You obviously either are not reading what I am writing or failing to understand what I am writing. I'll try one more time.
With respect to your questions:
Infinitely less
I don't
I do not indulge in either "wild claims" or breathless accusations. I offer my opinions based upon what I believe is sound reasoning, a lot of experience, and a pretty good education. As to what I believe -
I believe that China is our greatest current threat and becoming a larger one. It is simultaneously one of our largest trading partners (the US exports roughly $150 billion and imports $500 billion annually). The issue is complicated and what happens with both that military challenge and economic relationship is of an abiding critical national interest.
Free access to the markets of the EU is even more important to the US than is that trade with China. The US exports over $350 billion annually and imports more than $550 billion. Anything that threatens that market in any way is an abiding critical national interest.
I believe Russia, under Putin, is determined to do everything in his power to recreate a Eurasian Russian Empire as close to the scope of the Soviet Union as he can manage. After all, it was he that has lamented "the demise of the Soviet Union was the greatest geopolitical catastrophe of the century.” He believed that subjugating Ukraine, was going to be a major step in that reconstitution.
As we saw in the agreements prior to the Winter Olympics, China was initially determined to strongly ally itself to Russia in that effort. If the Cold War was any guide, having a strong, militarily aggressive Russia threatening Europe and US interests there, would divert US focus from the Pacific for decades. Nipping those joint ambitions in the bud represents pennies on the dollar compared to that new cold war.
Having control over one's immigration system is a basic requirement of any nation state. Left uncontrolled, that inflow will inevitably change the nature of a nation's culture rather than the culture of the new emigres.
All of these issues are important. Because the last can be solved rather quickly and relatively inexpensively by the US government alone, it is more of a political issue than traditional critical national interest. Russian and Chinese ambitions, on the other hand, require national resolve on the international stage.
We can not afford to neglect any of them. It is why I find both the Biden administration's caution in aiding Ukraine and Trump and Freedom Caucus's politicizing and conflating the border with the Russian threat equally reprehensible.
I am telling no one how to vote. I have explained my reservations about both Biden and Trump ad nauseum on this thread. If you do not agree with my reservations, that is fine. I do not care. Because of the inherent weaknesses of both lame duck choices, I believe the critical path is a Republican control of the senate. I certainly will be voting for Tom Cruz.
I hope you realize that the Chinese really are not sneaking an army into the United States through the southern border. But that sort of nonsense makes good reading over on the farthest right sites.
Mr. Red Leg, with all due respect, please take your blinders off. Yes, we get it, you have expertise in the Russian military and governmental matters due to your military experience. The majority of registered republicans doesn‘t agree with the vast amount of military aid being provided to Ukraine, they prefer the focus be on our failing nation. I’m not sure I agree or disagree but I understand why. I agree, maintaining a strong foreign policy that at the very least maintains checks and balances of nations hostile to the free world and democracy is vital. However, where we diverge: The U.S. Is going to hell in a hand-basket! Our focus should be on our failing nation.
I believe you’re older than me, I’m 59. Never in my lifetime would I believe what’s happening to our once great country. DEI infiltrating every aspect of our lives including the government and our military. A literal circus is taking place in the Whitehouse. Mentally ill men wearing dresses assigned to high government positions, representing our country? Are the best and the brightest in the military anymore? I think not, forced out or refused to serve with the current insanity taking place. Is our military full of white racists like the dems would have you believe? What a joke. Have we lost focus of the primary mission, maintaining the best fighting force in the world irrespective of color, sex or sexual preference? Are we just going to rely on AI and technology only? Without a strong military, how do we maintain our influence in the world.
Elected officials who literally hate our country? A biased mainstream media which is really a propaganda machine for the Democrat party which has been allowed to be highjacked by far left wing bat s@#$ crazy people. Why is Soros being allowed to fund the instability in our country? Rhetorical question, we all know why. The dems, some republicans and the media are bought and paid by him as well as by China. Please watch the movie, Idiocracy, a 2006 science fiction comedy. Some of it is strikingly true now, especially when you listen to AOC and Kamala Harris. And Biden, well he’s just gone. I suppose you could lump Trump into the circus although I don’t think him unintelligent.
The point is we are a rapidly failing nation. All the signs are there. Out of control crime, corrupt government which is now going after political opponents, no rule of law being applied anymore, biased media propaganda machine, schools and colleges are now indoctrination centers, critical thinking no longer taught, an uncontrolled border to allow millions of illegals in solely because someday they will vote democrat, the means always justifying the ends with the dems and we saw with Covid, the suspension of constitutional rights all in the guise of “safety.”
I would almost say, put a cork in it we are done. The few remaining who landed on Normandy or fought in the pacific during WW II, I wonder what they are thinking? Thousands fought and gave their lives for this? Others, who put there ass on the line for our country and the free world, which I’ll include myself, fought for this? I read a recent poll, a comparison of the fighting spirit of Ukraine to the U.S., and only 55% of Americans are willing to fight a foreign invader In stark contrast to the brave people in Ukraine. This is another sign of our failing nation. Please refer to your byline here on AH by Rudyard Kipling, is that even valid anymore here in our country? The famous saying by Admiral Yamamoto prior to WW II, “We can never invade America, there would be a rifle behind every blade of grass,” still hold true?
The point is we need to focus on our domestic problems right now or there won’t be much of a country left that you or I will recognize. My fear is it’s too late, what kind of future are we leaving for our children and children’s children? Look, I’m not a blind Trump follower nor a blind follower of the Republican Party, it’s just that they have changed the least over time unlike the dems. I dislike all politicians, the vast majority if not all have been corrupted. “Power tends to corrupt and absolute power corrupts absolutely.” Still holds true. I vote the lesser of two evils that is all.