
I do now know if it has been mentioned before, but things are heating up in Europe with the farmer protests. After France and Ireland, Netherlands, now also there is a march of tractors going to the EU institutions in Brussels. It is not only the main item in the news, it is almost the only topic.

Their anger is directed towards:
- Too much regulation, red tape
- Not enough protection from imports from outside the EU (special attention to Ukraine that apparently is getting a very favourable tariff scheme for their agricultural products.) Especially as the meat/grain/fruit/etc. produced elsewhere does not suffer the same red tape/regulations/sometimes quality obligations as is here the case.
- Too much obligations around "environmental rules". Levels of nitrogen, water use, etc.
- Abolition of lower taxes on farm fuel
- Too much power in the food industry, that squeezes out the farmers.

A mailing was sent out even from the biggest Hunting federation of Flanders, to actively go and support the farmer protests.

I have a feeling other groups will start to add themselves to this general discontent with Europe, government, etc. Looks like the pendulum is preparing to swing the other way again.

(for clarification: I'm personally fully supporting the farmer protests)

Looks like my Senators are both making national news this week in unfavorable ways.

This post is probably a bit misleading however. EPA rule regarding water meters was in November 2023. Mullin bought stock in Badger January 4, 2024. It may not look great but doesn't compare in any way to Feinstein and Pelosi's husbands buying land to be used for the California highspeed rail prior to budget approval by Congress or before the proposed rail rout was made public.
Not a fan of Mullins, due to his redneck Senate hearing style when he challenged a Union leader to fight in the hearing room. But from what I've read, Mullins grew up working for his dad's plumbing business and then took it over after his dad's death. Mullins grew the business and then sold it for a substantial amount of money. Good for him! Given the plumbing background, he probably knows about water meters and the trends in the industry and nation.

Mullin definitely doesn't always exhibit endearing behavior. A plumbers son from a rural community who is the only member of the senate without a college degree. He built up his fathers plumbing company and sold it out for good money. He has also invested extremely well. As far as I know, all of his investments are above board, regardless of what is insinuated about him in the press. Highschool grad with a net worth of $50-100m, before he is 50 years old and a little rough around the collar. An endearing quality I see in Mullin is he certainly seems to have the best interest of the average Oklahoman and American at the top of his agenda. He certainly is more Andrew Jackson that DC insider.
I appreciate the detailed response. I think it is in error in several ways, but it offers the basis of a discussion.

Let me deal with your last point first because I think it is important and is a fatal mistake being made by the Trump wing of my party. My ideal of the relative outsider with a unique vison for the country was Ronald Reagan. He and the policies he promoted were what I. and I think most educated people, would define as actual conservatism. I call him a relative outsider, because he had already been a successful governor of one of the country's most diverse and populous states.

Because he was a successful politician in such an environment, he realized as president that he needed a mandate much greater than his conservative base. At that time, he too faced a intolerant self-destructive fringe in the party that valued purity over governance. One of his most famous quotes was, "The person who agrees with you 80 percent of the time is a friend and an ally - not a 20 percent traitor." Even if somehow Trump is elected in a wave of anti-Biden sentiment, the party can not maintain a governing majority in congress without a broad mandate that includes most moderates, whatever their party.

I should add, Trump not only has a problem winning over moderates, he also has one with conservatives in his own party. Whatever Trump's movement and fiscal beliefs are, it isn't conservatism. Judging by his recent denunciation of not only Nikki Haley, but also her voters, I am no sure his self-indulgence allows him to even understand that.

The so called RINOs currently represent constituencies that reflect such a mandate far more than the purists like a Chip Roy or Matt Gaetz. No president can be successful without congressional support. If this party devolves into nothing more than the 35% who worship at the alter of Donald Trump, the republicans will never hold a mandate again.

With respect to Russian history and the notion that every Russian dictator "has moved to the west" since Stalin, that is simply not true. In fact, I would argue that sentence itself is self-refuting. I assume you would agree Malenkov doesn't count. Khrushchev was certainly less murderous than Stalin, but hardly what anyone would call an admirer of the capitalist system. In spite of the efforts at détente, during the Nixon administration, Brezhnev politically was as reactionary as Stalin. I think we can also safely leave Andropov and Chernenko out of this discussion. I believe Gorbachev did recognize the failings of the Communist system, though whether that was through a desire to be closer to a Western model or merely to survive the pending upheaval as the Soviet Union collapsed, I am unsure. And whatever Russia could have become in a post Soviet world, that was cut short by the dictator currently occupying the Kremlin.

Spheres of influence serve only those with the power to enforce them. We articulated the Monroe Doctrine in 1823. But it was 75 years later, during the Spanish American War, before we actually had the power to begin to enforce it. Fortunately, we still do.

The Russian Empire and Soviet Union have waxed and waned throughout its history with respect to its sphere of influence. Crimea, for instance, was never under Russian control until ceded by Turkey in 1783. There is certainly no ethnic bond between the Rus and the Tartars who still make up most of the Crimean population. Perhaps following your logic, it should be returned to Turkey rather than Russia, or maybe the Byzantines?

The same is true of the "buffer zone" Russia created in Eastern Europe following the Second World War. That sphere of influence existed solely because six million Red Army troops occupied the ground. With the collapse of the Soviet Union, everyone of those States immediately sought true independence. Russia no longer had the strength or will to hold them in bondage. The Ukraine is also one of those states, and with a history of actual independence not very different than Poland.

The notion that the CIA convinced the vast majority of the Crimean people to revolt against a government attempting the realign itself with Moscow is simply not true. It is a notion perpetuated in a lot of right wing sites like Revolver and Gateway Pundit, but the Ukrainian people "voted" overwhelmingly to chart their future with Western Europe. Undoubtedly many in government to include in CIA and State were pleased. However, most of the overly sophisticated savants in the Obama administration saw the Ukrainian people's actions as actually destabilizing - hardly actions that administration would encourage through its intelligence services.

No, Ukraine's desire for self-determination and alliance with the West is very real. It is a dream for which they continue to cast their votes every single day with their blood. Putin, far from "moving West," is doing everything in his power to destroy that dream and submerge Ukraine in the apathetic police state that is the modern Russian Empire.

Which portion of the Minsk accords did Ukraine actually violate? To save some time, there is no pledge anywhere in them preventing Ukraine from joining NATO or the EU. That is both a Russian propaganda claim and belief adopted among the American right wing.

Fortunately, both Finland and Sweden, long exercising a careful balancing act between the West and their periodically belligerent neighbor, see Putin and his goals for what they are. Their joining NATO, and becoming two of the chief supporters of Ukraine's fight for survival puts a lie to the appeasers in the West. Refusing to aid Ukraine is by definition supporting Russia's strategic goals. It is unfathomable to me, that I share a party with people who support that foreign policy position. Reagan, a true champion of America first, aggressively defended our national interests wherever threatened. I am certain he would be appalled at the notion of abandoning Ukraine.

Mr. Red Leg, my friend, please forgive my absence. As I said in my original post, very few issues are more divisive among conservatives than the Ukraine situation. I very much appreciate your statement that the person you agree with 80% is your friend. I suspect we would agree on 90% of policy.

You probably misunderstand me a bit. I am not a huge fan of Mr. Trump, but I like him much more after he was President than before. I was pleasantly impressed with his accomplishments. Still, I have reservations about him, but he was effective. In fact there are things that are pretty repulsive. But in today’s world, there is a lot of “fog”, and we have to pick a “horse” don’t we?

He is a far bigger jackass than he needs to be. On the other hand, with the way things have been trending, perhaps an a**hole is just what we need. The house needs to be cleaned, and who will be better?

There are a couple others who I think may actually be better on policy than him, but they are not going to capture the “forever” Trumpers. So you roll with what you have. My biggest concern is that he won’t capture the “center” he needs. Because he CHOOSES to be a d*ck.

A lot of Americans are tired of our overseas adventures. I question our involvement in the 2nd Gulf War, based on Iraq’s “weapons of mass destruction”, not that I think Saddam got any better than he deserved. Or why we stayed in Afghanistan, long after Bin Laden was dead, wasting thousands of young Americans and billions of dollars. And why we left in such an absolutely, obscenely, shameful way. We needed to leave, but not like that. Or why we still have troops in Iraq or Syria.

We are THE EMPIRE. Frankly, Americans don’t want to be emperors. They want to be left alone and they don’t like cruelty or unfairness in the world. Thats it.

The worst part of “neocons” is that there is never a war they don’t like.

You and I won’t come to terms on Ukraine, or Putin, and that is ok. I won’t say that I am convinced that the Ukraine “cause” is illegitimate. What I do think is that Ukraine would have been well positioned as the “Switzerland” of Eastern Europe, even if corrupt, which it is. And it was the West, not Russia, that eliminated that possibility. Why couldn’t that work? Because we wouldn’t let it work. Ukraine had to be in our “sphere”, not independent.

Now, for the “big” picture. Russia has been a declining threat to the West since the before the fall of the Berlin Wall. The Black Sea has ZERO effect on my security as an American. Yet in the Biden administration’s extraordinary brilliance, we chose to take a stand there. We have taken this declining threat and made it an asset of the real threat - China.

Russia is not the Soviets of the 50s, 60s, 70s or 80s. Stop fighting that war. Our choices in Ukraine have made our most serious threat STRONGER. WAKE UP.

And God’s blessings on you and yours.
I’m the problem for wanting to see what the bill says before either side takes a position? Okay?!? I would love for Biden to enforce the current laws. I’m not on his side. Several employers that are good men on this thread say we need new laws. I take them at their word. I don’t employ any immigrants.
After all, I like to see a bill before I pay it...
Not a fan of Mullins, due to his redneck Senate hearing style when he challenged a Union leader to fight in the hearing room. But from what I've read, Mullins grew up working for his dad's plumbing business and then took it over after his dad's death. Mullins grew the business and then sold it for a substantial amount of money. Good for him! Given the plumbing background, he probably knows about water meters and the trends in the industry and nation.

Not picking on him at all, I've just posted a bunch of Nancy trades on here in the past so I wanted to level it out a bit, I'm of the mindset that members of Congress shouldn't be allowed to buy and sell stock while in office, just my opinion. I think it just gives a bad look, and can lead to a loss in faith in confidence that elected officials are doing things for the right reasons. I'm reminded of the scene in Band of Brothers where Maj Winters reprimands Lt Compton for gambling with the troops, "What if you would've won?..... Never put yourself in a position to take something from these men." I don't know if that ever happened in real life, but I appreciate the sentiment.

As for him challenging someone to a fight on the Senate floor..... don't you think it was nice to see a little vitality on Capitol Hill for a change? haha
Latest Quinnipac Poll released today. And before the "don't confuse me with lying polls" class starts howling, it, like all polls, simply provides insight into trends, however accurate the eventual election count.

In their latest, Biden now leads Trump 50-44 in the generic count. That is a significant widening of the gap since their December poll which had Biden leading Trump 47-46.

Haley, on the other hand, leads Biden 47-42. :unsure:

I obviously think Trump is the wrong candidate for my party, and evidence like this simply confirms my personal conclusions. But were I a Trump supporter, these numbers also should be a clarion warning to my candidate, that personally attacking Haley, and more importantly her supporters, is about as politically stupid an action as a candidate could possibly take.

To remind - his Truth Social post the day after New Hampshire.

“Anybody that makes a ‘Contribution’ to Birdbrain, from this moment forth, will be permanently barred from the MAGA camp. We don’t want them, and will not accept them, because we Put America First, and ALWAYS WILL!”

The full article is worth reading as it breaks down each group of voters and also provides insight into a third party race.

A final thought. Many of us here spend a lot of time on sites and channels that focus on Biden fumbling through word salad or showcasing the very real chaos at the border. A somewhat larger percentage of our fellow travelers are watching alternative sources that provide equal focus to Trump's latest childish, even insane sounding eruptions and his legal troubles. You would think reversing those percentages would be his highest priority.
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As for him challenging someone to a fight on the Senate floor..... don't you think it was nice to see a little vitality on Capitol Hill for a change? haha


If Mullin saw an individual attacked and beaten up by a gang on a DC street, he is probably the only Senator who would run and jump in the middle of the fray to help out, regardless the odds. Probably his wrestling and MMA background. What he displayed on the senate floor, good or bad, is an extension of who he is. On January 6, he helped the Capitol Police set up and man the barricades inside the Capitol. He was present when Ashley Babbitt was shot. He was one of a handful of Senators or Representatives who didn't flee and helped the Capitol Police. Right or wrong constituents seem to appreciate the effort of the wild Cherokee.

If Mullin saw an individual attacked and beaten up by a gang on a DC street, he is probably the only Senator who would run and jump in the middle of the fray to help out, regardless the odds. Probably his wrestling and MMA background. What he displayed on the senate floor, good or bad, is an extension of who he is. On January 6, he helped the Capitol Police set up and man the barricades inside the Capitol. He was present when Ashley Babbitt was shot. He was one of a handful of Senators or Representatives who didn't flee and helped the Capitol Police. Right or wrong constituents seem to appreciate the effort of the wild Cherokee.
Bernie should've just let him and O'brien duke it out for a bit, there's a high chance a week or two later they would've had beers and come to some sort of agreement.
@Slope77 Exactly right. Anyone who digs deeply into the Ukraine war, will find two sides to it.....FWB
Latest Quinnipac Poll released today. And before the "don't confuse me with lying polls" class starts howling, it, like all polls, simply provides insight into trends, however accurate the eventual election count.

In their latest, Biden now leads Trump 50-44 in the generic count. That is a significant widening of the gap since their December poll which had Biden leading Trump 47-46.

Haley, on the other hand, leads Biden 47-42. :unsure:

I obviously think Trump is the wrong candidate for my party, and evidence like this simply confirms my personal conclusions. But were I a Trump supporter, these numbers also should be a clarion warning to my candidate, that personally attacking Haley, and more importantly her supporters, is about as politically stupid an action as a candidate could possibly take.

To remind - his Truth Social post the day after New Hampshire.

“Anybody that makes a ‘Contribution’ to Birdbrain, from this moment forth, will be permanently barred from the MAGA camp. We don’t want them, and will not accept them, because we Put America First, and ALWAYS WILL!”

The full article is worth reading as it breaks down each group of voters and also provides insight into a third party race.

A final thought. Many of us here spend a lot of time on sites and channels that focus on Biden fumbling through word salad or showcasing the very real chaos at the border. A somewhat larger percentage of our fellow travelers are watching alternative sources that provide equal focus to Trump's latest childish, even insane sounding eruptions and his legal troubles. You would think reversing those percentages would be his highest priority.

Red Leg, I am not a huge Trump fan. I think he will be the best of the last standing. Ringing endorsement, eh? Lesser of two evils?? Actually, he is better than that, but he is flawed. Hailey is not electable.

I don’t think Trump fans see any options. No one else is “pure” enough for them. Trump is an option for Desantis and Ramaswamy fans, but not so much vice versa. The Trumpers are rabidly so. Haley can’t carry the Trump base, and she can’t be elected without it.

Hailey may capture a few Desantis or Ramaswamy voters, but mostly the interchangeability is Trump (kinda but not so much for the true bloods), Desantis, and Ramaswamy.

These people think that that Haley is little better than Biden. They will just stay home, not vote, and Biden will win. Hailey is a Republican for democrats. That may work in a primary, not in the general election.

Yes, you cited a poll. It is not what I see in real life. In a Haley/Biden race, I would have to research her record really hard before I’d be motivated to vote at all.
For everyone else out there, apologies for airing our American dirty laundry. I get tired of the crap myself. I can’t imagine how dysfunctional it seems in Namibia, South Africa, or other places.
Red Leg, I am not a huge Trump fan. I think he will be the best of the last standing. Ringing endorsement, eh? Lesser of two evils?? Actually, he is better than that, but he is flawed. Hailey is not electable.

I don’t think Trump fans see any options. No one else is “pure” enough for them. Trump is an option for Desantis and Ramaswamy fans, but not so much vice versa. The Trumpers are rabidly so. Haley can’t carry the Trump base, and she can’t be elected without it.

Hailey may capture a few Desantis or Ramaswamy voters, but mostly the interchangeability is Trump (kinda but not so much for the true bloods), Desantis, and Ramaswamy.

These people think that that Haley is little better than Biden. They will just stay home, not vote, and Biden will win. Hailey is a Republican for democrats. That may work in a primary, not in the general election.

Yes, you cited a poll. It is not what I see in real life. In a Haley/Biden race, I would have to research her record really hard before I’d be motivated to vote at all.
On what do you base your analysis that Hailey is unelectable? Do you have access to some sort of polling not available to the rest of us or is it a special political insight? Every reasonably respected national poll has her out performing Trump significantly. Of course those results are ignored or disparaged in Trump world in places like Breitbart and Revolver. Moreover Tucker Carlson and his ilk have made opposing Hailey something of a personal crusade - rather like Zelensky.

I just it both telling and amusing that my party would rather ignore the evidence of the weakness of their presumptive nominee over one who clearly has the potential to actually win. I would add Hailey also far more representative of the Reagan tradition of conservatism than Trump who is not a conservative at all.

Many republicans will vote down ticket and not vote for him again. Still others simply will stay home. He is bleeding independents and moderate democrats whenever he opens his mouth. That is reflected in actual analysis and polling.

I personally do not believe he has a clue about foreign policy or a basic understanding of this country's actual national interests. I am convinced his concept of national interest is totally embodied in his own self-indulgent personal interests which I believe he puts before everything and everyone. Note, I said that I believe that personally rather than offer actual evidence - but, I am hardly alone.

He clearly did good work with respect to immigration, but he is also the person who created the conditions that caused the Covid economic catastrophe. He gets a total pass, but some in Trump denial should remember the now apparently "dangerous vaccine" was his achievement as was shutting down our economy.

He will likely lose us this election and his lack coattails will likely also lose us the house and perhaps the senate. We will have no one to blame but ourselves.
On what do you base your analysis that Hailey is unelectable? Do you have access to some sort of polling not available to the rest of us or is it a special political insight? Every reasonably respected national poll has her out performing Trump significantly. Of course those results are ignored or disparaged in Trump world in places like Breitbart and Revolver. Moreover Tucker Carlson and his ilk have made opposing Hailey something of a personal crusade - rather like Zelensky.

I just it both telling and amusing that my party would rather ignore the evidence of the weakness of their presumptive nominee over one who clearly has the potential to actually win. I would add Hailey also far more representative of the Reagan tradition of conservatism than Trump who is not a conservative at all.

Many republicans will vote down ticket and not vote for him again. Still others simply will stay home. He is bleeding independents and moderate democrats whenever he opens his mouth. That is reflected in actual analysis and polling.

I personally do not believe he has a clue about foreign policy or a basic understanding of this country's actual national interests. I am convinced his concept of national interest is totally embodied in his own self-indulgent personal interests which I believe he puts before everything and everyone. Note, I said that I believe that personally rather than offer actual evidence - but, I am hardly alone.

He clearly did good work with respect to immigration, but he is also the person who created the conditions that caused the Covid economic catastrophe. He gets a total pass, but some in Trump denial should remember the now apparently "dangerous vaccine" was his achievement as was shutting down our economy.

He will likely lose us this election and his lack coattails will likely also lose us the house and perhaps the senate. We will have no one to blame but ourselves.

First of all, I want to make clear that I am not a huge fan of Trump, but I will vote for him if he is the nominee. I understand many of the flaws you have pointed out. I won’t belabor his more positive attributes, because you are a smart man and it really isn’t what we are talking about.

Further I’m not a wonk and I really don’t enjoy politics all that much. I still think Reagan was the best President in my lifetime, even if he wasn’t perfect. Imagine if Trump had 1/2 of his modesty. Reagan was like everyone’s wise, rock solid grandpa.

I won’t even try to respond to your poll numbers. What I see is this - Trump’s supporters comprise the base and probably the majority of the Republican Party.

This base is so single-mindedly loyal to Trump that they will demonize Desantis and Ramaswamy, who are arguably more conservative and better policy-wise, simply for not bowing at the alter. They see these guys as the enemy, not as an alternative.

How is Haley, on the other side of the party spectrum, going to win over this base?
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Mr. Red Leg, my friend, please forgive my absence. As I said in my original post, very few issues are more divisive among conservatives than the Ukraine situation. I very much appreciate your statement that the person you agree with 80% is your friend. I suspect we would agree on 90% of policy.

You probably misunderstand me a bit. I am not a huge fan of Mr. Trump, but I like him much more after he was President than before. I was pleasantly impressed with his accomplishments. Still, I have reservations about him, but he was effective. In fact there are things that are pretty repulsive. But in today’s world, there is a lot of “fog”, and we have to pick a “horse” don’t we?

He is a far bigger jackass than he needs to be. On the other hand, with the way things have been trending, perhaps an a**hole is just what we need. The house needs to be cleaned, and who will be better?

There are a couple others who I think may actually be better on policy than him, but they are not going to capture the “forever” Trumpers. So you roll with what you have. My biggest concern is that he won’t capture the “center” he needs. Because he CHOOSES to be a d*ck.

A lot of Americans are tired of our overseas adventures. I question our involvement in the 2nd Gulf War, based on Iraq’s “weapons of mass destruction”, not that I think Saddam got any better than he deserved. Or why we stayed in Afghanistan, long after Bin Laden was dead, wasting thousands of young Americans and billions of dollars. And why we left in such an absolutely, obscenely, shameful way. We needed to leave, but not like that. Or why we still have troops in Iraq or Syria.

We are THE EMPIRE. Frankly, Americans don’t want to be emperors. They want to be left alone and they don’t like cruelty or unfairness in the world. Thats it.

The worst part of “neocons” is that there is never a war they don’t like.

You and I won’t come to terms on Ukraine, or Putin, and that is ok. I won’t say that I am convinced that the Ukraine “cause” is illegitimate. What I do think is that Ukraine would have been well positioned as the “Switzerland” of Eastern Europe, even if corrupt, which it is. And it was the West, not Russia, that eliminated that possibility. Why couldn’t that work? Because we wouldn’t let it work. Ukraine had to be in our “sphere”, not independent.

Now, for the “big” picture. Russia has been a declining threat to the West since the before the fall of the Berlin Wall. The Black Sea has ZERO effect on my security as an American. Yet in the Biden administration’s extraordinary brilliance, we chose to take a stand there. We have taken this declining threat and made it an asset of the real threat - China.

Russia is not the Soviets of the 50s, 60s, 70s or 80s. Stop fighting that war. Our choices in Ukraine have made our most serious threat STRONGER. WAKE UP.

And God’s blessings on you and yours.
Thanks for the response.

I generally agree with the first half of your post. I concur our nation building efforts following 911 were a tremendous mistake. But that is not the subject of the moment. I think you are fundamentally wrong with respect to Ukraine and our national interests.

American arrogance is expressed in all sorts of ways - even by people who allegedly simply want to be "left alone". The notion that we somehow control the aspirations of the Ukrainian people is one of the most blatantly nonsensical assertions emerging from the neo-isolationist movement in this country. A philosophy, I might add, that did not turn out well in the last century.

"We" didn't do anything to prevent Ukraine from becoming the Switzerland of Eastern Europe, whatever you believe such a construct might have been. In spite of the Minsk accords, Russia, not the United States or Ukraine, decided to foment instability in the Donbass and seize Crimea by force. To the extent we have blame in that it is because the Obama administration did nothing to discourage or oppose it. That failure on our part - an appeasement dramatically parallel to the events of 1938 served to further embolden Putin's desire to subjugate the whole country. An effort he and he alone initiated in February 2022.

Ukraine's only guilt has been to express in overwhelming numbers their right of self-determination to ally their future with Western Europe. They are expressing that right every single day on the battlefield and have asked no European or American for anything but the means to defend a land free of Eurasian tyranny. We are not involved in a foreign war. We are supplying the means for a people of an independent country to stave off enslavement in the apathetic police state that is Putin's Russia.

More importantly, assisting Ukraine prevents the reemergence of the Russian empire on the doorstep of Western Europe as a serious military threat. I have compassion for the Ukrainian people just as I do for the Burmese. But the outcome in Myanmar is not a critical national interest. The outcome in Ukraine absolutely is. My nightmare scenario is a victorious, emboldened Russia allied to a newly aggressive China. That was clearly China's intent in 2022, and only Ukraine's resistance has thwarted that objective. Certainly nothing that has emerged from the mouth of Donald Trump or Joe Biden.

Finally, Americans may or may want to "be emperors." but they are citizens of the largest commercial empire in the history of the planet. We haven't had the choice to be "simply be left alone" since we declared war on the largest naval power in world in 1812 for limiting our ocean commerce. That we can is absolute fantasy.

That is a responsibility that does indeed rest heavily on the American people's shoulders. But that empire is something that neither they nor Donald Trump nor you and I can now walk away from. Every aspect of this nation's prosperity is directly tied to the stability of that mercantile construct. So too is that of our allies.
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When the corporate wants government to deregulate them expect their customers to pay more and more and more. Learned that lesson when the oil companies were deregulated and gas prices went from 35 cents a gallon to 50 cents a gallon and not long after that over a dollar per gallon....the Carter gas shortage.
"Hell, I was there"- Elmer Keith And, unfortunately so was I. LOL During the 1973 Arab oil embargo, gas jumped from 26-40 cents/gal. then 40 to 60 cents for gas overnight when I was a senior in high school. They were going to cancel the annual Senior Scavenger Hunt, where you drive around the County with the provided map looking for clues then to the next clue, etc. Then in '79 gas jumped from 60-1.00 virtually overnight. BAD recession shortly followed. If those "nickel and dime" increases don't look like much with today's prices, check out the online US Inflation Calculator which will change your mind.

I am a registered Republican. I voted for Trump twice. That won't happen a third time, if it comes to that.

You said "They will just stay home, not vote" if it's Haley. That perfectly states my plan of action if it's Trump.

I find Haley very electable. It's a shame I likely won't get a chance to cast my vote to support that.
As I recall, when Russia acceded to the reunification of Germany, guarantees were made that NATO would have no further eastward expansion. Subsequently, it was expanded through Eastern Europe and the Baltics to the Russian border. Good for those countries. They came under the umbrella. And Russia tolerated this, until Ukraine.

Ukraine was a step too far. Because NATO there was an existential threat for Russia. We knew that, of course, and we picked the fight.

Further, you will notice that Russia doesn’t often buy into the leftist/new world order ideologies. I’ve said before - I’m not so sure we are always the good guys anymore. We need to have a country like that under our thumb, don’t we? Gotta get them flying that rainbow flag and allowing uncontrolled immigration and so forth, right? They need to adopt those liberal western values, no? After all, we are the absolute bastion of Christian propriety.

Why was it ever in our strategic interest to guarantee Ukraine’s security? To keep Russia from invading Maine? Because the Black Sea is an important trade route? What is the American interest?

Ukraine miscalculated. They should have aimed for economic integration with Europe - not security or military alliance.

The resurgence of the Russian Empire?!?!?! Are you kidding me??? Given their (lack of) success in Ukraine, that seems beyond paranoid. As I recall, their demographics are horrible. The conflict has laid bare the ineffectiveness of their conventional forces. As I said, they have been a fading threat for decades.

But this is all very neocon - everything, everywhere, is a threat. We must control the globe. If all else fails, bomb the heck out of them. When your only tool is a hammer, every problem is a nail.

Our strategic mistake was making Russia a resource for China, which comprises a far greater threat than Russia owning the (Russian-speaking) fringes of a backwater, corrupt country, that hasn’t really even existed as a sovereign nation for centuries, until so constructed by Russia itself.

Thanks for the conversation, Red Leg. It is always good to see from other’s viewpoint. That is enough geopolitics for me, for a while. I’m out.
... If those "nickel and dime" increases don't look like much with today's prices, check out the online US Inflation Calculator which will change your mind.
I do not have an issue with inflation (within reason, not Argentina type) as long as investments and earnings exceed inflation rate. Long term real estate and stock investments have exceeded inflation by quite a margin.

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schwerpunkt88 wrote on Robmill70's profile.
Morning Rob, Any feeling for how the 300 H&H shoots? How's the barrel condition?
mrpoindexter wrote on Charlm's profile.
Hello. I see you hunted with Sampie recently. If you don't mind me asking, where did you hunt with him? Zim or SA? And was it with a bow? What did you hunt?

I am possibly going to book with him soon.
Currently doing a load development on a .404 Jeffrey... it's always surprising to load .423 caliber bullets into a .404 caliber rifle. But we love it when we get 400 Gr North Fork SS bullets to 2300 FPS, those should hammer down on buffalo. Next up are the Cutting Edge solids and then Raptors... load 200 rounds of ammo for the customer and on to the next gun!