I think that the point is, even though we detest Joe Biden, we should not oppose everything he does just because he does it. In the case of Ukraine, Biden is doing the right thing, likely for all the wrong reasons, but still the right thing. Should we oppose support for Ukraine just because sleepy Joe supports it? I believe that we absolutely must support Ukraine. It is in our National self interest, we agreed to do so when they gave up their nukes, and it is morally the right thing to do.
OK so if its the moral and right thing to do, lets quit fucking around!
You guys think we should defend Ukraine, fine, defend them like we meant it, and not this half assed, drain our supplies and weaponry, proxy war we are engaged in that gets shit done!
Lets go whole hog and win this damn thing!
Lets send OUR guys over there to fight for and with them against the Bear, lets commit everything we have and put a stop to this invasion!
Right now we are just pissing against the wind, with half measures, and maybe we'll send jets over, well maybe not, NATO should step up, and more hand wringing!
Get serious, send OUR troops and put everything we have into this right now!
Its the moral thing to do!!
That way we wont have to say I shoveled shit in Lousiana!
I had hoped we would have a discussion about how supporting Russian interests is somehow in our national interests or how throwing the Ukrainian people under the bootheel of Russia after promising their security somehow would rid us of the "scum in the White House." So let us move on.
I do not perform mental gymnastics. I have no use or time for emotionalism with respect to policy or politics. My views with regard to national security are separate from any political movement or any president. Regardless to party or current demagogue, I am certain in my own mind where our national interests lie. That certitude is based upon a lot of years of practical experience. I may be wrong with respect to Ukraine, but it will take a more informed argument than saying Biden sucks. And I would again note, the majority of my party's representatives still agree with me.
They may indeed agree with you, you could all be very wrong too. How committed are you to this fracas?
Read my above.
You guys crack me up. You guys talk moral BS and call anyone that disagrees a Chamberlain, well how bad do you want us to fight for Ukraine? Enuf to get serious or just keep dicking the dog and hoping Putin will go away?
Reup Joe, go over there and put your ass on the line for Ukraine. Ha, good luck with that.