
Lightfoot, will blame it on Trump, because like all Democrats, she will try and divert responsibility.

Typical, there is no accountability and responsibility for their actions.
So last night BLM led vandals pillaged Chicago's Magnificent Mile in supposed outrage over a police shooting. Shots were exchanged with the police. Fortunately, to quote @Saul, 90% of Chicago is free from such outrages ............ :Facepalm: Looking forward to Mayor Lightfoot's latest twist of logic blaming Chicago's accelerating crime and violence spiral on the lack of meaningful gun control.

Fortunately, there nothing quite like a new Coach bag, flat screen TV, or trendy outfit from Nordstroms to help mitigate the outrage over some armed criminal thug being shot by a evil policeman.

And afterall, Christmas is just around the corner. :Finger:

None of this will change in any of these cities until the paternalistic, safe upper middle class urban voters emoting over perceived social injustice realize the thugs are coming for them and their stuff as well.
I will be watching extremely closely to how this is handled.

Legal challenge to Trump's executive order in ...3....2....1....

How dare Trump help the American people, without the approval of the Dem control freaks.
How dare Trump try to usurp the powers of Congress!
Let's count up all of Obama's executive order overreach. I bet you were o.k with those.

Trump is within his legal right to do it.
I am fine with executive orders that are within the purview of the executive branch. Tax and spend is reserved for Congress, not the president, so no, Trump is not within his legal right to do it.
I am fine with executive orders that are within the purview of the executive branch. Tax and spend is reserved for Congress, not the president, so no, Trump is not within his legal right to do it.
Certain about that are you? It will be interesting to see what the courts say. If the Dems sit down to seriously negotiate, then I suspect they are unsure of their constitutional footing - particularly with regard to the payroll tax "holiday" and merely "extending" a previous congressional decision. The talking head constitutional scholars, not the gibbering Democrat Congressional leadership or newly minted social media strict constructionists, are all over the map today.
I suspect the payroll tax "holiday" which is really a loan from the treasury, will not be a problem. Lots of stuff that both the executive and legislative branch do, that's not in the constitution and nobody says a word.
See they kicking off again....but this time seems the mayor doesn't like it....says it was ok last time because it was about you know who....but now what are presumably the same people looting are reclassified...

BBC News - Chicago protests: Restrictions imposed after chaotic night of unrest
I wonder what the mob would have used to stir up the Reed college Bolsheviks had it not been for the falsified autopsy of the criminal in Minnesota?
I remember when lawless Obama gave Iran 1.8 billion in cash. Some of which was flown to Switzerland, and exchanged for foreign currency, before being delivered to Iran as an untraceable ransom payment, without congressional approval?

But...but... Trump is such a bad man
Certain about that are you? It will be interesting to see what the courts say. If the Dems sit down to seriously negotiate, then I suspect they are unsure of their constitutional footing - particularly with regard to the payroll tax "holiday" and merely "extending" a previous congressional decision. The talking head constitutional scholars, not the gibbering Democrat Congressional leadership or newly minted social media strict constructionists, are all over the map today.
Yes, I am certain about the powers vested to the legislative branch.

See they kicking off again....but this time seems the mayor doesn't like it....says it was ok last time because it was about you know who....but now what are presumably the same people looting are reclassified...

BBC News - Chicago protests: Restrictions imposed after chaotic night of unrest
I watched Mayor Lightfoot's press conference today. She rightly pointed out that this is not the result of civil unrest due to racial tensions, but rather, well-coordinated criminal activity. She also made clear that the fault does not lie with the police, but rather with the cook county prosecutor for failing to attach consequences to those who had been previously arrested for looting.

I remember when lawless Obama gave Iran 1.8 billion in cash. Some of which was flown to Switzerland, and exchanged for foreign currency, before being delivered to Iran as an untraceable ransom payment, without congressional approval?

But...but... Trump is such a bad man
And this has what to do with Trump's actions? Obama is no longer president. Move on already.
Yes, I am certain about the powers vested to the legislative branch.

I watched Mayor Lightfoot's press conference today. She rightly pointed out that this is not the result of civil unrest due to racial tensions, but rather, well-coordinated criminal activity. She also made clear that the fault does not lie with the police, but rather with the cook county prosecutor for failing to attach consequences to those who had been previously arrested for looting.

And this has what to do with Trump's actions? Obama is no longer president. Move on already.
Good for you. I am at least as well educated as most here, and I think I'll wait on either a court ruling or the Dems to decide their delaying tactics may be backfiring.

Anyone's fault but hers. Typical of her and her ilk. The buck stops everywhere in Chicago but her desk.

With respect to Obama, propaganda, as Joseph Goebbels proved for a bit more than a decade, can be powerful tool of the State. Obama didn't even have to coerce the media to do his bidding. They continue an unrelenting assault on this country's fundamental values.
Yes, I am certain about the powers vested to the legislative branch.

I watched Mayor Lightfoot's press conference today. She rightly pointed out that this is not the result of civil unrest due to racial tensions, but rather, well-coordinated criminal activity. She also made clear that the fault does not lie with the police, but rather with the cook county prosecutor for failing to attach consequences to those who had been previously arrested for looting.

And this has what to do with Trump's actions? Obama is no longer president. Move on already.

Sorry but I dont see any difference...they were using the "civil unrest" situation to loot and riot....you must be looking through your rose tinted liberal sunglasses concerning all that violence and destruction...we got plenty of videos here showing the supposed peaceful protesters burning car showrooms...and an assortment of other buildings along with looting numerous other businesses....sorry but I will call bullshit....Putin should have done some of his supposed messing with the system and sent his riot troops over as a present....that would have given the "peaceful protestors " something to really squeal about.... :D Beers:
Sorry but I dont see any difference...they were using the "civil unrest" situation to loot and riot....you must be looking through your rose tinted liberal sunglasses concerning all that violence and destruction...we got plenty of videos here showing the supposed peaceful protesters burning car showrooms...and an assortment of other buildings along with looting numerous other businesses....sorry but I will call bullshit....Putin should have done some of his supposed messing with the system and sent his riot troops over as a present....that would have given the "peaceful protestors " something to really squeal about.... :D Beers:
There is a difference between protesters and rioters/looters. You are choosing to group them all together. What we saw before was civil unrest that later devolved into riots and looting. What we see now is just riots and looting.

I am actually in Illinois right now, though luckily not Chicago. I hope to see this resolved soon, as well as to see Kim Foxx thrown out of office. I will say that if Chicago cannot get their act together, I am considering the unthinkable, selling my city properties. Luckily, I do not have to worry about the likely income tax hike that is about to hit Illinois. Things are not looking bright for the state right now.
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I am fine with executive orders that are within the purview of the executive branch. Tax and spend is reserved for Congress, not the president, so no, Trump is not within his legal right to do it.

I agree with you that Congress should be involved in budget decisions. The problem is in the last 12 years EO's have taken a life of their own. The Democrats were warned on the use of Obama's EO's, just as Harry Reid was warned on Judges.

You say that Trump has no legal right to do it. SCOTUS made a decision on DACA two months ago that gives quite a bit of latitude to an Obama use of EO's.

If you were complaining about Obama's EO's, then I commended you for your condemnation of their use now. If not, then do you really have the right to complain about Trump's use of EO's.

PS: I hate the metaphor of 4D chess, as related to what Trump does, but in this instance he played Schumer and Pelosi like a fiddle. Queens Gambit Declined!
Yes, I am certain about the powers vested to the legislative branch.

I watched Mayor Lightfoot's press conference today. She rightly pointed out that this is not the result of civil unrest due to racial tensions, but rather, well-coordinated criminal activity. She also made clear that the fault does not lie with the police, but rather with the cook county prosecutor for failing to attach consequences to those who had been previously arrested for looting.

And this has what to do with Trump's actions? Obama is no longer president. Move on already.
I do everything I can to expose Democrat hypocrisy.
I agree with you that Congress should be involved in budget decisions. The problem is in the last 12 years EO's have taken a life of their own. The Democrats were warned on the use of Obama's EO's, just as Harry Reid was warned on Judges.

You say that Trump has no legal right to do it. SCOTUS made a decision on DACA two months ago that gives quite a bit of latitude to an Obama use of EO's.

If you were complaining about Obama's EO's, then I commended you for your condemnation of their use now. If not, then do you really have the right to complain about Trump's use of EO's.

PS: I hate the metaphor of 4D chess, as related to what Trump does, but in this instance he played Schumer and Pelosi like a fiddle. Queens Gambit Declined!
Most of Obama's EOs I do not have too much of a problem with, except for DACA, which should be struck down immediately. The only reason why that was allowed to stand was the sheer incompetence of the administration in making their case.
Most of Obama's EOs I do not have too much of a problem with, except for DACA, which should be struck down immediately. The only reason why that was allowed to stand was the sheer incompetence of the administration in making their case.

I am not an attorney, but from what I have read/heard, the DOJ did a poor job with that case, so far.
I have read/heard that the attorneys fighting the EO for the administration, were for DACA and part of the swamp. This may be why the case was so poor from the DOJ's perspective.

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