
There is a lot of talk of Elizabeth Warren becoming the Treasury Secretary under Biden. . .

A Warren treasury position scares me . . .

I don't believe that Warren is a true believer, unlike AOC. She was a Republican back at her UT Law School teaching days (and one of the very few), and was considered "The Go To Expert" on bankruptcy law and hired by a lot of large corporation to help them with their bankruptcy filing. She had nothing to gain at UT to be a Republican and that's more of a hindrance at UT.

That said, If Biden is elected, I suspect will be will seeing a list similar to Canada's list of "banned weapons" very quickly.
Words like fascist, nazi, Neo-nazi, socialist, communist, etc. have been diluted to the point of non-existence because so many people have used them as merely "opinion I disagree with." It's why I believe if you use that kind of language with such reckless abandoned, you should make like a glowstick and get bent.

Like racist, racism, white privelege, because I'm black, he raped me 15 years ago, etc.

The more you complain the less people listen to you.
I think we're at a point in our nation's history where we have to pick a person and not a party. The Republican party has delivered milquetoast candidates for the past few elections, i.e., Romney and McCain. Neither had what it took to beat Obama. Trump emerged and promised to begin cleaning out the swamp, getting us out of bad trade deals and putting Americans interests first. And while he isn't the most polished politician, he has delivered on his promises - something few politicians do. Obama said all of the right things but did all of the wrong things. Trump, on the other hand, said a lot of the wrong things but did mostly the right things.

The future of our nation is at stake. You can say you don't agree with Trump's tactics, but I firmly believe his heart is in the right place. The Democrats seek to fundamentally change our country.

Don't believe me?

Here's what former KGB informant, Yuri Bezmenov, laid out as the four stages of subversion. While Saul Alinsky relied on his longer list in "Rules for Radicals", Bezmenov's list is shorter and already underway.

First, Demoralization. This, he claims, takes the longest because it is the minimum number of years to educate one generation. In my area, the public and private schools no longer teach any history or civics courses. They claim it's because they're afraid of offending someone who may not be from America. It's really do they can demonize the founding fathers and reframe the dialogue so that an entire generation of kids grows up thinking America really isn't that exceptional and that the Constitution was written by bad, slave-owning men and should be ousted. So, this is already underway. One look at the spoiled, rich, supposedly well-educated kids who have been protesting for the past few months reveals I'm right about this. They are tearing down statues of people when they have no real idea about who that person was or what he accomplished. It's all about erasing history.

Demoralization, the article states, is quite obvious among today's young people, whose faith in their country has been systematically destroyed throughout their lives through education and media establishment. Another work for demoralization is guilt. Americans are routinely compelled to feel guilty about their society and national history. Does BLM and white privilege sound familiar??

Second, Destabilization. Requiring only 2-5 years, the fundamentals of the tarted population's economy, political system and culture are attacked while the demoralized population couldn't mount much of a defense. Demoralized people lose their faith in their nation, history and ideals. Destabilized people lose faith in one another.

Third, Crisis: Bezmenov states that once a society has been destabilized, the time is ripe to create a crisis. A crisis has the benefit, he claims, of panicking demoralized, destabilized people. Again, look at the young adults who are protesting; they oftentimes got worthless degrees while racking up loads of student loan debt only to find their jobs have been given to H-1B visa workers. Hell yes, they're angry! The threat of a crisis is essential for terrorizing the middle class into accepting a political agenda that is actively hostile to its interest, which leads to the fourth stage of subversion: the offer to make the pain and fear go away by accepting political domination.

Four, Normalization: "After a crisis, with a violent change of the power structure and economy, you have a so-called period of Normalization that may last indefinitely. This is what will happen to the United States if you allow all the schmucks to bring the country to crisis, to promise people all kinds of goodies and a paradise on Earth, to destabilize our economy (Covid shutdown, anyone?), to eliminate the principle of free-market competition, and to put a Big Brother government in DC with benevolent dictators who will promise lots of things - never mind whether the promises are fulfilled or not."

The Democrats have the full support of the media. All you have to do is to Google a political or economic topic and see that the first few pages of results are from liberal, left-leaning publications. Any conservative publications or opinions are relegated to page 10 of the results. Or just look at Facebook and Twitter and how they blacklist conservatives under the guise of "hate speech" or stating that the post isn't consistent with their terms of agreement.

So, all of this is to say, if you are concerned about the future of America, re-elect Trump. He may not be the most polished leader this country has every had, but he's the man for the job at this time. The radical left won't stop until they destroy this nation. Don't believe me? Look at the worst run cities in America; Baltimore, DC, Detroit, Cleveland, Hartford, Flint, Oakland, NY and many more - they are all run by Democrats. So if you want more of what they're offering in those cities, vote for Biden. If you want your children to grow up in the America you are familiar with from your youth, vote for Trump!
That said, If Biden is elected, I suspect will be will seeing a list similar to Canada's list of "banned weapons" very quickly.

This is part of the "and more" that I referred to earlier. I fear that this would be the official match to a fuse that shouldn't be lit. Americans aren't very good at being told to relinquish their arms.
The thing that I see happening if Biden gets elected is that he just may step down after a year or so.

There was a article written about it a while ago which stated that a vote for him will really be for his VP choice
The Dems really want a black woman for President ....Biden steps down, Dems get a black woman for POTUS by default.

I don't have a problem with a black person in the Whitehouse. Just not a Democrat.
Do we really want Biden (or his VP) appointing potentially two supreme court justices?

. Americans aren't very good at being told to relinquish their arms.

Both the American and Texas Revolutions were triggered by the British and Mexican attempts to confiscate arms.
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The Dems really want a black woman for President ....Biden steps down, Dems get a black woman for POTUS by default.

I don't have a problem with a black person in the Whitehouse. Just not a Democrat.
Unfortunately, looks like Herman Cain might be down for the count...

I do think that Condoleezza Rice would make a good candidate. Sharp as a whip, staunchly pro-2A, and no one can argue race or gender with her.
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This is part of the "and more" that I referred to earlier. I fear that this would be the official match to a fuse that shouldn't be lit. Americans aren't very good at being told to relinquish their arms.
As much as it pains me to say it, I think you are wrong on this. I think that most American gun owners would be more afraid of jail time than they care about their rights and turn in their guns en masse. We need to remember that we have the Second Amendment so that the government fears the people, not the other way around.
. . . I think that most American gun owners would be more afraid of jail time than they care about their rights and turn in their guns en masse..

I doubt that. I've put lots of folks in time out and some keep coming back for more.
I doubt that. I've put lots of folks in time out and some keep coming back for more.

You are correct. Though I am assuming that most gun owners are upstanding, law-abiding citizens who have not spent so much as a night behind bars.
Candace Owens, is a conservative woman that I could get behind. Unfortunately, she has a few years to go before she would be age eligible.
Unfortunately, looks like Herman Cain might be down for the count...

I do think that Condoleezza Rice would make a good candidate. Sharp as a whip, staunchly pro-2A, and no one can argue race or gender with her.
Candace Owens, is a conservative woman that I could get behind. Unfortunately, she has a few years to go before she would be age eligible.View attachment 356365
I have not heard of her before. I will have to look her up. I would love to see more smart, capable women in politics showing the old men how to get things done!
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She is a conservative political activist, which means the Liberals hate her.
I have not heard of her before. I will have to look her up. I would love to see more smart, capable women in politics showing the old men how to get things done!
She Not very 2nd Amendment friendly sounding to me.
You are correct, she is not as pro-2A as I would like, but I think she raises a very important point about why guns are essential for freedom.

EDIT: At one point she was solidly pro-2A. She seems to have caved on a lot in the last few years. Sad.
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I have not heard of her before. I will have to look her up. I would love to see more smart, capable women in politics showing the old men how to get things done!

There is a post maybe we 10 pages back, or search my posts as I commented on it, of her giving her perspective on George Floyd. It's spot on. I've watched many more videos of her and she has her head on straight. She also has an interesting story as to how she became more conservative minded.

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