Ray B
AH legend
The parties are lining up their candidates and it is unclear who will be the nominees - but I know this Democrats are indistinguishable from 1917 Bolsheviks. As such I and several that I know will never vote for a Democrat.
Not enough left leaning independents have felt the wrath just yet of Brandon's failed economy policies. They will soon enough though and way before the 2024 election cycle.The dems have attempted to taint Trump with women and moderates since Day-1... They have also attempted to charge him with every crime imaginable since his election.. Has it worked?
Not exactly.. Trump actually received more votes across the board from women in 2020 than in 2016. The latino and black vote also turned out more for Trump in 2020.. Trump's support from black women, although miniscule in 2016, (4%) actually doubled in 2020 to 8%..
The left's strategy of "get Trump at all costs" seems to be backfiring. The latest NYC indictment has only increased his overall poll numbers from republicans, and he is already a martyr in the eyes of his base.. His martyrdom was established long before this latest indictment..
Trump fails with left-leaning independents whose numbers are estimated to grow by 2024. This is the demographic that the dems have had the most success in motivating in the 2022 midterms.. That's not a good statistic regardless of who the republican nominee turns out to be.
I understand those of you who are ready to move on from Trump, but I cannot comprehend the ideology of not voting for him should he once again become the republican nominee? What are you accomplishing by withholding your vote other than to ensure another 4 years of a death march into socialism?
She is done supporting her father because much of her social political views are left-leaning.. She does not agree with a great deal of the MAGA agenda.. Ivanka or her husband were no great compliments to Trump's administration, and they will be no great loss to conservative politics. Ivanka and her husband are far from what I consider to be conservative..
If she intended to distance herself from her father, why did she buy a home in Florida after the election? She still makes her living from the Trump name, so I doubt she will go too far..
Not enough left leaning independents have felt the wrath just yet of Brandon's failed economy policies. They will soon enough though and way before the 2024 election cycle.
Independents, and of course dems, rejected the failing economy and still voted emotionally on issues like climate change and abortion.
A case of more ego than intellect??
I think your general observation is absolutely correct, but rather than emotionalism, I define it as their "belief" systems. Whether the climate change mantra, omnipresent racism, transitory gender, or the blue mask dead enders, they believe these things in the way others (an ever shrinking minority) look at religion. Logic is irrelevant when it comes to faith - whether Jesus Christ, the rising oceans, or Gaia. Sadly these secular religions are rapidly replacing traditional faith and belief.For as much as I would hope and wish you are correct, that was not the trend in the midterms. By and large, independent voters ignored inflation and gas prices which were both at historical highs.. Republican strategists counted on these historical trends of voters casting their ballots with their wallets and pocketbooks, but that didn't happen. Independents, and of course dems, rejected the failing economy and still voted emotionally on issues like climate change and abortion.
Like I've said here over and over, this is the first time in generations that the majority of the electorate has defied the historical trends and the polls by voting against their own best interests.. This historical divisiveness between the left and right has dems and republicans respectively dug in like Alabama ticks, and the swing voters have voted ignorantly, emotionally, or both.. It's a shocking and terrifying trend for which there is no immediate or forseeable solution..
I think that you are absolutely correct in your conclusion. I am afraid we (all of us) are in for a really really bad time that may be generational.- I am afraid it will take catastrophic changes to shake any of those beliefs.
Well, your absolutely right about the independent voters voting emotionally on issues like abortion and climate change and disregarding record inflation and the huge increase in interest rates. I guess for the ones that actually work for now, their substantial wage increases over the last couple of years have allowed them to focus on "social issues" rather than massively rising food, gas and rent costs. Of course, many of them are included in the 5 million that don't work and aren't looking for a job. It only takes a few minutes each day to check their mailboxes for a Government check and the rest of the time they can protest and focus on all the ills of society that make them feel "uncomfortable". It IS a shocking trend!For as much as I would hope and wish you are correct, that was not the trend in the midterms. By and large, independent voters ignored inflation and gas prices which were both at historical highs.. Republican strategists counted on these historical trends of voters casting their ballots with their wallets and pocketbooks, but that didn't happen. Independents, and of course dems, rejected the failing economy and still voted emotionally on issues like climate change and abortion.
Like I've said here over and over, this is the first time in generations that the majority of the electorate has defied the historical trends and the polls by voting against their own best interests.. This historical divisiveness between the left and right has dems and republicans respectively dug in like Alabama ticks, and the swing voters have voted ignorantly, emotionally, or both.. It's a shocking and terrifying trend for which there is no immediate or forseeable solution..
For as much as I would hope and wish you are correct, that was not the trend in the midterms. By and large, independent voters ignored inflation and gas prices which were both at historical highs.. Republican strategists counted on these historical trends of voters casting their ballots with their wallets and pocketbooks, but that didn't happen. Independents, and of course dems, rejected the failing economy and still voted emotionally on issues like climate change and abortion.
Like I've said here over and over, this is the first time in generations that the majority of the electorate has defied the historical trends and the polls by voting against their own best interests.. This historical divisiveness between the left and right has dems and republicans respectively dug in like Alabama ticks, and the swing voters have voted ignorantly, emotionally, or both.. It's a shocking and terrifying trend for which there is no immediate or forseeable solution..
To be fair, I think emotional voting is the norm in American politics across the spectrum, unfortunately. It is not just independents and dems whose voting principles are built on emotional or social issues like abortion. There are several examples in this very thread of members stating that abortion and a candidate's views on the practice are "lines in the sand" when it comes to candidates/elections, and I suspect that and other social issues are gating items for many (most) conservative voters in the U.S.
Widespread voting on foundational economic issues (rather than social/emotional issues) will not be a thing until quality-of-life diminishes by a significant enough margin to demand the attention of voters.
I think your general observation is absolutely correct, but rather than emotionalism, I define it as their "belief" systems.
Gender issues won’t matter at all once people begin experiencing the inevitable crisis posed by the reordering of our economy.
You are so right! Gender issues, or so-called gender issues, mean very little even today. However, it’s amazing what the prospect of going hungry will do to one’s priorities!While I do agree that none of us are immune to having our point of view influenced by emotion at least to some extent, I am not entirely convinced that it is the norm across the spectrum.. I also wouldn't agree that all social issues decided by any significant portion of the electorate are emotion-based.. The tendency to apply logic and reason when making life altering decisions is one of the main tenets of conservatism, so I reject the idea that the majority voters who identify as conservative vote with the rest of the spectrum in general..
You can have a personal "line in the sand" on any issue, but that doesn't automatically dictate that line was drawn on emotion over logic and fact.. As an example, although it is a highly charged emotional issue for many, I oppose abortion beyond the first 6 weeks of conception simply because I regard it to be murder of an unborn human. My position is not based on my subjective opinion that newborns are cute and cuddly, but on the irrefutable fact of the fetus having a verifiable heartbeat at that stage of pregnancy.
Hmmm...? So how much worse do you estimate inflation or the failing economy needs to get to motivate the spectrum? The Gen Z idiots will live in their parents' basements and work at Starbucks indefinitely. Then they can live in their parents' houses when the parents eventually die off. With the exception of the hispanics, the majority of minorities who are already poor will continue to vote democrat as long as they continue to be convinced they they are victims in need of and entitled to a hand out.. The midterms demonstrated that the working class moderates and conservatives didn't have the voice or the numbers to affect that kind of change, and it was certainly not for the lack of outrage in that demographic.. So, how and when will this revelation of the broad spectrum of the electorate occur in your estimation?
Furthermore, there is an alternative and opposite outcome that also needs to be recognized. And, that is the more quality of life diminishes, the more the weakest and ill-informed become dependent on government for support. In my assessment, we are more likely to become a full-blown socialist welfare state, then to see a significant referendum from voters across the full spectrum willing to once again vote with their own well-being in mind.
There may be a better term for it, but when I refer to "emotion" as the motivation for someone's voting decision, it can certainly apply to any broader set of "beliefs" that are not based in logic and reason. I was simply generalizing that if someone did not make an informed decision based on logic, reason, and fact, then the basis for the decisions was an emotional one.
In any case, you are absolutely right in that getting these groups to shake those beliefs will be a monumental, if not impossible task.
Gender issues don't matter now to anyone with half a brain.. These nonsensical social issues are deliberately being created and exploited by this Administration to provide the much needed distractions for their failed policies. The problem is that for the most part, they seem to be working for them... MSM news is dominated by them.. The real issues are either being ignored or completely inverted by all of the social media platforms and legacy media (with the exception of Twitter).