
Once every four years a candidate comes along, but probably only once in a lifetime a true leader comes along. In the meantime you do your best.
This quote has been attributed to a number of people to include Winston Churchill. If he didn't actually say it, he should have.

“If you’re not a liberal when you’re 25, you have no heart. If you’re not a conservative by the time you’re 35, you have no brain.”
Fantastic saying!
I love the insight provided by these clips from the Russian talk shows. Remember that they are state-sponsored and represent approved messaging from the Kremlin. First of all the Schadenfreude is so perfectly Russian - there is darkness and evil everywhere all of which is determined to destroy Russia. Then the abrupt swing to messaging about the West's jealousy over their economy (the largest in Europe will come as some surprise to Germany, Great Britain, and France let alone the EU as a whole). their army is the best in the world, their quality of life is superior, Moscow is the most modern city on the planet, and the West is jealous of their highways and infrastructure. :unsure:

In trying to understand this somewhat bi-polar worldview, one has to remember these shows are aimed at the Russian populace in general. The families sending their husbands, sons, and fathers to die or be maimed in Ukraine are not from among the elite. Indeed, proportionately relatively few come from the greater Moscow region at all. The majority of the target audience will have likely never traveled abroad - many will have never been to Moscow or St. Petersburg.

In that population's mind Putin and his propagandists need to completely erase the idea that Russia invaded Ukraine. At worst their sons are fighting a preemptive war against NATO whose forces are poised to invade the Motherland. They are replicating the heroism of their grandfathers halting the Wehrmacht in Stalingrad. It will be interesting to see how long they can maintain this narrative. Lots of Russians are being killed and badly wounded in Ukraine. That reality, totally suppressed by the Kremlin, is becoming more real each day even in the Hinterlands of Russia. It is a counter narrative standing in dramatic contrast to the propaganda on the evening news and talk shows.

Yes, this is how they stay in power. They take every opportunity to convince their people that the West wants their territory. It’s insanity but it keeps the people from rising up, so far.

The Russian hunter in the Tanzanian camp before me was telling the PH how great their economy is doing and that businesses were concentrating on doing business inside Russia now instead of internationally.

However, let’s not forget that the mean income in all of Russia is about $1000 per year. Good luck with that plan. Unfortunately, China and to a lesser extent, India, are keeping the Russian economy from completely collapsing.
I think they are targeting the uninformed, not us enlightened AH members!
On the contrary, there are several AH members, and lots of other members of our Republican Party, that have been convinced of things against our national interests by Russian propaganda and isolationist views. We have to walk and chew gum at the same time - meaning fix things in the USA, while at the same time, protecting our national interests abroad. Like it or not, we live in a global world, not just our own country. It would be grand to just have to worry about and work on our own country and economy but that is naive. @Red Leg has laid out our national interests in Europe succinctly.
Stupidity and naivety seem to be a bit genetic. Both of my kids graduated from college and they are quite critical in their thinking. Lots of younger people I meet are the same. Entitled, naïve parents seem to beget entitled, naïve kids
It is amazing to watch folks continue to attempt to understand the views expressed by those afflicted with Trump Derangement Syndrome (TDS). Such attempts are as futile as spending logical capital on the mentally illogical. It is called "derangement" for a reason.

The news is replete, if not dominated, with examples even a grade schooler can understand. The logic is so upside down it cannot be made up! I, from experience, absolutely know that all local governments attempt to maximize property valuations so as to maximize tax revenues. Only those with TDS or who are so blinded by TDS they support, by default or silence, the obvious problem with James' indictment of Trump for over-valuing his property along with the summary judgement without hearing or trial by the presiding wing-nut libtard judge Engoron. I only wish my local taxing authority would under-value my property! A basic truism of life is... don't get between a bureaucrat or politician and any money not their own! Except of course a bureaucrat or politician like the NY AG James with TDS where the end justifies the means to create a violation of law, out of thin air, claiming a property transaction involving an over-valuation between lender and "lendee" or seller and buyer where neither have claimed any damages! Only those with TDS can claim this case has any sane legal merit. Yet here we are with the James NY case. Forget trying to figure out those with TDS. Their irrational hatred is so deep as to render their logic illogical. It is truly a mental disorder. So, I gave up trying to communicate in any meaningful way long ago with those so afflicted. No use- the hatred is too deep, blinding and stupefying.

Equally obvious is the double standard of justice currently the norm in this country where operational control of a weaponized justice system is emanating from the highest levels of government. Again, no use trying to explain it as it should be obvious to all except those afflicted with TDS, therefore not worth any more of my effort or time on it.

I also quit using the thought process and phrase, "follow the money", when describing behavior of bureaucrats, politicians, lobbyists and deep state swamp dwellers. A more educational and meaningful phrase would be, "first, follow the path to power and control" for explaining much of the DC Swamp and Deep State mentality. I also 100% agree with what Representative Burchett of Tennessee says about the DC Swamp... it would be more correct to call it an "open sewer".
Stupidity and naivety seem to be a bit genetic. Both of my kids graduated from college and they are quite critical in their thinking. Lots of younger people I meet are the same. Entitled, naïve parents seem to beget entitled, naïve kids

It is amazing to watch folks continue to attempt to understand the views expressed by those afflicted with Trump Derangement Syndrome (TDS). Such attempts are as futile as spending logical capital on the mentally illogical. It is called "derangement" for a reason.

The news is replete, if not dominated, with examples even a grade schooler can understand. The logic is so upside down it cannot be made up! I, from experience, absolutely know that all local governments attempt to maximize property valuations so as to maximize tax revenues. Only those with TDS or who are so blinded by TDS they support, by default or silence, the obvious problem with James' indictment of Trump for over-valuing his property along with the summary judgement without hearing or trial by the presiding wing-nut libtard judge Engoron. I only wish my local taxing authority would under-value my property! A basic truism of life is... don't get between a bureaucrat or politician and any money not their own! Except of course a bureaucrat or politician like the NY AG James with TDS where the end justifies the means to create a violation of law, out of thin air, claiming a property transaction involving an over-valuation between lender and "lendee" or seller and buyer where neither have claimed any damages! Only those with TDS can claim this case has any sane legal merit. Yet here we are with the James NY case. Forget trying to figure out those with TDS. Their irrational hatred is so deep as to render their logic illogical. It is truly a mental disorder. So, I gave up trying to communicate in any meaningful way long ago with those so afflicted. No use- the hatred is too deep, blinding and stupefying.

Equally obvious is the double standard of justice currently the norm in this country where operational control of a weaponized justice system is emanating from the highest levels of government. Again, no use trying to explain it as it should be obvious to all except those afflicted with TDS, therefore not worth any more of my effort or time on it.

I also quit using the thought process and phrase, "follow the money", when describing behavior of bureaucrats, politicians, lobbyists and deep state swamp dwellers. A more educational and meaningful phrase would be, "first, follow the path to power and control" for explaining much of the DC Swamp and Deep State mentality. I also 100% agree with what Representative Burchett of Tennessee says about the DC Swamp... it would be more correct to call it an "open sewer".
As I have always said, "DC politicians are just stinking sewer sludge."
Now you finally understand how I feel about Trump!!!!!!:cool:
Okay educate me here. First, I'll ramble. You have much more military experience and history than I do but I do not understand this negative you seem to have about Trump. I cringed at many of the social media comments Trump made and was really turned off about his comment regarding McCain....I believed McCain was a war hero and I will not comment on some of his voting. I don't blindly follow any politician but I believe Trump loves this country....which I question few politicians do anymore.

Napoleon said, "No man leads another without showing him a future..a leader is a merchant of hope" Reagan brought us that hope and so did Trump at a time when this country needed it. I'm 72 and didn't understand the depth of the "Deep State" and its bureaucracy....I still cannot believe the lengths the government has gone in not only pursuing Trump but others associated with the Jan 6th "insurrection". Looks to me like one unarmed woman was murdered that day by a Capitol PoIice officer who you would think was the "cream of the crop" in terms of knowledge and experience in escalation of force. I try to take the personalities out and just look at what Trump did. I always admired Teddy Roosevelt and still have his "Dare Greatly" quote on my wall. Teddy Roosevelt and his big stick...I agree with Teddy that strength will help prevent a fight.....be it personal or a country. Perhaps I'm naive nut I think Trump's personality could possibly have prevented this whole Ukraine mess and the slaughter of so many. Same possible with Hamas and the Jewish persecution along with the collateral damage of Palestine children and other innocents. And I try to be objective about someone I believe in but what did Trump do to fan the flames of that day?

My political priorities are National Security, Local Security, and Economics. Little to no vetting at the border (Really after 911?...are we really that stupid?).....unquestionable breakdown of law and order across this country.....pursuit of cutting fossil fuels off at the knees and the known influence that would have on inflation. This isn't blithering stupidity...nor accidental in my opinion....whoever is pulling the strings know what they are doing to this country. I love my country....always have...always will and I despise what I see happening to it. But....we Americans get what we vote for so there it is.

Personally, I think it best if Trump did not run with the baggage but I don't know if Desantis or any of the others can be the "Mad Dog" we need in this fight. Trump has my vote if he is the nominee.....the good, bad, and the ugly side. Red Leg, what am I not seeing about Trump in terms of policy? I fear for our country because not enough of us are left that remember or appreciate the blood shed by men and women to keep our freedom. Probably happen long after I'm gone, but I don't see peaceful solutions coming for America to change course.....but then again, I'm just a peasant with a pitchfork, Sir!

Semper Fi
Always good to hear from a Marine. God bless you.

I look at anyone representing me as a potential hire - whether he or she is a candidate to be my operations officer or to run a program in my business unit or run my country. I am hiring someone to represent ME. With respect to the presidency, I am certainly not following someone.

I would not hire either Joe Biden or Donald Trump in any role that was critical and subordinate to anything for which I was responsible. Biden is mentally incapable and Trump is clearly mentally unstable. How we got here as a country with these choices is beyond my comprehension.

In Biden's case we have a pure figurehead who allows his subordinate ideologues to run amok. In Trump's case we have a singularly ignorant and self-indulgent creature incapable of putting his country ahead of himself. I am certain History will indeed record that he attempted to overthrow the election of 2020. Yes, I am aware and find reprehensible the ballot mail out, harvesting issues - whatever. But that narcissist called for that demonstration on January 6 in the hopes it would disrupt the certification of an election he lost. The cascade of guilty pleas from his enablers like Sydney Powell only support that assertion. I have issues with that.

So, we understand each other, I love my country as well. Probably as much as you do. I think I have proved it in ways that you and a few others on this site understand. I simply will not be part of enabling either of these two reprehensible choices in assuming the presidency.
Always good to hear from a Marine. God bless you.

I look at anyone representing me as a potential hire - whether he or she is a candidate to be my operations officer or to run a program in my business unit or run my country. I am hiring someone to represent ME. With respect to the presidency, I am certainly not following someone.

I would not hire either Joe Biden or Donald Trump in any role that was critical and subordinate to anything for which I was responsible. Biden is mentally incapable and Trump is clearly mentally unstable. How we got here as a country with these choices is beyond my comprehension.

In Biden's case we have a pure figurehead who allows his subordinate ideologues to run amok. In Trump's case we have a singularly ignorant and self-indulgent creature incapable of putting his country ahead of himself. I am certain History will indeed record that he attempted to overthrow the election of 2020. Yes, I am aware and find reprehensible the ballot mail out, harvesting issues - whatever. But that narcissist called for that demonstration on January 6 in the hopes it would disrupt the certification of an election he lost. The cascade of guilty pleas from his enablers like Sydney Powell only support that assertion. I have issues with that.

So, we understand each other, I love my country as well. Probably as much as you do. I think I have proved it in ways that you and a few others on this site understand. I simply will not be part of enabling either of these two reprehensible choices in assuming the presidency.
Well....we disagree on Trump but I respect your opinion and your service and love of country...we are bonded on those two. Thank you for your reponse.
Always good to hear from a Marine. God bless you.

I look at anyone representing me as a potential hire - whether he or she is a candidate to be my operations officer or to run a program in my business unit or run my country. I am hiring someone to represent ME. With respect to the presidency, I am certainly not following someone.

I would not hire either Joe Biden or Donald Trump in any role that was critical and subordinate to anything for which I was responsible. Biden is mentally incapable and Trump is clearly mentally unstable. How we got here as a country with these choices is beyond my comprehension.

In Biden's case we have a pure figurehead who allows his subordinate ideologues to run amok. In Trump's case we have a singularly ignorant and self-indulgent creature incapable of putting his country ahead of himself. I am certain History will indeed record that he attempted to overthrow the election of 2020. Yes, I am aware and find reprehensible the ballot mail out, harvesting issues - whatever. But that narcissist called for that demonstration on January 6 in the hopes it would disrupt the certification of an election he lost. The cascade of guilty pleas from his enablers like Sydney Powell only support that assertion. I have issues with that.

So, we understand each other, I love my country as well. Probably as much as you do. I think I have proved it in ways that you and a few others on this site understand. I simply will not be part of enabling either of these two reprehensible choices in assuming the presidency.
My utmost respect, Sir.
Biden is mentally incapable and Trump is clearly mentally unstable. How we got here as a country with these choices is beyond my comprehension.

I can’t legally vote in the US elections, hence I refrain from adding any comments to this thread.

However, Red Leg’s comment above reminded me of a scene from a movie that might explain some things. I’ll include it below if allowed by the moderators.

Unfortunately it works as well for most of the recent wars that grabs US population attention. What is concerning for me in the long run (as a non-US citizen) is the behind the scene work, scheming and advancements made by the WEF and their puppet WHO. (The recent signed world pandemic treaty rings a bell?)

USA as a proud nation is the main obstacle in the advancement of their agenda. Hence it needs to be destroyed from within. The template was already successfully implemented in Germany by Angela Merkel in 2015 with the “Welcome Culture” when they opened their borders to uncontrolled immigration.

The Germans will become minorities in their own country in a generation or two and the national unity will dissolve. Hence there will be no opposition to get assimilated in the new world order (or however you are comfortable calling it).

I’ll end my rant with one or two questions: 50 years before the Roman Empire crumbled, how many romans could predict that the greatest empire in the world is about to end? (History teaches us that no empire lasts forever). How about 30 or 20 years before?

Wishing everybody a Happy and prosperous New Year!

I am hiring someone to represent ME. With respect to the presidency, I am certainly not following someone.

I just wanted to highlight that part.

I also believe the quote "There is no instance of a nation benefitting from prolonged warfare" applies to fights within a nation.

A leader who traffics in his combativeness at all costs cannot represent a nation. The nation will not survive. The last decade has seen competing ideologies that thrive by demonizing opposing concepts. The woke attack on traditional structures and history, followed by the reaction back the other way. How does continuing this warfare get us somewhere constructive?
How would you handle North Korea? Let me tell ya how I would do it.
I would be friendly on the surface....shake hands, step into their Country, be all smiles.
But I would give them nothing. When they rattle their sabres and threaten I would not pacify them. Not appease them. No bag of cash.
But the dems did just the opposite....angry words, war games beside their borders, always threatening.
But then giving them piles of money when they displayed their newest missile. The dems gave North Korea 500,000 tons of heating oil every year for 20 years. That way, they could use more of their disposable income to make rockets and bombs. Insanity? Nope....not nearly as crazy as they would get. The dems even built two light water nuclear reactors in North Korea. (I know, insane, but Google it).
President Trump handled them EXACTLY right. Refer to Ppg 1. He even cancelled the war games and saved us $125 million bucks.
Ya, he says some wild things, inappropriate things. But unstable? Or is that the message Legacy Media wants you to believe? Remember when they said he made money from China, and it turned out to be Sniffer Joe? Even Jake Tapper had to say "Trump was right" Musta hurt to say that.
Everything Donald Trump accomplished, despite democrat persecution, road blocks, hoaxes and lies, should not be ignored. Just one example. There are plenty more. Make up your own mind. If you hate him still, that's your right. But investigate, think for yourself. ..............................FWB
How does continuing this warfare get us somewhere constructive?

It doesn’t, constructive isn’t in the plan.

Look up “Rules for Radicals” and Hillary Rodham Clinton and Barrack Hussain Obama’s affiliation. Of course they try to publicly distance themselves. But their actions betray their intentions.

The fire has been lit. All outside forces need to do is keep fueling it.

Look what we do to ourselves while Serious people plot while we focus on childish, petty concerns.

How in this upside down world are we more concerned with how a real estate billionaire made his money in the PRIVATE sector.
Than the fact that we borrow money to fund, you name the 1000 ridiculous wasteful program.

Yet, the current president has made on average $60K per year for forty years. And has 3 luxury homes. One on the very expensive shoreline. Simply amazing.

I’ve said it here before. remember the good old days when we laughed at how corrupt Nigeria, Russia and Ukraine were.

Also, this is the playbook they follow
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Currently doing a load development on a .404 Jeffrey... it's always surprising to load .423 caliber bullets into a .404 caliber rifle. But we love it when we get 400 Gr North Fork SS bullets to 2300 FPS, those should hammer down on buffalo. Next up are the Cutting Edge solids and then Raptors... load 200 rounds of ammo for the customer and on to the next gun!
To much to political shit, to little Africa :-)
Spending a few years hunting out west then back to Africa!
mebawana wrote on MB_GP42's profile.
Hello. If you haven't already sold this rifle then I will purchase. Please advise. Thank you.
jbirdwell wrote on uplander01's profile.
I doubt you are interested in any trades but I was getting ready to list a Sauer 404 3 barrel set in the 10-12 price range if your interested. It has the 404J, 30-06 and 6.5 Creedmoor barrel. Only the 30-06 had been shot and it has 7 rounds through it as I was working on breaking the barrel in. It also has both the synthetic thumbhole stock and somewhere between grade 3-5 non thumbhole stock

Jaye Birdwell