
I am no expert in election law and I cannot speak to the specific laws you are referencing, but SCOTUS made clear in their ruling on Trump’s removal from the Colorado ballot that state action that substantially interferes with a federal election is facially unconstitutional.
Those seem to be totally different, the Colorado case was kicking someone off of the ballot the laws that @Wheels stated are about adding people to the ballot or keeping them on the ballot.
Interesting soap opera to watch.

I did not watch the whole debate, did Trump mention the 13 servicemen that died during Afghanistan withdrawal when Biden claimed no American lives were lost during his watch?
I don’t think he did after Biden teed it up for him, he just pointed out what a debacle the withdrawal was. But I didn’t watch every minute of it either.
Those seem to be totally different, the Colorado case was kicking someone off of the ballot the laws that @Wheels stated are about adding people to the ballot or keeping them on the ballot.
The SCOTUS ruling was rather broad and applied to any state action that denied the ability to vote for a major candidate for president in a way that would interfere with the will of people in other states as it is a federal election. Therefore, a candidate for one of the two major parties cannot be denied ballot access in a state.
Interesting soap opera to watch.

I did not watch the whole debate, did Trump mention the 13 servicemen that died during Afghanistan withdrawal when Biden claimed no American lives were lost during his watch?
Yes he made a point of it and the entire shit show the withdrawal was.
Please elucidate
It is ridiculous that cities have been kneecapped for so long about clearing these homeless encampments that have taken over cities. This should go a long way to returning some semblance of sanity and safety to our cities. Do you disagree?
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Speaking of SCOTUS, you can thank Trump for placing three conservative justices on the SC and overturning Chevron. A very bad day for the administrative state. A great day for everyone else.

Overturning Chevron was big. Corner Post could put an explanation mark on the Chevron case and looks to come out today or Monday.
Those seem to be totally different, the Colorado case was kicking someone off of the ballot the laws that @Wheels stated are about adding people to the ballot or keeping them on the ballot.

It would be totally different, in this case Biden isn't being kickoffed, he is removing himself.

I believe part of what came out of the 2020 argument was that states have the ability to administer their elections. It is for this reason that RFK won't be on every state ballot and doesn't have the legal standing to fight it.

The brokered convention makes for good stories and conspiracies but in practical terms given how late the convention is makes it harder to make a change due to some the legal hurdles to get in state ballots.
It is ridiculous that cities have been kneecapped for so long about clearing these homeless encampments that have taken over cities. This should go a long way to returning some semblance of sanity and safety to our cities. Do you disagree?
Except some cities encourage it, like Austin, Texas.
It would be totally different, in this case Biden isn't being kickoffed, he is removing himself.

I believe part of what came out of the 2020 argument was that states have the ability to administer their elections. It is for this reason that RFK won't be on every state ballot and doesn't have the legal standing to fight it.

The brokered convention makes for good stories and conspiracies but in practical terms given how late the convention is makes it harder to make a change due to some the legal hurdles to get in state ballots.
100%, but that is assuming Biden will remove himself. Well maybe not Joe himself but his enabler Jill.
Looks like Fisher just won his SCOTUS case. The DC District and Circuit is going to be a busy place with all the January 6 cases in limbo.

Look for Jack Smith to refile his DC case against Trump with lessor charges and try to get it on the docket prior to the election.
Yes he made a point of it and the entire shit show the withdrawal was.
Another missed opportunity by Trump was when Biden again implied his son was KIA in Iraq, when they were going back and forth about the losers made up comment. All that he had to say was “sorry for your loss Joe but your son died of cancer”
Another missed opportunity by Trump was when Biden again implied his son was KIA in Iraq, when they were going back and forth about the losers made up comment. All that he had to say was “sorry for your loss Joe but your son died of cancer”

Trump missed a lot of opportunities like that. Even in the closing statements, the bill Biden talked about as an accomplishment for lowering insulin prices was passed by Trump. Also, how did he not have his final line be, "when you go to the grocery store, when you go to the gas pump, look at the price, think about your budget, and remember what it was like under my adminstration, you the American people deserve better than the failed promises of the Biden Administration"

The only reason we arent talking more about some of Trumps stumbles is because Biden was so so so bad.
Another missed opportunity by Trump was when Biden again implied his son was KIA in Iraq, when they were going back and forth about the losers made up comment. All that he had to say was “sorry for your loss Joe but your son died of cancer”
Biden corrected himself after he blurted it out, which surprised me. But yea, Trump should have nailed that down.
Trump missed a lot of opportunities like that. Even in the closing statements, the bill Biden talked about as an accomplishment for lowering insulin prices was passed by Trump. Also, how did he not have his final line be, "when you go to the grocery store, when you go to the gas pump, look at the price, think about your budget, and remember what it was like under my adminstration, you the American people deserve better than the failed promises of the Biden Administration"

The only reason we arent talking more about some of Trumps stumbles is because Biden was so so so bad.
Exactly. Trump was old and incoherent. Biden was just so much worse.

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