
Ban me from the internet, I don't care!

If you support the Democratic party in the United States right now you are either ignorant (uninformed and uneducated on the issues) or...just plain stupid!

This issue involves my own blood,. sweat and tears! I am and have been intimately involved with with the Archery in the Schools and Outdoor Skills (sporting clays are part of the program) programs at the rural school districts in the area where I live. These programs are incredibly valuable to most of the young Americans involved. Sure some of these kids are good at whatever they do, but many are not. These programs give a lot of kids who are not track stars and can't dunk a basketball a chance to shine. These programs teach skills, ethics and values a lot of these kids are not getting anywhere else. They literally have the ability to, and do change lives.

The Biden administration is full of morally bankrupt left wing extremist who don't care about whats best for the people of our country as a whole. A litany of unusual circumstances has basically put these extremist in charge (the elected president of the United States of America can barely remember his name) and it scares the ......... out of me.
Could I recommend

Free your Mind

By Lora Dodsworth and Patrick Fagan

It is a quite fascinating exploration of corporate, institutional and interest group manipulation
Could I recommend

Free your Mind

By Lora Dodsworth and Patrick Fagan

It is a quite fascinating exploration of corporate, institutional and interest group manipulation
Here is "Free your mind" on Amazon:

I am intrigueded since this seems like "Group Think" from George Orwell's novel 1984.
Eever since reading 1984 for 9th grade English class, I though it was a fictionalized version of the Soviet Union. Little did I know that Orwell was writing of things to come...

I downloaded this book to my phone as an Audible Book. Kind of like a 21st Century book on cassette tape. What will they think of next? c
Here is "Free your mind" on Amazon:

I am intrigueded since this seems like "Group Think" from George Orwell's novel 1984.
Eever since reading 1984 for 9th grade English class, I though it was a fictionalized version of the Soviet Union. Little did I know that Orwell was writing of things to come...

I downloaded this book to my phone as an Audible Book. Kind of like a 21st Century book on cassette tape. What will they think of next? c
It is not really new to those familiar with psyops

Even so

Worth a read

Toooooo many people, even here, think he’s some kind of super lawyer when in reality he’s pretty much a dud……. He’s proving daily that this is a political prosecution and persecution to keep trump from gaining the White House again. It’s painfully obvious.
Toooooo many people, even here, think he’s some kind of super lawyer when in reality he’s pretty much a dud……. He’s proving daily that this is a political prosecution and persecution to keep trump from gaining the White House again. It’s painfully obvious.

I suspect when these case are finally decided on appeal, in Trumps favor. Mr Smith is going to get his hand spanked again. Which will be the end of his career in the Justice Department as he did not learn his lesson after his first hand spanking.
I suspect when these case are finally decided on appeal, in Trumps favor. Mr Smith is going to get his hand spanked again. Which will be the end of his career in the Justice Department as he did not learn his lesson after his first hand spanking.

Which sadly wont matter much.. as some hard left leaning K Street firm will then pick him up, offering him a Sr. Partnership and a 7 figure compensation package as a result of all of the fanfare, publicity, and notoriety (not to mention his political connections)..

Fed bureaucrats rarely suffer any real consequences for their actions.. no matter how purposefully ill intentioned or willfully wrong (whether they are left or right leaning)..
My daughter has been on the school archery team and intends to this year, guess we will see how it all shakes out. Today is the first day of school here where we live in Georgia.
Looks like both parties were in a hurry to pass a law without the GOP actually reading the law for unintended consequences. Of course, DOE would go with the best interpretation of the law for their political agenda.

One thing a lot of people do not understand is that Congress passes laws that are pretty broad. Individual agencies implement the law via their rule making process. So, if the law can be interpreted per a particular political viewpoint, then it will be implemented as such.
Which sadly wont matter much.. as some hard left leaning K Street firm will then pick him up, offering him a Sr. Partnership and a 7 figure compensation package as a result of all of the fanfare, publicity, and notoriety (not to mention his political connections)..

Fed bureaucrats rarely suffer any real consequences for their actions.. no matter how purposefully ill intentioned or willfully wrong (whether they are left or right leaning)..
Only if some Appellate Judge does not punch his federal ticket.
I repeat…..their scheme is to pile on the indictments to ensure Trump is the Republican nominee. All polling indicates it’s working! I predict the next set of polls will show Trump with an insurmountable lead in the primary.

They are convinced that Biden will beat Trump in the general election. I think they’re probably right, but wouldn’t it be awesome if they’re wrong and Trump wins?! I’m no fan of Trump, and I won’t vote for him, but watching the libs heads explode would be entertaining!

How’s this for a conspiracy theory. Trump selects a compliant running-mate…wins….serves 3 years and 11 months…..resigns….and his compliant VP who’s now President pardons him for all past crimes!
I repeat…..their scheme is to pile on the indictments to ensure Trump is the Republican nominee. All polling indicates it’s working! I predict the next set of polls will show Trump with an insurmountable lead in the primary.

They are convinced that Biden will beat Trump in the general election. I think they’re probably right, but wouldn’t it be awesome if they’re wrong and Trump wins?! I’m no fan of Trump, and I won’t vote for him, but watching the libs heads explode would be entertaining!

How’s this for a conspiracy theory. Trump selects a compliant running-mate…wins….serves 3 years and 11 months…..resigns….and his compliant VP who’s now President pardons him for all past crimes!

I’m beginning to think you are right. These Dems may have read some game theory.
Mike Pence.....AKA....Judas Iscariot, is now claiming that Trump is not fit to serve. As if Judas has a snowball's chance in hell of winning in the primary.

Ironic, how Ive never heard Pence claim to the media that Biden is unfit to serve?

Tells you all you need to know
I frankly see Pence as one of the few people close to Trump whom he wasn't able to intimidate. Barr was another. He has no chance to be president, but thank God his loyalty to the constitution exceeded his loyalty to his delusional self-absorbed president.
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@Mac Baren, I live central to city of Cincinnati. I have work travel early this week but could hopefully meet later this week (with no schedule changes). What area of town are you working/staying in?
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