
Well, with the new version of the website, the "IGNORE" option still works!
The new catchphrase for the Dem/Socialist party is "existential threat". They must believe everyone was born at night, last night. It's a shame they don't realize they're talking down to everyone, like they're a bunch of ignorant grade schoolers.
!Since you want to live in a communist, socialist country, why don't you just move to Russia, China, or North Korea then report back as to why you wish to return to America.

That may be too far and expensive to get there. How about Cuba or Venezuela???
That may be too far and expensive to get there. How about Cuba or Venezuela???

Cuba and Venezuela are to close.

These types of wannabe communist socialist can sneak back into America when they wake up, finally realize how good their lives were and how much freedom they lost.
Banner indicted ... that makes seven prominent members of the Donald Trump Crime Family that have been indicted or are already serving time ...

They'll probably get The Don himself on Tax Evasion ... just like one of his most prominent predecessors ... Scarface Al Capone ... now that a judge has ordered him to turn over his returns ... (stay tuned) ...

Banner indicted ... that makes seven prominent members of the Donald Trump Crime Family that have been indicted or are already serving time ...

They'll probably get The Don himself on Tax Evasion ... just like one of his most prominent predecessors ... Scarface Al Capone ... now that a judge has ordered him to turn over his returns ... (stay tuned) ...

Well....golly gee whiz. Democrat Federal Prosecutors in "NEW YORK ", indicted Bannon a couple months before the election?

Color me shocked?
I find it extremely troubling that whenever someone from Trump's circle is charged for criminal activity, it is waved away as a political hoax.
I find it extremely troubling that whenever someone from Trump's circle is charged for criminal activity, it is waved away as a political hoax.

There‘s honor among criminals.
I find it troubling, that Democrats get away with whatever they want.
So because fewer democrats have been criminally charged over the past four years despite a Trump DOJ, that somehow makes Manafort, Stone, and now Bannon innocent?
So because fewer democrats have been criminally charged over the past four years despite a Trump DOJ, that somehow makes Manafort, Stone, and now Bannon innocent?
The swamp protects it's own. If you can't see that, there is nothing I can do to clarify that point.

Obama, weaponized the, DOJ, FBI, IRS..,etc Alll of those stooges were/are still in place, when Trump took over.
The swamp protects it's own. If you can't see that, there is nothing I can do to clarify that point.

Obama, weaponized the, DOJ, FBI, IRS..,etc Alll of those stooges were/are still in place, when Trump took over.
So there is literally no one who can bring charges against any Trump associate that you would trust?
So there is literally no one who can bring charges against any Trump associate that you would trust?
I don't know if you are blissfully naive about Democrat politics, or simply throwing out baited questions?

If Bannon was a Democrat, I would bet a million bucks, that he would have never been investigated by the New York federal prosecutor's.

I'm not defending Bannon. There is a reason why Trump has kicked guys like him and Bolton, and others out of the Whitehouse.

I am pointing out the "GLARING" fact, that there are 2 sets of laws in this country. One set for Democrats, and one set for everyone else.
So there is literally no one who can bring charges against any Trump associate that you would trust?

For what purpose? I think we all understand that any charges brought against either side, Democrat or Republican, are not really about “justice”, they are just a means to an end to try and chip away at the other party’s power. You can’t tell me that of all the criminal activity, on both sides of the fence, and as a whole in the USA, that the charges being pursued are of the gravest concern to the American people. The only real proof required is to see how many times a party actually goes after one of their own. It is without question the nature of the Swamp.
Yes this has been posted before, but occasionally it is good to have a great laugh!


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cwpayton wrote on Goat416's profile.
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Hunt27 wrote on Tra3's profile.
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I hunted elephant with Luke Samaris in 2005. It was my fourth safari and I tell you he is a fine gentleman the best. I got the opportunity to meet Patty Curtis, although never hunted with him but enjoyed our conversation around our tent in the Selous. Very sad for a tough guy to leave this world the way he did. Let’s pray the murderers are caught. I hope to see Luke in Nashville.