
You guys should take a break from patting one-another on the back and scouring the internet for more and more dopey memes ... and prepare yourselves for the inevitable ...

... that Donald Trump will lose the election in a landslide victory for Joe Biden ...

Nothing will be rigged. There won't be any fraudulent votes or voters. It will be a clear-cut, fair and square victory for Biden.

Lots of trumplings will whine, complain, and scream that the world is coming to an end ... but even that will die down after a week or two ... and most importantly ... nothing much will change.

The economy will go back to growing in a sound, normal, sustainable fashion ... just like it was when Obama was President ... before Trump threw the whole thing out of whack.

The virus will get under control and people will go back to work.

All the civil and racial unrest will come to a screeching halt ... because it was all mostly a reaction to the Trump presidency, anyway.

And no one will come to take away your guns. They may outlaw a few things like high-capacity magazines ... things that no one will ever need and no one will ever use ... but that's about it.

Things will slowly go back to normal ... and the whole Trump thing will be regarded, in retrospect, as just some strange, aberrant, anomaly ... and that will be the end of it.

Well, wow.. I hope you are wrong! I certainly can appreciate your opinion, just doesn't sound good to me.
You guys should take a break from patting one-another on the back and scouring the internet for more and more dopey memes ... and prepare yourselves for the inevitable ...

... that Donald Trump will lose the election in a landslide victory for Joe Biden ...

Nothing will be rigged. There won't be any fraudulent votes or voters. It will be a clear-cut, fair and square victory for Biden.

Lots of trumplings will whine, complain, and scream that the world is coming to an end ... but even that will die down after a week or two ... and most importantly ... nothing much will change.

The economy will go back to growing in a sound, normal, sustainable fashion ... just like it was when Obama was President ... before Trump threw the whole thing out of whack.

The virus will get under control and people will go back to work.

All the civil and racial unrest will come to a screeching halt ... because it was all mostly a reaction to the Trump presidency, anyway.

And no one will come to take away your guns. They may outlaw a few things like high-capacity magazines ... things that no one will ever need and no one will ever use ... but that's about it.

Things will slowly go back to normal ... and the whole Trump thing will be regarded, in retrospect, as just some strange, aberrant, anomaly ... and that will be the end of it.


For someone who uses the name “Scholar”, you strike me as a complete idiot.
... and prepare yourselves for the inevitable ...

... that Donald Trump will lose the election in a landslide victory for Joe Biden ...

:E Lol:
You are right, that there is funnier than any meme posted so far!

Howdy Scholar and welcome to AH!
You guys should take a break from patting one-another on the back and scouring the internet for more and more dopey memes ... and prepare yourselves for the inevitable ...

... that Donald Trump will lose the election in a landslide victory for Joe Biden ...

Nothing will be rigged. There won't be any fraudulent votes or voters. It will be a clear-cut, fair and square victory for Biden.

Lots of trumplings will whine, complain, and scream that the world is coming to an end ... but even that will die down after a week or two ... and most importantly ... nothing much will change.

The economy will go back to growing in a sound, normal, sustainable fashion ... just like it was when Obama was President ... before Trump threw the whole thing out of whack.

The virus will get under control and people will go back to work.

All the civil and racial unrest will come to a screeching halt ... because it was all mostly a reaction to the Trump presidency, anyway.

And no one will come to take away your guns. They may outlaw a few things like high-capacity magazines ... things that no one will ever need and no one will ever use ... but that's about it.

Things will slowly go back to normal ... and the whole Trump thing will be regarded, in retrospect, as just some strange, aberrant, anomaly ... and that will be the end of it.

I'm certainly glad that I wasted 60 seconds of my life reading this.
You guys should take a break from patting one-another on the back and scouring the internet for more and more dopey memes ... and prepare yourselves for the inevitable ...

... that Donald Trump will lose the election in a landslide victory for Joe Biden ...

Nothing will be rigged. There won't be any fraudulent votes or voters. It will be a clear-cut, fair and square victory for Biden.

Lots of trumplings will whine, complain, and scream that the world is coming to an end ... but even that will die down after a week or two ... and most importantly ... nothing much will change.

The economy will go back to growing in a sound, normal, sustainable fashion ... just like it was when Obama was President ... before Trump threw the whole thing out of whack.

The virus will get under control and people will go back to work.

All the civil and racial unrest will come to a screeching halt ... because it was all mostly a reaction to the Trump presidency, anyway.

And no one will come to take away your guns. They may outlaw a few things like high-capacity magazines ... things that no one will ever need and no one will ever use ... but that's about it.

Things will slowly go back to normal ... and the whole Trump thing will be regarded, in retrospect, as just some strange, aberrant, anomaly ... and that will be the end of it.

Lol. Are you a betting man?
For someone who uses the name “Scholar”, you strike me as a complete idiot.
Hi @Deleted member 11879, Please don't post personal attacks against other members. This is a friendly community based on mutual respect. We may have different opinions but we need to remain respectful nonetheless. Thank you, Jerome
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Hi @Deleted member 11879, Please don't post personal attacks against other members. This is a friendly community based on mutual respect. We may have different opinions but we need to remain respectful nonetheless. Thank you, Jerome

I was being respectful. You should have seen what I really wanted to say!
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I was being respectful. You should have seen what I really wanted to say!
I would invite you to come to the AH dinner during the DSC convention. (or the SCI) Most of the time when you get to meet people in person you will come away with a bit different opinion of them and their views. No one will expect you to agree with them, but I feel if you wouldn't say something to them across the table during a nice dinner, you probably shouldn't say it on the site.
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I would invite you to come to the AH dinner during the DSC convention. (or the SCI) Most of the time when you get to meet people in person you will come away with a bit different opinion of them and their views. No one will expect you to agree with them, but I feel if you wouldn't say something to them across the table during a nice dinner, you probably shouldn't say it on the site.

Agreed, it’s a great event. I really enjoy the opportunity to meet the folks we get to know on this site.
You guys should take a break from patting one-another on the back and scouring the internet for more and more dopey memes ... and prepare yourselves for the inevitable ...

... that Donald Trump will lose the election in a landslide victory for Joe Biden ...

Nothing will be rigged. There won't be any fraudulent votes or voters. It will be a clear-cut, fair and square victory for Biden.

Lots of trumplings will whine, complain, and scream that the world is coming to an end ... but even that will die down after a week or two ... and most importantly ... nothing much will change.

The economy will go back to growing in a sound, normal, sustainable fashion ... just like it was when Obama was President ... before Trump threw the whole thing out of whack.

The virus will get under control and people will go back to work.

All the civil and racial unrest will come to a screeching halt ... because it was all mostly a reaction to the Trump presidency, anyway.

And no one will come to take away your guns. They may outlaw a few things like high-capacity magazines ... things that no one will ever need and no one will ever use ... but that's about it.

Things will slowly go back to normal ... and the whole Trump thing will be regarded, in retrospect, as just some strange, aberrant, anomaly ... and that will be the end of it.


Funny... much of that sounds like the same thing Dems we’re saying 4 years ago...

Hillary by a landslide.. we don’t cheat! The economy will be better under dem management! You don’t need mags with more than 10 rounds!

Same speech, different day...

I suppose we will all see come November...
The key to Trump's victory, will be independents, and the battleground states. Hopefully, the undecided voters will realize what a dumpster fire the Democrat party has become. Too many people obsessed with having a (D) in the Whitehouse, even when they are exponentially worse then Trump could ever be.
There are mouthpieces out there calling for reparations for slavery. Trying to buy the black votes, just like they always do.
I think that as soon as Biden actually gets out of his basement and has to start actually answering real questions that his ship will sink like a rock.
Well, wow.. I hope you are wrong! I certainly can appreciate your opinion, just doesn't sound good to me.
You guys should take a break from patting one-another on the back and scouring the internet for more and more dopey memes ... and prepare yourselves for the inevitable ...

... that Donald Trump will lose the election in a landslide victory for Joe Biden ...

Nothing will be rigged. There won't be any fraudulent votes or voters. It will be a clear-cut, fair and square victory for Biden.

Lots of trumplings will whine, complain, and scream that the world is coming to an end ... but even that will die down after a week or two ... and most importantly ... nothing much will change.

The economy will go back to growing in a sound, normal, sustainable fashion ... just like it was when Obama was President ... before Trump threw the whole thing out of whack.

The virus will get under control and people will go back to work.

All the civil and racial unrest will come to a screeching halt ... because it was all mostly a reaction to the Trump presidency, anyway.

And no one will come to take away your guns. They may outlaw a few things like high-capacity magazines ... things that no one will ever need and no one will ever use ... but that's about it.

Things will slowly go back to normal ... and the whole Trump thing will be regarded, in retrospect, as just some strange, aberrant, anomaly ... and that will be the end of it.

Welcome to AH.
The Senate has confirmed:
- Paul Manafort was in contact with Russian intelligence to share campaign data with them
- Trump campaign met with Russian intelligence at Trump Tower to discuss campaign data
- Roger Stone was in contact with Russian intelligence and Wikileaks about hacked DNC emails
- Russia engaged in a coordinated effort to interfere in the 2016 election in support of Trump
- Russia sought to take advantage of the Trump transition team to establish unofficial channels
- Russia has continued to spread disinformation about election interference
You guys should take a break from patting one-another on the back and scouring the internet for more and more dopey memes ... and prepare yourselves for the inevitable ...

... that Donald Trump will lose the election in a landslide victory for Joe Biden ...

Nothing will be rigged. There won't be any fraudulent votes or voters. It will be a clear-cut, fair and square victory for Biden.

Lots of trumplings will whine, complain, and scream that the world is coming to an end ... but even that will die down after a week or two ... and most importantly ... nothing much will change.

The economy will go back to growing in a sound, normal, sustainable fashion ... just like it was when Obama was President ... before Trump threw the whole thing out of whack.

The virus will get under control and people will go back to work.

All the civil and racial unrest will come to a screeching halt ... because it was all mostly a reaction to the Trump presidency, anyway.

And no one will come to take away your guns. They may outlaw a few things like high-capacity magazines ... things that no one will ever need and no one will ever use ... but that's about it.

Things will slowly go back to normal ... and the whole Trump thing will be regarded, in retrospect, as just some strange, aberrant, anomaly ... and that will be the end of it.


Seriously, Are you some sort of troll or do you belong to the Nazis Socialist Fascist Demcommie Party?

Biden-Harris would decimate America into a chaotic battle zone.

Biden is mentally deficient.!
Harris is power made! Totally anti America!

Since you want to live in a communist, socialist country, why don't you just move to Russia, China, or North Korea then report back as to why you wish to return to America.
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John A Flaws wrote on Horbs's profile.
500 schuler magazine.jpg
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cwpayton wrote on Goat416's profile.
Goat416 welcome to the forum ,youve got some great pics and Im sure trophy's
ghay wrote on professor's profile.
Would you consider selling just the Barnes 235's and 250g TTSX's?
Hunt27 wrote on Tra3's profile.
Spain, i booked through a consultant, i book almost everything through him now and he's done me right. his contact 724 986 7206 if interested and he will have more info to share,
I hunted elephant with Luke Samaris in 2005. It was my fourth safari and I tell you he is a fine gentleman the best. I got the opportunity to meet Patty Curtis, although never hunted with him but enjoyed our conversation around our tent in the Selous. Very sad for a tough guy to leave this world the way he did. Let’s pray the murderers are caught. I hope to see Luke in Nashville.