
Trump missed some chances. Biden looked and sounded terribly old. Biden also gave Team Trump some beautiful sound bites to use. Trump was more disciplined than I expected.

I did find the golf argument hilarious.

For what it is worth, Mumble was trending in the crypto world.
This debate may be beneficial to the Democrats in that it could force them to dump Biden/Harris and parachute in a new team before its too late. Apart from Newsom (a disaster for gun owners) do they have any other likely options? Maybe a 'come back to the Party, all is forgiven' to RFK jr.
If Biden doesnt get the nod at the DNC, who's it going to be.

Newsom, or big Mike Obama?
Mike, Newsome will get shredded on his performance in California. More people have left California than any other state since Biden has been in office. Don’t forget about the French Laundry deal too. Mike is squeaky clean. I assume that is what Barry would say.
This debate may be beneficial to the Democrats in that it could force them to dump Biden/Harris and parachute in a new team before it’s too late. Apart from Newsom (a disaster for gun owners) do they have any other likely options? Maybe a 'come back to the Party, all is forgiven' to RFK jr.
The smartest move for Dems would have been to play nice with RFK. That is the sneaky good move. Dems haven’t been known for rational thinking though.
This debate may be beneficial to the Democrats in that it could force them to dump Biden/Harris and parachute in a new team before its too late. Apart from Newsom (a disaster for gun owners) do they have any other likely options? Maybe a 'come back to the Party, all is forgiven' to RFK jr.

CNN is already talking up what a great job Harris has been doing on the last few weeks on the campaign trail.

They have several but on short notice they really only have two: Newson and Michelle and only Newson has been out campaigning.
Will the Democrats try to replace Biden. Probably so. The Democrats changed their bylaws last year so they could swap candidates.

There are a few potential problems.

1. Will Biden and his handlers step down. Probably not willingly. Do the Democrats have enough dirt on Biden to force him out. Possibly but that may not be enough incentive for him to go willingly.

2. If Biden steps down then the Democrats will have to skip Harris. Will she step down from the chance to be President. Probably not unless donors come up with some incredibly sweet incentives which could happen but might not.

3. Biden has around $200m in campaign funds on hand. That may be dead money for a new candidate that is not Harris. Perhaps I am wrong but I don't think it can be transferred to a new candidate.
This debate didn’t change any Biden fans minds to any large degree, or Trump fans, but if people think undecided voters weren’t swayed away from Biden then I think they are just putting blinders on and ignoring the glaring truth that this hurt Biden tremendously. The younger voters were already highly skeptical of Biden’s age and this will only make that hurdle for his reelection even that much harder. Add in the polls showing minority groups really gravitating to Trump this election cycle and it pretty much cements Biden’s demise. It will be interesting to see what the polls show even though we know the reliability can be a bit sketchy with polls.
I'd bet on Gretchen Whitmer (MI governor).
Whitmer would be a strong candidate and who I think the party would go with if they dropped Biden. Newsom and Pritzker would definitely make a push for the nomination though.
Well after that fiasco the world should be afraid. This is the leader of the most powerful nation on earth? At a time when Israel and Hezbolah are on the verge, Russia is altering nuclear posture, China is circling Taiwan and Iran is on the brink of a nuke. You Democrats should be ashamed of yourselves, this is irresponsible deluxe.
Well after that fiasco the world should be afraid. This is the leader of the most powerful nation on earth? At a time when Israel and Hezbolah are on the verge, Russia is altering nuclear posture, China is circling Taiwan and Iran is on the brink of a nuke. You Democrats should be ashamed of yourselves, this is irresponsible deluxe.
I am amazed at who wants to qualify for the highest offices on all sides of the Atlantic.
We have a chancellor who couldn't remember a tax scandal (with which he was entrusted "Cum EX")....
And a presidential candidate actually thinks he's clever because he won a golf championship......
I often think to myself, who are the really powerful people in the country who put such people at the top?

Cui bono

These are the scenes that are currently running through the media in Europe.
Sometimes I think, I'm glad I'm so old.

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thriller wrote on Sue Tidwell's profile.
Just finished your book (audio) and ordered a hardback for my Library. You did a wonderful job explaining the way conservation works in Africa, and my wife is interested in reading your book now. Thank you for your work.
Bluecyclone wrote on LES7's profile.
Hello there,
Could you tell me if your model 70 has two recoil lugs? I have heard some of the super express rifles had one, while the safari express has two.
Thank you.
Saddlemaker wrote on Drexel64742's profile.
Hi Drexel, Would like to purchase your brass , Would a business check be fine?
overunderranger wrote on Stamp Collector's profile.
I'm interested in the 28 gauge Ruger, if you still have it.
Tanner wrote on gearguywb's profile.
I’m blown away the rifle hasn’t sold. I will take it!