AH ambassador
I agree for the most part with your assessment. However, unless Congress has the votes to pass a veto proof bill (not anytime soon), whomever is POTUS can veto whatever he/she dislikes. I would argue that Brandon has done more damage to our economy, foreign policy, energy security, out of control border, radical environmental rules/regulations, etc,, etc., through his unelected agencies WITHOUT Congress voting on anything! I don't see a veto proof Congress for either party again in my lifetime, so POTUS wins.There is way too much concern as to who is elected as President of The United States of America!!
For the US to even start to correct its current economic, illegal immigration, national debt, etc, etc, problems and course of becoming a perverbial second or third world nation.
With the current "Swamp", "RINO", and "INO" politicians in both houses; Republicans need to get out and vote to take and maintain control of both the House of Representatives and the Senate!!
Regardless which party is elected into the Figure Head to the White House, It is the party that controls both houses of congress that controls The United States of America!!
Without the support of both houses of congress the president can do very little. We have recently experienced this first hand with Pelosi & Schumer vs Trump, Obama, and more so for those of us that can remember, Nixon's Presidency.
Had the Republican Party not have taken the majority in the House of Representatives, and I do use these words very loosely; keeping in check, the democratic controlled Senate, the US would be a 100x, a 1000x worse off than it is now.
All US citizens that have the legal right to vote and refuse to vote:
1. Have zero grounds to complain about the way government is abusing, wasting, deteriorating this country!!
2. Have to be some sort of brain dead not to understand elections Are Not about whether you like or don't like their choices. With our two party choice: Elections have always been and will always be about voting into Office The Lesser of Two Evils!! for the betterment of this nation!.