
When Hadrian put down the Bar Cochba revolt, he remodeled the Temple Mount. He put a whole other layer on top, and added two buildings which are now the Al Aqsa mosque and the dome of the rock. These were identical building and identical layout to the temple in Baalbek, Lebanon. He place a statue of a cavalry soldier in between the two buildings, which was later replaced by a foot washing fountain by the Musiims at a later date. When a Babylonian Jew visited Jerusalem shortly after the resurfacing, he asked, "where is the former location of the Holy of Holies?" A local who had observed all the construction stated, "It is underneath the statue." That is also in line with the wailing wall! A Temple could be added there without taking down the Dome of the Rock.
Lots of speculation....
Pallets of something resembling bricks delivered to tent camp at Columbia. Where have we seen this before.

This was Mike Rowe's post on his FB page an hour ago, for those who might not have FB. Go Mike go!

For a guy who runs a foundation that sends young people to trade schools all over America – trade schools where I’m pleased to report, no one is calling for the extermination of Jews – today’s headlines are once again offering another excellent reason to consider redirecting whatever financial support you might earmark for the Ivy League, to the mikeroweWORKS Foundation. Why? Because the Ivy League has truly lost its mind.

Consider the latest madness at Columbia University, where the president, Minochuhe Shafik, has announced a new round of remote learning - effective immediately - in response to a noisy rabble of thugs and bullies calling for the eradication of Israel. https://www.nationalreview.com/.../columbia-moves-to.../

If I had a kid at Columbia, I’d be livid. It’s simply mind-boggling that the president of this university would rather consign her students to another crucible of remote learning, than permanently expel the protesters. I mean, seriously, what does it take to get expelled from Columbia? These creeps are on camera, literally screaming into the faces of Jewish students.

“They yelled at us to go back to Poland, said we have no culture, and chanted, ‘Strike, strike Tel Aviv,” said one terrified student. Followed by, “Burn Tel Aviv to the ground,” “Go Hamas, we love you, we support your rockets, too.”

In a now-infamous image, one demonstrator appeared before a group of counter-protesters holding Israeli and American flags with a sign pointing in their direction that read, “Al-Qasam’s next targets.”
That’s what you get for $68,000 a year at Columbia – an administration who cowers in the face of thugs and bullies, and a university president who would rather make your kids try to learn off campus, than take a truly hard line with those students calling for the murder of Jews. For the love of God, expel them. Calling for murder is not protected speech.

In the meantime, mikeroweWORKS is accepting applications for our next round of work ethic scholarships. Deadline is the end of the month. It’s worth noting that the careers we’re training people for cannot be taught, or preformed, remotely. It’s also worth mentioning that we accept donations year-round and spend the money we take in with great discretion. You can apply for a scholarship, or donate, at mikeroweWORKS.org.
This was Mike Rowe's post on his FB page an hour ago, for those who might not have FB. Go Mike go!

For a guy who runs a foundation that sends young people to trade schools all over America – trade schools where I’m pleased to report, no one is calling for the extermination of Jews – today’s headlines are once again offering another excellent reason to consider redirecting whatever financial support you might earmark for the Ivy League, to the mikeroweWORKS Foundation. Why? Because the Ivy League has truly lost its mind.

Consider the latest madness at Columbia University, where the president, Minochuhe Shafik, has announced a new round of remote learning - effective immediately - in response to a noisy rabble of thugs and bullies calling for the eradication of Israel. https://www.nationalreview.com/.../columbia-moves-to.../

If I had a kid at Columbia, I’d be livid. It’s simply mind-boggling that the president of this university would rather consign her students to another crucible of remote learning, than permanently expel the protesters. I mean, seriously, what does it take to get expelled from Columbia? These creeps are on camera, literally screaming into the faces of Jewish students.

“They yelled at us to go back to Poland, said we have no culture, and chanted, ‘Strike, strike Tel Aviv,” said one terrified student. Followed by, “Burn Tel Aviv to the ground,” “Go Hamas, we love you, we support your rockets, too.”

In a now-infamous image, one demonstrator appeared before a group of counter-protesters holding Israeli and American flags with a sign pointing in their direction that read, “Al-Qasam’s next targets.”
That’s what you get for $68,000 a year at Columbia – an administration who cowers in the face of thugs and bullies, and a university president who would rather make your kids try to learn off campus, than take a truly hard line with those students calling for the murder of Jews. For the love of God, expel them. Calling for murder is not protected speech.

In the meantime, mikeroweWORKS is accepting applications for our next round of work ethic scholarships. Deadline is the end of the month. It’s worth noting that the careers we’re training people for cannot be taught, or preformed, remotely. It’s also worth mentioning that we accept donations year-round and spend the money we take in with great discretion. You can apply for a scholarship, or donate, at mikeroweWORKS.org.

I dont KNOW.. but I presume that some of the problem comes from Columbia's location.. remember its right in the heart of Manhattan.. the Univ. public safety dept (they are a private university, and only have "guards".. they do not have any sworn law enforcement personnel like most public universities have) would have a hell of a time securing campus, protecting the students, etc.. without a substantial amount of assistance from NYPD..

I dont have a clue what, if any negotiation has gone on between NYPD and Columbia.. but if they arent getting the full no shit assistance they require out of NYPD, they might not be left with a whole lot of other options..
FWIW, my firm has a relationship with Columbia (full disclosure up front).. I have met several of the schools leadership team that are tied to Columbia's veterans programs.. as well as a few more from other parts of the university..

one of our VP's lives in Manhattan, and used to have an apartment just a few blocks from Columbia, and has attended numerous events on campus (most related to veterans)..

Columbia is no doubt an Ivy school, a Northeastern school, etc.. and as a rule most of the people I have encountered there (both student and faculty) tend to lean fairly hard left..

That said, Columbia has the most robust veterans programs of the Ivy schools.. I'd guess they are among the most robust across all universities frankly.. Its pretty amazing the amount of money, time, and consideration they put into their veterans programs, whether we're talking about recruiting (both students and faculty), supporting, assisting, etc.. they definitely put A LOT of effort and money into it, and take these programs very seriously..

I dont recall Columbia "supporting" BLM in any way during the summer of mostly peaceful protests.. If they did, I missed it (and I was very objectively looking at the time.. I did not want our business associating with any other entity that was supporting BLM, ANTIFA, or any of the other groups involved in all of the violence, anti-law enforcement activities (much of our business is focused on both domestic and foreign law enforcement / counter narcotics type work.. and we employ a sizeable number of former law enforcement officers as a result)..

Im reasonably sure there were no BLM protests or riots of any measurable size that occurred on Columbia's campus..

Columbia did very much address what was going on in the country at the time.. I remember them hosting several meetings, discussion groups, etc.. It was a relatively regular topic of conversation within certain groups..

This was one of them...



There were also articles written in various Columbia publications..


While I dont necessarily agree with all of the positions relayed by the Columbia staff and students regarding BLM, the riots that occurred, the proper way to invoke change in our country, etc.. I can respect that they (Columbia) chose to talk about what was going on in the world at the time, and give both students and faculty an opportunity to discuss it... Thats what I would think we would want universities to do.. encourage people to think.. then express their thoughts in a well articulated and well supported manner (whether we agree with their findings or not)..
My daughter got her Masters at Columbia and met her now husband there. He attended Columbia for his undergraduate degree through the veteran program and GI Bill after enlisting in the US Army and volunteering for infantry after the 9/11 attack. He served six years in Afghanistan and was wounded in the thigh from a bullet pass through and received a Purple Heart. They both had to deal with the liberal slant but not much different than all other universities now. Columbia does a good job with the veteran program. He then got his MBA in Denver at DU. They were both done with Columbia before the BLM protests but I’m sure they kept informed about what happened. I will ask them.
Tundra Tiger, Mike Rowe’s Sweat pledge scholarships teach young adults to work for what they want. Not borrow it

parents would do well to have their children submit an application to his program. He gave a presentation at my nephews Eagle Scout ceremony.
He told my nephew and other recipients to forget what they just achieved. That it means nothing to most people. And keep grinding.

He is a motivational speaker
The Prime Minister of New Guinea was on the news stating how insulting Bidens comments were.

China met with him to cozy up. This is a terrible time to cede more friends to China. The Solomon’s now New Guinea Bidens stories (lies) are past being annoying and now jeopardizing our presence in the WestPac
I have no words for what is happening at Columbia right now, but it is encouraging to see the school admin and the WH forcefully condemn it.

I totally agree. When you are calling for violence and genocide against a people, in my mind you have crossed the line, and are no longer protected by the First Amendment.
I thought the temple wouldn’t be built until halfway through the Tribulation period (7 years in length), which will begin with a 7 year peace treaty with Israel. The Antichrist already has to be in power before the temple is built.

To answer your closing question: the events that have transpired lately COULD be what will ultimately culminate in the building of the temple but there’s still some things that have to happen first.

In studying Revelation, we have to remember that it was written to be understood by people at the time of the writing. Many interpretations of Revelation completely lose track of this.

A couple of other key points;

Christ himself told us that no one but the father knows the time of his return, including Christ himself.

The rapture is a recent theological construct, and one with very little scriptural support. You won’t find it referenced in any of the early writings.
The book of Revelation was written by apostle John during his exile on Patmos island. It was based on his vision of the events of rapture and the great tribulation.
In studying Revelation, we have to remember that it was written to be understood by people at the time of the writing. Many interpretations of Revelation completely lose track of this.

A couple of other key points;

Christ himself told us that no one but the father knows the time of his return, including Christ himself.

The rapture is a recent theological construct, and one with very little scriptural support. You won’t find it referenced in any of the early writings.
Understood about interpretation. There’s plenty of scripture throughout to get a general understanding and rough timeline of end time events.

No argument on the second paragraph either. Which is why I said COULD in my post.

I think there’s plenty of scriptural justification for doctrine on a rapture of the church.
Understood about interpretation. There’s plenty of scripture throughout to get a general understanding and rough timeline of end time events.

No argument on the second paragraph either. Which is why I said COULD in my post.

I think there’s plenty of scriptural justification for doctrine on a rapture of the church.

I’m not a sufficient theologian to argue the point on the rapture, or ‘pre-trib’ if you prefer. However, I do find it interesting that in the 2,200 year history of the Christian church, as a point of theology it did not exist until a couple hundred years ago.
I’m not a sufficient theologian to argue the point on the rapture, or ‘pre-trib’ if you prefer. However, I do find it interesting that in the 2,200 year history of the Christian church, as a point of theology it did not exist until a couple hundred years ago.
Actually, there are different views on when the “rapture” will happen: pre-trib, mid, pre-wrath and post tribulation period.

I happen to be in the pre camp but the timing of it is really immaterial to our conversation. The point is that it will happen.

The term may have been coined semi recently but the scriptures are the same as they were when they were penned. Technically around 2000 years of church history.
I dont KNOW.. but I presume that some of the problem comes from Columbia's location.. remember its right in the heart of Manhattan..

Upper Manhattan, right next to Harlem.
Actually, there are different views on when the “rapture” will happen: pre-trib, mid, pre-wrath and post tribulation period.

I happen to be in the pre camp but the timing of it is really immaterial to our conversation. The point is that it will happen.

The term may have been coined semi recently but the scriptures are the same as they were when they were penned. Technically around 2000 years of church history.

My comment was very unclear, my apologies, the recent construct I was referring to was a pre-trib rapture. There is no lack of clarity in scriptures about Christ’s return and the resurrection of the saints.

Many of these second order theologies make for interesting discussion, but honestly will not be resolved this side of heaven. We can have a good laugh about how we were all wrong then!

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idjeffp wrote on Jon R15's profile.
Hi Jon,
I saw your post for the .500 NE cases. Are these all brass or are they nickel plated? Hard for me to tell... sorry.
Jeff [redacted]
Boise, ID
African Scenic Safaris is a Sustainable Tour Operator based in Moshi, Tanzania. Established in 2009 as a family business, the company is owned and operated entirely by locals who share the same passion for showing people the amazing country of Tanzania and providing a fantastic personalized service.
FDP wrote on dailordasailor's profile.
1200 for the 375 barrel and accessories?