
There is a difference between protesters and rioters/looters. You are choosing to group them all together. What we saw before was civil unrest that later devolved into riots and looting. What we see now is just riots and looting.

I am actually in Illinois right now, though luckily not Chicago. I hope to see this resolved soon, as well as to see Kim Foxx thrown out of office. I will say that if Chicago cannot get their act together, I am considering the unthinkable, selling my city properties. Luckily, I do not have to worry about the likely income tax hike that is about to hit Illinois. Things are not looking bright for the state right now.
As we look a Portland, Seattle, NY, and now Chicago it is ever more obvious protests vs riots are a difference without distinction. Eventually, the socially awake, paternalistic and safely liberal upper middle class urbanites will wake up to the fact that they are becoming targets of the mob. Law and Order - particularly the notion of "order" are necessary preconditions for the administration of justice. Eventually the self-congratulatory class will perceive their wealth of good intentions are meaningless to both anarchists and the mob. The hand wringers will be voted out of office, and order may be restored. Or they will do like you propose, and simply flee (like the exodus from NYC and California.) I guess at some point we run out of safe havens?
I do everything I can to expose Democrat hypocrisy.
So the wrongdoings of others absolve Trump of wrongdoing?

Funny how you believe me to be an ardent Obama supporter considering his foreign policy legacy.
There is a difference between protesters and rioters/looters. You are choosing to group them all together. What we saw before was civil unrest that later devolved into riots and looting. What we see now is just riots and looting.

I am actually in Illinois right now, though luckily not Chicago. I hope to see this resolved soon, as well as to see Kim Foxx thrown out of office. I will say that if Chicago cannot get their act together, I am considering the unthinkable, selling my city properties. Luckily, I do not have to worry about the likely income tax hike that is about to hit Illinois. Things are not looking bright for the state right now.

Yes there is a difference...I DO realise that...but as I said they were rioting and looting....with very little peaceful protesting...as usual an excuse to loot..burn..destroy...how they operate these days...and the supposedly peaceful ones were still looking for a fight if you didn't agree and subjugate yourself to their views....so I think those tinted glasses of yours are actually blinkers....not even going to voice my opinion on the amount of force that I think should have been used against the ones burning and looting as I know your liberal sensibilities would be traumatized and you would probably need counselling...:E Shrug:
As we look a Portland, Seattle, NY, and now Chicago it is ever more obvious protests vs riots are a difference without distinction. Eventually, the socially awake, paternalistic and safely liberal upper middle class urbanites will wake up to the fact that they are becoming targets of the mob. Law and Order - particularly the notion of "order" are necessary preconditions for the administration of justice. Eventually the self-congratulatory class will perceive their wealth of good intentions are meaningless to both anarchists and the mob. The hand wringers will be voted out of office, and order may be restored. Or they will do like you propose, and simply flee (like the exodus from NYC and California.) I guess at some point we run out of safe havens?
I do not know how I can be any clearer: I support protests, but I do not support criminal activity. I am more willing to give a pass to law enforcement and government officials when struggling to handle civil unrest, especially when justified, but I have very little tolerance for a failure to provide a safe city now. I hope that you are right and that those in power, particularly in the overtly corrupt judiciary, are cast out at the ballot box, but I am not optimistic.
So the wrongdoings of others absolve Trump of wrongdoing?

Funny how you believe me to be an ardent Obama supporter considering his foreign policy legacy.
You mean Obama's world apology tour?

Or maybe his red line in the sand on Syria?

Emboldening Iranian terrorists?

The only foreign policy Obama had, was kissing the ass of other world leaders.

It would be a great day to see Obama in shackles, and an orange prison jumpsuit.
You mean Obama's world apology tour?

Or maybe his red line in the sand on Syria?

Emboldening Iranian terrorists?

The only foreign policy Obama had, was kissing the ass of other world leaders.

It would be a great day to see Obama in shackles, and an orange prison jumpsuit.
I am referring to his abandonment of Israel, but all of the above are also fitting.
I am referring to his abandonment of Israel, but all of the above are also fitting.
Democrats don't like Israel. I don't understand that, considering they are a staunch ally.
I do not know how I can be any clearer: I support protests, but I do not support criminal activity. I am more willing to give a pass to law enforcement and government officials when struggling to handle civil unrest, especially when justified, but I have very little tolerance for a failure to provide a safe city now. I hope that you are right and that those in power, particularly in the overtly corrupt judiciary, are cast out at the ballot box, but I am not optimistic.

I think most all of us support peaceful protests. The problem is we haven't seen much of that the past couple months, at least not in the major cities that are on the news.
So the wrongdoings of others absolve Trump of wrongdoing?

Funny how you believe me to be an ardent Obama supporter considering his foreign policy legacy.

I believe you said you always have voted Democrat. Last I checked Obama was from Illinois, so seems like you might have had multiple chances to vote for him.

Also if you didn't like Obama, why are you pushing so hard for is VP?
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. . . I hope that you are right and that those in power, particularly in the overtly corrupt judiciary, are cast out at the ballot box, but I am not optimistic.

I think your anger with the “corrupt judiciary” is misplaced. You should be upset with Your elected District Attorney, who are the ones offering the get out of jail free cards. But of course, then you would also have to be upset with Soros who funded their election.

The judiciary either approves or rejects the deal offered by the DA office.
Democrats don't like Israel. I don't understand that, considering they are a staunch ally.
Neither do I, which is why I walked away from the Democratic party.

I think most all of us support peaceful protests. The problem is we haven't seen much of that the past couple months, at least not in the major cities that are on the news.
I hope that most of us do.

I believe you said you always have voted Democrat. Last I checked Obama was from Illinois, so seems like you might have had multiple chances to vote for him.

Also if you didn't like Obama, why are you pushing so hard for is VP?
I have not always voted Democrat, but I have most of the time. I am pushing for Biden because I think he is more fit to be president than Trump, not out of any love for Biden or Obama.

I think your anger with the “corrupt judiciary” is misplaced. You should be upset with Your elected District Attorney, who are the ones offering the get out of jail free cards. But of course, then you would also have to be upset with Soros who funded their election.

The judiciary either approves or rejects the deal offered by the DA office.
As I have stated before, Kim Foxx is why we are seeing the problems in Chicago right now and she must go. With that said, just about every cook county judge and the entire Illinois supreme court is beyond corrupt.
With regard to the peaceful protesters and the rioters- at some point it should be clear to a person that wants to peacefully protest about the demise of a man who died as a result of self-induced drugs is having his protest become counter-productive due to the rioting that occurs as part of the protests.

If you hold up a sign that says Only Black Lives that were criminals Matter and the person next to you hands a bottle of accelerant to you and says that it will add to the effectiveness of your protest if you throw it into a building, so you do and the building catches fire from it and burns to the ground, endangering not only the occupants but the firefighters, are you still a peaceful protester?
How dare Trump try to usurp the powers of Congress!

I suppose much in the same manner as Lincoln did in 1862 when he signed the Emancipation Proclamation. At the time, both sides of the isle including most of Lincoln's own Cabinet accused him of abuse of his executive powers on multiple occasions. Lincoln himself admitted that he may have indeed overreached with the use his executive powers, but he did what he thought was necessary at the time to weaken the ability of the Confederacy to wage war. Lincoln added that he felt it was the American people who would let him know if he exceeded his power by the direction of their votes in the upcoming election. Lincoln won by a margin of 212-21 in Electoral votes and with 55% of the popular vote. I think it is safe to say Trump is willing to take the same gamble for the good of the country which is ironically in a similarly precarious position.
As pointed out in a recent WSJ op-ed, Trump is continuing to expand the perceived executive authority under the guise of EO, which will have long-term damaging consequences to the country by setting precedent for future presidents to continue to do so.
As pointed out in a recent WSJ op-ed, Trump is continuing to expand the perceived executive authority under the guise of EO, which will have long-term damaging consequences to the country by setting precedent for future presidents to continue to do so.

This has been said of every single POTUS that has every used executive powers to do anything. Any POTUS worth electing has pushed their limits of power. Some for better. Some for worse. Posterity will decide what Trump's legacy will be.

And yes, lets' talk about the "long-term damaging consequences" of politicians setting precedents: Like the one Congress set with their standards for impeachment of this POTUS.
Should we be worried about our hunting rights? I live in a country where you can only hunt exotic animals.
I read a new about most people in Victoria Australia being in favor of ban duck shooting. Is this the same for other places? Are there big lobbying groups against hunting?
Should we be worried?
I got suspended from AR (for ever) because I asked a question that the guy in charge considered racist. there were a few people that posted with which I had beneficial dialogue, so I miss the input, but I can still see what the guys are saying. What did I ask? After George Bush 41 died several countries lowered their flags to half-staff. About that time, Obama made a trip to the village of his father in Kenya. I asked if when Obama goes to his reward if Kenya would be one of the countries honoring him by lowering their flag to half-staff. That's it, the moderator didn't explain which part of the question was racist. No appeal. so now I spend more time on this site.

Fk I am impressed ....I would have thought it impossible to get banned from there....seen shit about arabs in it and he wasn't banned...strange....
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This has been said of every single POTUS that has every used executive powers to do anything. Any POTUS worth electing has pushed their limits of power. Some for better. Some for worse. Posterity will decide what Trump's legacy will be.

And yes, lets' talk about the "long-term damaging consequences" of politicians setting precedents: Like the one Congress set with their standards for impeachment of this POTUS.
What I do not want to see is a president who can sidestep congress.

The democrats rushed to impeachment without collecting enough evidence. The failure to impeach rests solely on their heads. I think Trump was probably guilty, but I am glad to see that he was acquitted solely to affirm that using impeachment as a political cudgel is not viable.
What I do not want to see is a president who can sidestep congress.

LOL... Then close your eyes because every single one of them has tried to one extent or another...

The democrats rushed to impeachment without collecting enough evidence.

This sentence above could be the contender for the "understatement of the century".

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I hunted elephant with Luke Samaris in 2005. It was my fourth safari and I tell you he is a fine gentleman the best. I got the opportunity to meet Patty Curtis, although never hunted with him but enjoyed our conversation around our tent in the Selous. Very sad for a tough guy to leave this world the way he did. Let’s pray the murderers are caught. I hope to see Luke in Nashville.