Im not sure Im tracking your question/statement here...
Regarding foreign workers (what I may not have made clear).. some of ours work in their home countries, have no intent to relocate to the US.. and are working in jobs specific to their home countries and/or some other foreign nation (ie the attorney from Sierra Leone that worked for us in Morocco)...
In other cases, we're very intentionally offshoring work that would otherwise be US based.. the internet makes this pretty easy... in a world full of teleworkers, it doesnt really matter if someone lives in Detroit or Dar Es Salaam... as long as there is good internet, good cell connectivity, and an airport within a reasonable distance, teleworkers (most office positions) can be executed from just about anywhere these days..
So what youre seeing is more and more companies offshoring positions that have historically been US based "office" positions.. whether its engineers, IT folks, accountants, HR, project managers, etc..
Generally speaking these people make substantially more working for US firms than they can make working locally.. and they have the added benefit of being "teleworkers" (theyre not having to report to some cubicle in an office in downtown manila, etc)... but they arent making the kind of money that would upset their local economy or have much impact outside of their own personal household... if companies were paying them those sorts of wages, there would be no point in hiring them at all... you'd just hire US citizens..