “off the inevitable”. [edited by @AfricaHunting.com]
@Deleted member 11879 I understand that you are passionate about your political opinions however I warned you already (https://www.africahunting.com/threads/politics.44601/post-690925) about name calling. I previously asked you to refrain from getting personal, please don't put me in a position to take further action. We may have different opinions but we need to remain respectful nonetheless. Thank you, Jerome
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Whenever folks want to talk “politics” , I attempt to reorient the conversation to “policy”. Otherwise you get wrapped around politicians, personalities and emotions. I also like to focus on empirical data/information (aka history), vs. theory. Human nature doesn’t change. That’s why the classics are still relevant. In America, one party generally embraces higher taxes and less freedom than the other party . Personally , I like money and freedom. Hence, I know how I will be voting in November. To each his own.

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