
6-8 years ago now, (it all runs together as I geeze) a young man I know was mustering out of the army after serving in Iraq. He was thinking of re-upping, and was asked "would you be willing to fire upon US civilians?"
He said "Under no circumstances" and all talk of re-enlistment ended, he was processed out.
Make of that what you will.
A young man you know......

Reenlistment occurs at unit level. No soldier would be asked that specific question. What he would asked to do as part of the reenlistment ceremony is to "solemnly swear (or affirm)" that he "will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic"

"Foreign or domestic" Every American serviceman swears that oath.
I don't see much value in you responding to me either..
Your making your assertions based on the perspectives of those within the higher echelon leadership within the military.. I'm sure they would have a very different perspective than what I am referring to..

Contrary to you accusing me of being an echo chamber for the "far right" (LOL), I am making my assertions based on the actual accounts of several active military servicemen and younger veterans that are personally know to me. They have all offered a very different account of how not only "wokeness" but gender equity, political correctness, and the multitude of these other "kinder-gentler" BS ideologies have affected the standards for both physical and emotional fitness within the military in general.

Physical minimum standards for both men and women have been steadily lowered. Basic training techniques with specific regard to how instructors can speak to recruits have been drastically altered so they do not pose an undue or unnecessary stress upon the individual. Do you realize that they now have "stress cards" they can pull out at any time they feel emotionally challenged or singled out? God forbid we create scenarios that place our soldiers in stressful training situations... This is the kind of crap that I am talking about and it would be laughable if it weren't actually happening whether you choose to believe it or not.
I'm not coming from the left - au contraire. Among my long association with US forces including Korea and Asia, I have a lot of respect for the lower ranks, especially the Marines and Navy crews.
Included in my close association to the US Military, I'm sure the crew of the SubRon 14 tender the USS Proteus during the cold war appreciated my contribution in chasing Soviet Foxtrot subs out of the Holy Loch Scotland where she was anchored to service the nukes, there may be some ex crew on this forum. How about a long involvement in Operation Deep Freeze at McMurdo Antarctica? I ran some of the coms between the ice and Hawaii including the IGY.
I did spend some time in a Brit sub though but the ones in Pearl were much prettier with better steak and icecream.
I have no time for the current Joint Chiefs of Staff, nor the SOD or the admin behind them. Hope this clarifies things.
Just saw AG Merrick Garland with the Senate….thank God he was blocked from the SCOTUS vote. A true “Weenie”. Embarassment to the Legal Profession. Spineless POS.

One of the better decisions that the turtle has made.
Just saw AG Merrick Garland with the Senate….thank God he was blocked from the SCOTUS vote. A true “Weenie”. Embarassment to the Legal Profession. Spineless POS.

Saw excerpts of testimony to Hawley and Cruz. Garland was pathetic.
A young man you know......

Reenlistment occurs at unit level. No soldier would be asked that specific question. What he would asked to do as part of the reenlistment ceremony is to "solemnly swear (or affirm)" that he "will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic"

"Foreign or domestic" Every American serviceman swears that oath.
He told me the story. You are calling me a liar or calling him a liar. I refute both. But I will not state his name.
But you do you, you obviously know more than the rest of us.
He told me the story. You are calling me a liar or calling him a liar. I refute both. But I will not state his name.
But you do you, you obviously know more than the rest of us.
@Red Leg is immensely qualified on the topic at hand, the other side is hearsay.
He told me the story. You are calling me a liar or calling him a liar. I refute both. But I will not state his name.
But you do you, you obviously know more than the rest of us.
I did not call you anything. I simply know how how reenlistment ceremonies are conducted. What I did do was quote you what he and any other American soldier would be asked to swear or affirm. "All enemies, foreign or domestic." Perhaps someone explained the heavy significance of that oath.

It is worth remembering that it was the United States Army that defeated the Confederacy. Men like Longstreet and Lee were haunted by the knowledge of violating that oath for the remainder of their lives.

I am confident that the army will continue to defend the constitution "against all enemies, foreign or domestic."

And yes, I know a very great deal about the US Army. I genuinely regret that seems to upset people.
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In the profession of arms, the professionals must endure many hardships including hard training, separation from families, the horrors of war, and the never-ending peacetime social experiment that the military is. Those of us who reenlisted for more than one tour, mentored our juniors, provided good judgement and wisdom to our seniors, advanced in rank, and finally regarded our service as our home, we took the best care of our service that we could. The very best care, regardless of social change the Commander in Chief ordered.

Almost thirty years prior to me stepping onto the yellow footprints at Parris Island, President Truman signed Executive Order 9981: Desegregation of the Armed Forces (1948). I wonder what the public and 2.5 million former WWII servicemen thought of that? I bet there were many who were outraged with that social change ordered by the Commander in Chief of the US Armed Forces. But Commanders in Chief can do such things. Thirty years later I was introduced to the concept of Light Green Marines and Dark Green Marines. During my 21 years of service I learned to judge others by their character and actions, not by race, sex, age, or social status such as rich or poor, or officer or enlisted.

During my service we integrated women into combat. Us men found out that most did a great job! I’ve had trusted colleagues praise female pilots, and the ladies who manned the gun on MRAPs. The female gunners were very deadly! Personally, I am still a caveman who respects and protects females, but I have no problem working for one. I will however be the first to step between her and adversity. That’s just who I am.

There was also the “Don’t ask, don’t tell” policy concerning homosexuals in the service. That was hard to endure but as leaders we had to implement it the best we could. Come to find out there where damn fine Marines and other service personnel who had served alongside us in good times and bad who that we discovered were gay. Damn, it was hard to believe! I still close my eyes if two men kiss in a movie but otherwise I figure its none of my business. I just don't want it in my face...

Now our service men and women must endure a Commander in Chief who caters to the far left “anything goes” voters. Please do not think that those service people are not conservative. Some are and some aren’t, much the same as when I served. Then, like I suspect now, all soldiers, sailors, airmen, and Marines serve to protect the Constitution against all enemies, foreign and domestic. We take that very seriously!

As a Colonel, Jim Mattis sat next to me at the bar in the Twentynine Palms Officer’s club. “Well Captain, tell me what are your greatest challenges?” he asked. In his eyes I saw the cold-blooded killer which is much rarer than one might think. We conversed over a beer and then he moved on. Later, General Mattis wasn’t selected as the Marine Corps Commandant. No sir, that is a very political position and Mattis is a killer. Any Service Chief must not only ensure their service is ready for war in all aspects, they must play politics enough to keep the funding flowing. Lieutenant General Louis B. “Chesty” Puller likewise wasn’t selected for Commandant. Had he lived, nor would General George Patton had been the Army Chief of Staff. Just like maneuver warfare, a commander must know which battles to fight.

Maybe we should all try walking a mile in another’s shoes before we judge them? Criticizing those walking the Service Chief tightrope isn’t what’s needed. They didn’t quit when things got rough. I think most if not all are doing all they can to protect their service and this country. As citizens, we should help them fight the battle against insanity by writing our U.S. Representative and Senators. Be loud, often! While the President is and will always be the Commander in Chief, Congress controls all Government funding.
In the profession of arms, the professionals must endure many hardships including hard training, separation from families, the horrors of war, and the never-ending peacetime social experiment that the military is. Those of us who reenlisted for more than one tour, mentored our juniors, provided good judgement and wisdom to our seniors, advanced in rank, and finally regarded our service as our home, we took the best care of our service that we could. The very best care, regardless of social change the Commander in Chief ordered.

Almost thirty years prior to me stepping onto the yellow footprints at Parris Island, President Truman signed Executive Order 9981: Desegregation of the Armed Forces (1948). I wonder what the public and 2.5 million former WWII servicemen thought of that? I bet there were many who were outraged with that social change ordered by the Commander in Chief of the US Armed Forces. But Commanders in Chief can do such things. Thirty years later I was introduced to the concept of Light Green Marines and Dark Green Marines. During my 21 years of service I learned to judge others by their character and actions, not by race, sex, age, or social status such as rich or poor, or officer or enlisted.

During my service we integrated women into combat. Us men found out that most did a great job! I’ve had trusted colleagues praise female pilots, and the ladies who manned the gun on MRAPs. The female gunners were very deadly! Personally, I am still a caveman who respects and protects females, but I have no problem working for one. I will however be the first to step between her and adversity. That’s just who I am.

There was also the “Don’t ask, don’t tell” policy concerning homosexuals in the service. That was hard to endure but as leaders we had to implement it the best we could. Come to find out there where damn fine Marines and other service personnel who had served alongside us in good times and bad who that we discovered were gay. Damn, it was hard to believe! I still close my eyes if two men kiss in a movie but otherwise I figure its none of my business. I just don't want it in my face...

Now our service men and women must endure a Commander in Chief who caters to the far left “anything goes” voters. Please do not think that those service people are not conservative. Some are and some aren’t, much the same as when I served. Then, like I suspect now, all soldiers, sailors, airmen, and Marines serve to protect the Constitution against all enemies, foreign and domestic. We take that very seriously!

As a Colonel, Jim Mattis sat next to me at the bar in the Twentynine Palms Officer’s club. “Well Captain, tell me what are your greatest challenges?” he asked. In his eyes I saw the cold-blooded killer which is much rarer than one might think. We conversed over a beer and then he moved on. Later, General Mattis wasn’t selected as the Marine Corps Commandant. No sir, that is a very political position and Mattis is a killer. Any Service Chief must not only ensure their service is ready for war in all aspects, they must play politics enough to keep the funding flowing. Lieutenant General Louis B. “Chesty” Puller likewise wasn’t selected for Commandant. Had he lived, nor would General George Patton had been the Army Chief of Staff. Just like maneuver warfare, a commander must know which battles to fight.

Maybe we should all try walking a mile in another’s shoes before we judge them? Criticizing those walking the Service Chief tightrope isn’t what’s needed. They didn’t quit when things got rough. I think most if not all are doing all they can to protect their service and this country. As citizens, we should help them fight the battle against insanity by writing our U.S. Representative and Senators. Be loud, often! While the President is and will always be the Commander in Chief, Congress controls all Government funding.
Not surprisingly a Marine and soldier's experiences and observations are very, very similar.

One of the real challenges of command comes with receipt of a distasteful order. Illegal ones are easy. You tell the issuer to go to hell. But distasteful legal orders leave only the choice of resignation or obeying the order while doing everything in ones power, with zero recognition, to try and protect the institution. The former is a one day press event of zero meaningful consequence. The latter course of action is a daily trial, but with far reaching consequences. I frankly think our senior military leadership does a fairly remarkable job walking that tightrope.
I did not call you anything. I simply know how how reenlistment ceremonies are conducted. What I did do was quote you what he and any other American soldier would be asked to swear or affirm. "All enemies, foreign or domestic." Perhaps someone explained the heavy significance of that oath.

It is worth remembering that it was the United States Army that defeated the Confederacy. Men like Longstreet and Lee were haunted by the knowledge of violating that oath for the remainder of their lives.

I am confident that the army will continue to defend the constitution "against all enemies, foreign or domestic."

And yes, I know a very great deal about the US Army. I genuinely regret that seems to upset people.
This was not at a ceremony, it obviated the need for a ceremony.
No wonder I hardly ever look in here.
The US armed forces have been purged of any conservatives. In their place are the woke, the weak and the wankers
This is so patently absurd as to almost not merit response. Almost.
How many soldiers, sailors, airmen and marines are currently serving in the U.S. armed forces? And this sizable group of men and women has been purged of conservatives and replaced with woke, weak wankers? You must realize just how incredibly laughable this statement is, right? And just who accomplished this amazing feat? And were any UFO’s involved?
I can only hope and assume that the poster who made the comment to which you are replying was referring to the current US military brass appointed by this Administration and not the rank & file soldiers.
Dave you may be correct, but I have assumed Ce is intelligent and articulate enough to say what he means, with no need to make an assumption that he meant something other than what he specifically stated. Not only was the statement obviously and provably false, it is disrespectful to the US armed forces which I admit got in my craw a bit.
Dream on. I've been close around the US military to know the difference. Tell me about the political leanings of the current Chiefs of Staffs?
I guess its appropriate to ask the question, when you criticize the US military as being woke, weak wankers, are you referring to the Joint Chiefs of Staff and officers appointed by a particular politician/party or are you referring to the US military generally and collectively?

On a broader note, one of the things I/we keep hearing are these generalizations which lump large groups of people into a particular “bucket” based upon a small number of prominent, high visibility individuals and possibly their controversial comments or behaviors and in some cases political views. Are ALL Lt. Cols. “Vindman’s” or “MacGregors”? I am confident that the officer corps of our military very closely mirrors the integrity and honor of our junior officers and enlisted ranks. That is obviously where they came from. Just like anywhere else, there will be some sub-standard individuals that rise to prominence and embarrass the hell out of the other 90% who serve with honor and distinction.
Any time I see broad generalizations of condemnation I know it is bullshit. Except when applied to politicians! :ROFLMAO: Then we know it’s true.
Seriously though, how many times have you heard the phrase “well, everybody says”. How about as a boss in the workplace? I’ve heard it so much and I always start asking, “ok, who is everybody?” And then the backpedaling starts. It’s not everybody, it’s one dude and the rest are getting painted with the same color brush by someone with an opinion and an agenda.
Same thing when we see some whack job extremist, political hack with an axe to grind or political aspirations and pretty soon we’ve got the keyboard warriors in a frenzy. No, I’m not referring to anyone here, but just look around at a number of websites/forums and some of the views are extreme. The vocal super-minority who shout the loudest and most frequently.
Condemn the crooks, hacks and dipshits for sure, but generalizing about an entire group and becoming convinced the sky is falling and the military is crumbling seems a bit extreme. Our politicians? Yes, most are politicians for a reason and the reasons may be less than admirable and self serving. Leftism, wokeism, I detest it anywhere, anywho. I view myself as pretty far right in my views and I share the same deep concerns about where our country is headed. Government, schools, universities, city councils, school boards, absolutely! Yes, it concerns me in the military too, and we should fight against it everywhere. But our concerns and emotions MUST be tempered with critical thinking skills and an objective, analytical point of view. Always ask ourselves where we think our position may lie on the graph of extremes at both ends. And be realistic. The extremes are rarely the rational place to be. Its like gambling on the low-odds bets and expecting to win every time. Once in a great while your number may come up, but… The outer margin at either end seems like a pretty extreme place to live and might represent a time for introspection and analysis.
I do not think I have commented on this thread to date and generally avoid all Military related posts. I recently retired from the Army after 25 years of service. I served in the same unit as another member of this forum and was engaged the entirety of the Global War on Terror. Start to finish. The Army today is not worse than the Army I joined. A good majority of the soldiers are in better physical condition and smarter than their predecessors. I can also say when I joined no one had 1/10th of the combat experience our senior leaders have now. The Army is different but so is society. The Army has to evolve and should. The integration of technology and new ideas into our techniques, tactics, and procedures is vital to our success on the battlefield. I do not believe the Russian army has evolved much over the last few decades and they are not faring so well right now. I can guarantee you the sky is not falling and the services are just as proficient and lethal as they have ever been.
Based on my experience, and my experience only, this is what I have seen. I do believe that our leaders (politicians) are trying to turn the military woke and using this as a political gain. Here are some examples.

Pronouns such as he/him, she/her, or they/them are now authorized but not required. An example is: JOHN DOE, Capt, USAF (he/him/his). Really? Why?

Air Force Lt. Col. Bree Fram is the highest-ranking openly transgender officer in the U.S. military, and the Air Force celebrated and made a big deal about it. Why? To make him feel better. What's the agenda behind this?

US Air Force celebrates "Transgender day of visibility". WTF, why does the AF have to do this? Well, let's also celebrate the "Machismo Day of visibility", or whatever else we want to come up with.

No cursing and "time out card" in basic training. The TI has to ask his recruits if it's ok to curse. The time out card is for your time alone if you are too stressed. How do I know, my son and stepson showed them to me. WTF, really?

We have a brand-new building we are about to move in. This new building has a quiet room, with soft music, and recliners. A place you could run to if the day is stressing you out. :oops: :mad:

Truthfully, I don't give two sh*ts what sexual orientation you are, and whether you live with a goat, or a donkey. It's none of my business. What you do behind your closed doors is your business and your business only, I don't care, and I don't want to know. What I do care about is can I count on you when the sh*t hits the fan and bullets are flying over our head. That's all I care. Oh, and before someone calls me insensitive, or homophobe, I have two gay brothers. I respect them as human being, and they know where I stand on their lifestyle. I respect them, and they respect me. They both know I don't care, and I don't have to accept their lifestyle. That is my right as a citizen. I also don't want to know what they do behind closed doors. Why does our government have to make a big deal out of everything. I know, I know, they are doing it for the votes.

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Oh, and there are rumors of lowering the standards to get into the military. The military did not meet their recruitment goals due to the piss poor shape most 18–21-year-old kids are in.
Just saw AG Merrick Garland with the Senate….thank God he was blocked from the SCOTUS vote. A true “Weenie”. Embarassment to the Legal Profession. Spineless POS.
I watched him being grilled regarding his failure to prosecute any of the protesters at the 6 SC justices homes, which is a clear violation of the law. His response was that it was up to the Marshals whether to arrest or not. He was repeatedly corrected that they weren’t asking about arrests, but prosecution. With all of the film taken at the scenes he could have ordered investigators to find as many as possible and have them charged by his DOJ. He did not of course. This is exactly what was done with the Jan 6 mob.

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schwerpunkt88 wrote on Robmill70's profile.
Morning Rob, Any feeling for how the 300 H&H shoots? How's the barrel condition?
mrpoindexter wrote on Charlm's profile.
Hello. I see you hunted with Sampie recently. If you don't mind me asking, where did you hunt with him? Zim or SA? And was it with a bow? What did you hunt?

I am possibly going to book with him soon.
Currently doing a load development on a .404 Jeffrey... it's always surprising to load .423 caliber bullets into a .404 caliber rifle. But we love it when we get 400 Gr North Fork SS bullets to 2300 FPS, those should hammer down on buffalo. Next up are the Cutting Edge solids and then Raptors... load 200 rounds of ammo for the customer and on to the next gun!