I had not been receiving emails to indicate any replies to my posts here, for some reason or I would have replied sooner. I get the whole Ukraine argument believe it or not, just not totally in line with it, so shoot me.
My earlier profane screed was meant to be over the top of course to make a point. If that point escapes some, thats fine.
I only dispute the notion that not agreeing with monetary support for Ukraine, automatically means one is pro Russia or pro Russia war, or occupation: it does not.
I think of it to be more of a neutral stance on it, not to mention its over there and two non NATO countries are going at it.
I think its a lot more complicated than just Russia is evil and Ukraine is totally faultless in how we got here. It usually takes two to tango. I claim no inside knowledge and really dont want to wrangle about this anymore.
Nobody on this board has ANY influence in what is taking place there so all this fingers in the air postulation is really pointless and serves mostly to alienate us from each other over something we have no control over.
Another of my main points is Biden. Some seem to be willing to look away from all the damage done to America by Biden as long as the dollars keep flowing to Ukraine. This is a mindset I vehemently disagree with.
Biden needs to go, not later, not in 2024, not next year, or next week, he needs to go now. And as I said before, if the next guy who comes along says enuf of this Ukraine spending, I am OK with that BECAUSE Biden is gone and THAT is what I consider most important to America, everything else is secondary.
Is that America first? I suppose it is, and thats OK. As far as what happens down the road over there? I dont know and despite opinions to the contrary, nobody here knows what is down the road either. NOBODY here has a crystal ball or can see the future. There, I said it again and its indisputable. If anyone thinks they can see the future they are just kidding themselves, but not me.
Flame away if it suits you, thats my story and I am sticking to it. More reasons to get Joe Unassed out of the WH.