AH legend
Damn! Hit one of them and the other untouched right next to him.Another of these interesting clips from the battlefield. Two Russian soldiers have been tasked to drag a wounded comrade to safety ..................
Damn! Hit one of them and the other untouched right next to him.Another of these interesting clips from the battlefield. Two Russian soldiers have been tasked to drag a wounded comrade to safety ..................
No, the "Needless war" argument for the Ukraine war is tied only to facts. Keeping the emotion, rhetoric, chest pounding and references to forefathers out of the equation, the war is not helping anyone. Has it helped:
Ukraine? Nope, they're suffering, infrastructure devastated, young men killed by the tens of thousands.
Europe? Nope. Their energy supply diminished with the Nord Stream pipeline, and facing a cold winter.
Russia? Nope. They have lost many young men. Boys who didn't want to be there either. And lost much of their economic base.
USA? No. $26 billion in munitions alone! Money that could have been used in a thousand ways for infrastructure, education, health care, border. That in a country whose OMB admits that in 8 years the entire US tax base will only cover interest on the National debt plus entitlements and in 10 years Soc Security will be broke. (Ya, look it up.)
Who benefited? Zelenskyy.....he's Man of The Year for 2022. (Is he a good man? Probably.)
And those who are vested in the weapons industry in the US (eg Lockheed-Martin or Raytheon) Those are the only winners here. But at what a cost.
Those who have even wanted to DISCUSS the war, were attacked as "Russian Agents" and like Tulsi Gabbard, fired from the Democratic Party....,Tucker attacked. Russell kicked off of YT
But the World is complex now. Much too complex to continue with a narrative like "we good, They bad" That's what the major news media told us over and over again. We need to discuss both sides of every issue. Stop the censorship and the propaganda.
Stories like "Russia blew up the Nord Stream", We did. Stories like "Russia blew up the Kirsch Bridge (nope, Ukraine did, their defense minister said so in July 23) Stories like "Russia is shelling the Zaporizhia Nuclear Plant", Ukraine has admitted to drone attacks. This propaganda is designed to stir emotion and hate. Russia does the same.....or worse to their people.
Today, MSNBC and WaPo, finally admitted that a forever war in Ukraine is not sustainable. Dozens of opportunities for peace have been wasted, but as Richard Haas and Charles Kupchan (former dem war shills) announced, the next opportunity needs to be seized. Today Russell aired an interview with Ukraine's chief negotiator who told how The West had vetoed a peace plan early on.
If a forever war is in your best interests, or if after evaluating it on your own you truly believe it is a good thing, then beat your chest and pound the drums. If you're not sure, dig a little deeper.
Good hunting to all in the coming year...........................FWB
Like what's happening at the Southern border?How would you have us respond if a neighboring nation invades the US???
Like what's happening at the Southern border?
Pretty much all of my meat is plant based except the fish, shrimp and crabs. The venison, beef, poultry and pork all process plants and I process them into tasty meals !The whole world has gone full Fucktard.
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I sincerely appreciate the long response, but after reading it, I now truly have no idea what you mean by "needless war." Presumably, your definition must apply to all war. Apparently pacifism is the only response to any provocation - including an existential one? Certainly the Ukrainian people have suffered a great deal, and were the war to end tomorrow, it will affect them one way or another for the rest of their lives. But that is true of the citizens of all countries fighting a war to preserve their very existence as a nation state.No, the "Needless war" argument for the Ukraine war is tied only to facts. Keeping the emotion, rhetoric, chest pounding and references to forefathers out of the equation, the war is not helping anyone. Has it helped:
Ukraine? Nope, they're suffering, infrastructure devastated, young men killed by the tens of thousands.
Europe? Nope. Their energy supply diminished with the Nord Stream pipeline, and facing a cold winter.
Russia? Nope. They have lost many young men. Boys who didn't want to be there either. And lost much of their economic base.
USA? No. $26 billion in munitions alone! Money that could have been used in a thousand ways for infrastructure, education, health care, border. That in a country whose OMB admits that in 8 years the entire US tax base will only cover interest on the National debt plus entitlements and in 10 years Soc Security will be broke. (Ya, look it up.)
Who benefited? Zelenskyy.....he's Man of The Year for 2022. (Is he a good man? Probably.)
And those who are vested in the weapons industry in the US (eg Lockheed-Martin or Raytheon) Those are the only winners here. But at what a cost.
Those who have even wanted to DISCUSS the war, were attacked as "Russian Agents" and like Tulsi Gabbard, fired from the Democratic Party....,Tucker attacked. Russell kicked off of YT
But the World is complex now. Much too complex to continue with a narrative like "we good, They bad" That's what the major news media told us over and over again. We need to discuss both sides of every issue. Stop the censorship and the propaganda.
Stories like "Russia blew up the Nord Stream", We did. Stories like "Russia blew up the Kirsch Bridge (nope, Ukraine did, their defense minister said so in July 23) Stories like "Russia is shelling the Zaporizhia Nuclear Plant", Ukraine has admitted to drone attacks. This propaganda is designed to stir emotion and hate. Russia does the same.....or worse to their people.
Today, MSNBC and WaPo, finally admitted that a forever war in Ukraine is not sustainable. Dozens of opportunities for peace have been wasted, but as Richard Haas and Charles Kupchan (former dem war shills) announced, the next opportunity needs to be seized. Today Russell aired an interview with Ukraine's chief negotiator who told how The West had vetoed a peace plan early on.
If a forever war is in your best interests, or if after evaluating it on your own you truly believe it is a good thing, then beat your chest and pound the drums. If you're not sure, dig a little deeper.
Good hunting to all in the coming year...........................FWB
Saw that. Of course the UN can't actually order anything - not even a vegan lunch.The whole world has gone full Fucktard.
View attachment 571868
That I can follow. I do believe that this war could have been prevented. Our bumbling president and national security team instead practically green-lighted the Russian attack. I think they were taken aback by the extent of the invasion and Ukrainian determination to resist. Thanks to political division over the war in the West and particularly in the US, I think this war can only easily be stopped by the negotiated equivalent of a Russian victory. Until Putin is convinced the West will stay the course or his losses become unsustainable, he will attempt to achieve his strategic objectives. As I note above, I think that would be grave mistake and serious blow to our critical national interests.Your opinions differ from mine. I can accept that. Wars that are easily prevented or stopped are needless. My definition. Your may vary.............FWB
Your opinions differ from mine. I can accept that. Wars that are easily prevented or stopped are needless. My definition. Your may vary.............FWB
Some fish and crustaceans graze....just sayingPretty much all of my meat is plant based except the fish, shrimp and crabs. The venison, beef, poultry and pork all process plants and I process them into tasty meals !
Saw that. Of course the UN can't actually order anything - not even a vegan lunch.